I am most pleased to make your acquaintance *bows respectfully*

Ok, so I'm not that serious but that is what comes naturally from years of role playing Victorian vampires with personality disorders and overly polite, shape shifting, serial killers which has been my realm for the past…*counts on fingers, muttering about high school and what year it was when the cat ran away* Well something like 7 to 8 years on a single site, with characters who still survive to this day. Though I love them and my fellow role-players there, looking to branch out from the same group of people and meet new and interesting ones. Hopefully make characters here who come to mean just as much to me. *waves hello awkwardly*
wow 7 years!

welcome to RPN, call me Bettsy.

everyone here is really helpful, but for more advanced questions, please ask GgAce or one of the mods :)

if you want something with a rich story and history i'd reccomend the Ww roleplay, that has been going strong for several years starting from the previous website "Ggwow" (that site no longer exists unfortunately)
Yeah. Started out with quite a few members and its settled down to about three of us in the past five years with some 9 to 10 characters each, all in the same general story line, but on separate stories within it. xD Jeez I sound scary. lol. But still one of the best past times I've ever found.

I'll have to take a look at that one. Thanks for the push in the right direction. :)
gee bettsy :8D:

Anyways. It's nice to make your acquaintance too! I'm one of those mods that you ask the complicated questions to.

I'D like to recommend another rp called Metropolis! Just give it a look through as well C:
I'm not going to recommend any RPs, but just wanted to greet you and hope you find this a fun place to hang out, aswell as rp, in.

Don't be afraid to invite your victorian vampire-mates over too. :D
I'm not here to greet you, I'm here to point out to Bettsy that GgWow was a private server for World of Warcraft, and GgNaruto, later turned GgRoleplay was the site's origination roots.

(Ok, I lied. I'm here to greet you, but I'm not really good at saying "hi" to people, so I'll just leave it at that...)
Welcome to RPNation MrPcoketFox,

I hope your stay here is enjoyable, and that you may be pleased with what we have to offer :)
Welcome to the RpNation!!!!

Don't be afraid to voice any questions or concerns you may have!

Your new friend

Heh, everyone has such an interesting way of greeting this young one.(?)


Welcome to RpNation, hope you'll enjoy what you find.

If you think somethings missing go ahead and make a suggestion thread for it to get some attention. I'm sure people would enjoy another RP ^^

Well either way, hope to see you around~


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