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  1. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    DBs are okay, but my players really want to do Solars, so Solars it is.
  2. st_gulik

    The Incarnia, Spirits, and Tombs, Oh MY!

    Ahah!  THis is what I was looking for!  Thank you! Hehe...the image of a passle of little gods sitting outside a Home Depot waiting for an exalted to pick them up is hilarious!  =) I am thinking of starting the party in search for their pasts and finding a manse complex where a spirit is...
  3. st_gulik

    Pimping up some tired cliches...

    The Higher The Hair, The Closer To God (Cloud Rule) Vadinay stroud into the tavern proudly, his golden and flame colored hair spikes reaching almost to the ceiling, he in fact, had to lean forward when walking through the doorway so as to not crush his impressive 'do'. He glanced around the...
  4. st_gulik

    What region do you base your games in (and why)?

    My first game started in the north east, then travelled all around creation, literally. The Zenith was trying to get sorcery so he travelled to each pole (with party in tow) to recover artifacts, etc.. It was a lot of fun. My new game I'm thinking of basing in the Southeast near An-Teng...
  5. st_gulik

    The Incarnia, Spirits, and Tombs, Oh MY!

    I also need to remember not to delete all those end quotes.  =P Oh, so there are spirits being created all the time right?  Everytime a house get's built, one is created and everytime a tree gets cut down to build the house, one dies right? Okay, so would spirits be created when a manse...
  6. st_gulik

    The Incarnia, Spirits, and Tombs, Oh MY!

    Yeah, I need to figure that out.  I think so too, but I am not terribly keen on that idea of the Spirit running the manses....
  7. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    in regards to the accomidating the players I generally prefer to run games that are living, in the sense that the Game Dead Rising, or the Bladerunner game for the PC (years ago) were living games. Things are happening and going on in the world they're playing in and occassionally they get...
  8. st_gulik

    The Incarnia, Spirits, and Tombs, Oh MY!

    Greetings again! I have been fleshing out my campaign for my players and I have several questions that I've never successfully answered to my satisfaction or I've forgotten the answer to that I'd like answered or given at least an idea of. 1.)  What the Hell are the Incarnia doing?  Is the...
  9. st_gulik

    Bringing Down the Reign of the Dragon-Blooded

    You could always have the party of Solars captured by Roseblack and subjected to a powerful spell that on the surface binds each Solar character to Roseblack and one of her Captains so that they may never harm them and they must always keep them from harm. Oh, and have this nifty keen Red...
  10. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    Thta's actually all I was asking for.  I wanted a vague direction to head off into, and you've given me a great idea about a former bound between them via the 1st Age.  =) THank you, I think I have some good inspiration now.  =)
  11. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    That sounds like a good idea, however, my problem isn't so much with the initial starting point but the consistent long running story that keeps going. WHat motivation should I build in to keep this party together, what should I do to make them want to be together?  =) What should I aim...
  12. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    It would be starting from scratch.  I totally re-arranged the face of Creation during the game.  No way they'd be cool with starting the game with Roseblack as the new Empress (the part was in a way forced to help her do this, and in reality Roseblack had been switched with the Red...
  13. st_gulik

    Help with my new storyline

    Greetings! I am new to this forum, but I am a long time GM. In the past I ran an Epic Solar Exalted Game.  It took me a little over three years to run the entire game from start to finish.  I had 3 acts that I wrote out and I had five players starting and five players at the end (all of...