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  • Users: Rogue
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  1. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    [Woops xD ./edited] Toni nodded approvingly for a minute. "Work your corners! Don't let them drop their shoulders in. Slight inside flexion with your inside leg. At A, bring them back to a walk and prepare to pick up the counter canter." Cory did as she said, pushing Callie's hip towards...
  2. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    "Em, bring your shoulders back!" Toni snapped. "Cory, look ahead and get your leg where it's supposed to be. Transition down to a collected trot. Sit!" She commanded again. She wasn't an instructor that babied her students at all. Cory frowned and focuse don fixing his eq up, bringing Callie...
  3. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Toni watched the kids start to ready their horses and then brought her bay gelding to the center of the ring, fixing some of the forelock that tuk itself out frizzily from the bridle. "Alright, everyone bring your horses around the rail at a working trot tracking left..." She commanded. Cory...
  4. Rogue

    The Hunger Games

    Ziora was quiet while her mentor discussed strategies with her, then sent her to her stylist. The stylist was an average height woman who designed her a gorgeous dress, with cherry tree designs and branches and flowers with fruit tree stems woven into her hair. The orchards of district eleven...
  5. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Cory could feel Callie try to drop her shouler to the inside and instantly picked her up with his indirect rein, lifting her with the bit and his legs, picking the shoulder and pushing her hip to the inside so she wouldn't throw her weight on her forehand. He whoaed her, taking a moment to step...
  6. Rogue

    The Hunger Games

    Ziora went quietly to her place on the platform. When she was dismissed she spent the last moments with her family and then departe to the train, sleeping, her mentor getting used to her personality and being informed of how the events would take place throughout the time she would spend here...
  7. Rogue

    The Hunger Games

    District 11 Ziora was in the square already, in a fine white dress with her hair pulled up in what would be considered a "Formal" hairdo for the reaping. She looked around at the kids she had known all her life and shuddered that she may be seeing one of them die here soon....In person, or on...
  8. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Cory picked Callie up to a beautiful, flowing extended trot. The mare was a lesson horse and therefor had a lot of versatility in her years, being ridden by many differant riders before finally beight bought by Cory. Cory was on his high school's equestrian team as a senior; He had won the...
  9. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Corey walked Callie around the warmup pen and watched the others, smiling and waving at the girl with the grey mare, guessing they were new. Callie raised her head over the rail and whinnied a greeting to the newcomer, chestnut tail swishing in interest, ears pricked forward. Corey chuckled...
  10. Rogue

    where is the world going?

    I have a lot of thoughts on the human race and our advancement. In my personal opinion, the human race is nothing but a massive parasite on the planet, sucking it dry of all resources until it dies. Whether or not this is a natural occurance is unknown, but I do believe if we do not control our...
  11. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Toni heard the sound of the truck and trailer and she waved to Marella as she parked and took her horse out of the trailer.
  12. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Cory finished up with Callie's boots and slipped the D ring snaffle into her mouth. The jointed outhpiece had a copper roller, and the barn echoed with the sound of Callie ringing it aorund with her tongue, flapping her bottom lip as she did so. "Dork." Cory teased her, ruffling the mares mane...
  13. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    "Yeah, I have a lesson." Cory said. "Toni wanted to do mine early in the morning. Since none of the other clients like mornings." He laughed and walked out to Callie again. "You might be riding in mine." He told her as he started to velcro the Legacy boots onto Callie's front and hind legs...
  14. Rogue

    [Kagura,Rogue,Riddle78,EpicFearieTale if she wants] Magnus Mechanus

    "Hmmm." Domino contemplated this for a moment. "I hadn't really thought about it, honestly."
  15. Rogue

    [Kagura,Rogue,Riddle78,EpicFearieTale if she wants] Magnus Mechanus

    "Knives make life exciting." Domino practically purred, her catlike eyes flashing briefly, then noddedin recognition of the second comment. "Maybe I should eat." She concluded, waving down a second waitress and ordering a grilled turkey-bacon-swiss for herself, before taking a drink of her...
  16. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    "Hey." Cory said, finally settling a black pair of front Legacy sport boots. "You have a lesson today?" He asked Hayden, now looking for a good pair of matching bell boots while he talked. He found them covered in mud and wrinkled his nose a little at them, taking an old rag and trying to get it...
  17. Rogue

    Other Anime Roleplay Ideas

    I would do Bleach and Darker than Black.
  18. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    Toni left the arena on Tammio, heading for the the barn. She tied the mare up to cool out as a hand came to unsaddle her. She mounted another big bay gelding in preperation for her next lesson, and started warming him up in the big indoor arena. Cory watched Toni ride as he took Callie out of...
  19. Rogue

    [1x1] Team TLM

    [WalkingDisaster x Rogue] Set in a broad outdoor expanse of fields and paddocks of the TLM Training Stables, there is a 30 stall barn. Nestled inside is an indoor arena, and two outdoor riding areas. Riders lead their horses to the crossties for saddling, some sit in the tack rooms cleaning...
  20. Rogue

    [Kagura,Rogue,Riddle78,EpicFearieTale if she wants] Magnus Mechanus

    "Humans don't speak to me." Domino said, smiling, this time actually showing her teeth a little. "But, that is their decision." She flickered her eyes to the woman who had stormed out of the bistro, and raised her eyebrows. She wondered what had her all worked up but decided not to press it. "To...