where is the world going?


New Member
this made me think, are we doing anything good for the world are we speeding our selves to our doom? I am actually pretty worried in a sense, could someone enlighten me please?
I have a lot of thoughts on the human race and our advancement. In my personal opinion, the human race is nothing but a massive parasite on the planet, sucking it dry of all resources until it dies. Whether or not this is a natural occurance is unknown, but I do believe if we do not control our population and bring it down then we will be bringing ourselves into a very bad apocalypse. For example, advancement. We look at advancement as a good thing, but then we start looking into diseases. Diseases are natures way of keeping all species balanced; when we start coming up with new medicines and surgeries to fix these problems, diseases have to find new ways to terminate lives. This embodies the idea of "Hyper Diseases", which are things like the new Hyper Tuberculosis which has been making slight appearances lately. Much more powerful than normal TB, much more deadly, and kills much faster. This begs the question: Would HTB have developed if we had stopped looking for a cure to the original TB? Are we literally advancing ourselves to death, wasting our money on medical development just for something new to come up? Is this taking more money away from our economy, testing on animals and humans, doing all this research just to create on cure and turn around to find a new disease?

This brings me to Utilitarianism. Doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Well, I believe it would be in our best interest to stop advancing as we are and come to a standstill to let nature run its course; We either let the diseases take us out now, or we wait until we finally hit the end of our chain and our resources run out. Then we have nothing to survive on, nothing left to make medicine out of, and we starve slowly. A slow death vs. a gradual population depletion. The obvious choice is the gradual death, because at least then we are preserving the planet and the race instead of all of us dying at once from some horrible super disease or starvation. Because when people starve, they do insane things. At that point we can expect to see cannibalism. People going mad. Watching our friends and family slowly whither away to nothing. Could our emotional capacity really handle that? No, probably not. So we can cause a few people pain now by letting some die or we can cause EVERYBODY pain later by letting EVERYONE die.

This is of course assuming we lookat everything scientifically instead of morally/emotionally. I probably couldn't make this argument to someone who was sitting next to their 12 year old daughter's death bed and say "Sorry but we care about our planet so we're not going to cure her tuberculosis." Even I'm not heartless. But either way is painful, we just have to look at it with Utilitarian eyes and do what will help the most people. A lot of pain now means less pain for future generations. But we can have a "Species Reduction" pain, or we can ahve an "Extinction" pain.

Just my thought, I am very avid on this topic. I don't believe humans are doing anything good right now to counteract the bad.

Human's always take one major thing for granted; history. History shows that this kind of situation actually happens a lot; granted not to such a high degree. Look at the Romans for example, they like America, (since I am more familiar with it.) were a -world- super power. They had the largest economy, the most roads that were highly overseen to assure easy travel of the worlds largest, most advanced, and highest trained military force of that time period. Not to mention the culture, the romans were a very proud people, just as the Americans are. The Romans always believed they were in the right of way and they showed this in the campaign against the barbarian forces in the North. They found their way of living simply absurd, and they felt it was their duty to break down their way of living and force their roman culture on them... Odd, seems like America goes to just about every other country, starts/finishes a war just to spread their own ideas, just becuase obviously the Americans are better. -Holds head high, snorting.-

Okay, so that was the rise, and the holdof power. The first thing to fall was the Roman economy, then the roads, then the military... Only a matter of time for the people the Romans ****** (excuse the language) over to notice the decline of troops, and the quality. Thus you had the fall of the Roman Empire. Now, put this into a modern perspective. America last I recall has 15 Trillion dollors in debt to other countries... All of which America has more than just pissed off. Middle Eastern countries obviously, but China, Russia (To me the biggest threat, believe it or not.) and so many others. Might I remind you all, that the Spetznas actually beat the Green Berets in a specialized military compition that was engaged all over the world, also might I remind you that the American army has also predicted that this coming generation (mine) will decline their expected military by 200,000? That's a lot considering we only have 600,000 roughly... So that's 200,000 soldiers that they will never recieve... Now, if that's not evidence I don't know what is... Upon all that, guess what! Russia, and China -are- allied, even though it is a rocky relationship, and very similiar to the relation Hitler, and Stalin had in the fact they simply respect eachother, and despise similar countries... like the US. I'd also like to add, that school history books are horridly biast, and inaccurate... (My history book states that America has almost three times the nukes Russia does, when it's quite the oppisate.) Anyway, Russia has increase the amount of Missle silos, increased their national security, and their airforce since their current President is paranoid, and is convinced the US is going to attack Russia from alaska.

So, lets see what we got shall we? Declining roads, declining economy, and declining Military... Yep, history repeats itself. I suggest learning Chineese, or Russian.

Now what's this got to do with the World, i'm mostly just mentioning the US. Well, I think we all can agree if the Super Powers of the world get into a conflict, it's not going to be pretty... The Population all over will be shattered, death will be everywhere, and only if we are lucky we will avoid chemical/nuclear warfare... That being said, after the wars and the borders are redrawn there will be less people, a lot of land that's been removed of Humans which means nature can reclaim it... The cycle repeats.

Just send me a message if I was confusing, or if you have a question or... Something yeah. :)
I am a very easily irritated person and also someone who has a low tolerance for ignorance. So I think one of our downfalls as humans is ignorance. For example, some people dislike things based of the simple fact that someone else doesnt like something. Like slavery, (I'm African-American, so I wanted to use this as an example)Caucasian people felt tha tthey were surperior just by the amount of melanin in the skin. Personally, I think that it was stupid for people to discriminate against a certain color. I love all my friends, no matter what color they are. As a matter of fact, I have friends from just about every continent and various countries in them, as many others do. It's sad when I see one race hateful towards another. I wish all people of the world could just put aside their differences and I'm sure if that happened, the world would be a better place and life would go much more smoothly.
I agree. Media and self-pity has started to take control, gaining our attention more than wars and unhealthy statements that's going on behind our backs.

Here in America, 3 out of 4 teenagers don't care about politics or who's going to run the country. 5 out of 10 adults don't care. Children don't know that much, so they're out of the question.

I can tell that's probably somehow similar to other countries, but America especially.
The world is going to hell my friend. Join us in the front and grab some popcorn and soda. I was having a converstation not to long ago. The united states one way or another is going to become a third world country. Sad to see it go down. I'm not sure if the president can do anything about it.
If by "we" you mean the human race, its a mixed bag. we rape, torture, murder, and pillage our world and it's inhabitants - 'tis true. We are responsible for the extinction of species, for genocides and wars, for the destruction of the planet, for the suffering of others. However - although this will not excuse what I mentioned earlier - we DO have value. I do not believe in any god. In my view, we are lucky accidents of the conditions of early earth - the interactions of oxygen, carbon, and amino acides to produce cells, which evolved into us over four billion years. We - and all the creatures around us - are immensely lucky in the fact that we DO exist. We ARE alive, we think, we feel, we make art, music, literature. We discover wonders, and yet we pillage our home. We pool our knowledge in libraries and yet we deny so many of our children a good education. We do commit atrocities, but we ARE the exception in a universe where the rule is one of barren desolation and lifelessness. I feel - despite our flaws "and they are massive" that we are inheritely valuable in this. Furthermore, in addition to all our wrongdoings, we have acheived greatness in our intellect and art in our short time under the sun.
[QUOTE="Pete-Wentz]I agree. Media and self-pity has started to take control, gaining our attention more than wars and unhealthy statements that's going on behind our backs.
Here in America, 3 out of 4 teenagers don't care about politics or who's going to run the country. 5 out of 10 adults don't care. Children don't know that much, so they're out of the question.

I can tell that's probably somehow similar to other countries, but America especially.

Hey me myself am only 11 and do you see me around playing in the mud no (well most of the time). I'm here intelligently expressing my opinions (sometimes). I am frustrated with the human race right now. As people yell constantly at them that they are going to die they continue to sit on the couch and watch it happen. My only wish is that in future generations this will be documented that the people knew this was coming and tried to stop it what I want is for future generations to look back and see how we did wrong and how we almost fixed it. Now people are coming to the senses and realizing that something is wrong, but alas it is too late. I suggest moving to Russia. Or hiding in a very deep basement.

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