[1x1] Team TLM

Marella struggled with the trunk half dragging, half carrying her trunk into the barn. Grunting she managed to get it in front of Rose's stall. Looking around she realized the trunk needed to go into the tack room. She let out an exasperated sigh leaning against the trunk for support.
Em did what Toni said, taking her handsome horse to the rail at a working trot. Ash's trot was quick and bumpy, but Em managed to keep up a smooth post. Where Ash's talent and moothnes lay was in his canter. The tallion had a comfortable, rocking-chair canter. When he canters, he looks like he is cantering through water.
"Em, bring your shoulders back!" Toni snapped. "Cory, look ahead and get your leg where it's supposed to be. Transition down to a collected trot. Sit!" She commanded again. She wasn't an instructor that babied her students at all.

Cory frowned and focuse don fixing his eq up, bringing Callie down to a smooth, floating, effortless collected trot.
(You mean Em, yes? *shall post as if Rogue meant Em*)

Em's mouth opened slightly in concentration. She rolled her shoulders back, bringing her body up straighter. She tightened the reins, collecting Ash's head closer in to his neck and body. Ash, as odd as it was, was a very good collector. He liked it, whereas most horses try to get lazy on people. Em prided thi small fact. She really had trained him very nicely.
[Woops xD ./edited]

Toni nodded approvingly for a minute. "Work your corners! Don't let them drop their shoulders in. Slight inside flexion with your inside leg. At A, bring them back to a walk and prepare to pick up the counter canter."

Cory did as she said, pushing Callie's hip towards the rail and setting her up for it.
Em listened carefully, every one of Toni's words clear in her head. She shifted her position so that Ash's hip was on the rail. When A was reached, she tugged on the reins lightly to bring Ash to a walk. The stallion snorted and slowed down, tossing his tail and relaxing his head a bit. Em pulled his head in a little closer. Ash protested, but eventually succumbed to his girl's command.

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