Search results for query: *

  1. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( I just got in an early morning post just for my students cx But I won't be on past this post so see ya later. ))) Tsuki smiled at Serenity and nodded. "Of course, of course." he said while examining the girl, searching for notable qualities. "I'll give your hundred as soon as class is...
  2. Jesusjuice

    Better at being the best

    Better at being the best
  3. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    Tsuki steeled his face but couldn't help but let a small smirk play on his lips. "Well how about this then?' he said with a smug look. "I take away your ability to resist following directions, until you tell the class your name, your location of birth, and your powers." His voice was deepend...
  4. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    Tsuki removes his glasses and cleans them before placing them back on his face. "Well I'll start then." his voice boomed throughout the classroom. "My name is Tsuki Reiko, I am from 9th heaven originally and was raised in 3rd Earth. I was the first major general in the war of humans vs Vampires...
  5. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( I'm going to say yes. ))) Tsuki watched his two students and smirked. "Come with me you two." He looked from Rollerblades to his newest student and opened the doors to the school. The once shooting stars stopped and the sky became peaceful once again. He led them to his class and switched...
  6. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( Well I can't speak for everyone, but in my time zone its night. And also since the class is at night I think detention would take place during the day... ))) Tsuki waited impatiently out front of the school, tapping his foot in a sporadic fashion. "They're going to get it if they're even...
  7. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( Okay I have an idea about how to successfully run my class. It'll be like a night class so that my character can fully use his powers as well as reply consistently. )))
  8. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( Change in plans lol please bear with me. )))
  9. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( Okay guys, this is it for this moment, I'll be back on later. In about 10 hours ))) Tsuki watched her roller blade down the hallway and turned towards the newest student. "Is it time for 4th hour already?" He asked, his glasses almost falling off of his face. "Well then that means that...
  10. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( Sorry I mostly get on at night ))) Tsuki raised an eyebrow and turned away suddenly. "You don't seem to have much home training do you Rollerblades?" He asked with a chuckle. "I can't wait to hear your story." He said, sitting again in his chair. "And I'm also curious as to hear an actual...
  11. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    Tsuki took in every movement she made, carefully analyzing her in his mind. "Blythe Cheshire, who prefers Tora , can I ask why you're wearing a hood and rollerblades? I'm going to ignore whatever it was that closed the door because we'll have time to discuss that when you get in here 4th...
  12. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    ((( I'm going to sleep guys, see you tomorrow night ))
  13. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Ivan meets the tension with a smile and begin to float. "It was nice meeting you two, but I gotta do a thing... and Blue is weak. So I'll catch ya on the flip side." Ivan begins to float away but stops himself. He throws a little trinket towards then and smiles. "If you ever need any wishes...
  14. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Ivan looked from Blue to Daniel to Blue again. "That's really deep." Ivan started "You two have been through so much, and here you are standing together." He said with a sigh. "What a small world." Ivan said while looking at the ground. "I apologize for my jokes earlier."
  15. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    Tsuki's parted his lips but put them together once more. "What's your name, Rollerblades?" He smirked and turned to the classroom, leaving her a hint to come in so that he could further interrogate her. As he moved to his desk he flipped the light switch on, revealing all the hard work he'd put...
  16. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Kokoro Academy

    Kayden looked up, then down, then up again. "Where in the hell is my room?" He asked scratching his head. "Maybe I passed it.." He said and began walking backwards, looking at the numbers on the doors. "Come on man, its got to be around here somewhere."
  17. Jesusjuice

    Kokoro Academy

    Since this is an academy, do we have dorms?
  18. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Ivan caught glimpse of a scar before Daniel had covered it and he looked away. He turned back swiftly when he heard the word story and sat as a child would and shook his head up and down. "Yes please."
  19. Jesusjuice

    Kokoro Academy

    Where are we as far as time stands?
  20. Jesusjuice

    Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

    ((( I see, I see. ))) Tsuki turn towards the door and moves towards it swiftly. He opens the door and see's a young woman with rollerblades moving back awkwardly. "..." He said nothing but looked first at her hood, obviously hiding protrusions coming from her skull, and down to her skates...