Search results for query: *

  1. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    "Mac, are you ok!?" Jo said completly forgetting the delicacy of the situation and letting her usual tone of voice out. She covered her mouth inmediatly, and looked at him in sadness. She quickly stood up and waited a second looking at Mac in all his confusion. She leaned down to hug him, just...
  2. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo was trying to make sense of it all and what they had done with Mac's mind. She felt kind of heartbroken to know there was a chance all of that passion that he had for sappy korny speeches was gone. It was almost a melancholic feeling. She wondered where to go from here and who to be...
  3. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo heard her stomach growl in hunger so she excused herself with Kamryn and Zak and shapeshifted into her usual form as a male. She giggled thinking that maybe it looked weird for zak or kamryn that she did that. When she got to the cafeteria she searched the place with her eyes until she found...
  4. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo looked as Darekk opened the door revealing Kamryn and Zak just standing there. She felt a little embarrased thinking they might have heard the conversation; but didnt give too much importance to it. She looked at them both taking a while to mesure her words. There wasnt much time to lose at...
  5. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules

    Ok, Im going to go ahead and be a horrible person, and shamelessly ask you guys for a favour. Im currently participating in a design contest for Welovefine and my designs might actually win! (which is insane) But I really could use the help of more votes. You do however need to create an...
  6. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Darekk dragged Jo inside and quickly pulled her inside the room, closing the door for Zak. She was going to ask why he didnt let him in but given his current emotional state she figured it was better to let him do whatever he wanted to relief stress. She hadnt really thought about anything to...
  7. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    ...she felt like she had to be the strong one in this situation... ((OCC:: just for the lols, cuz I thought about this while writing this post:: *Knocking* Darekk..? please..I know you're in there People are asking where you've been.. They say "Have courage", and Im trying to Im...
  8. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo felt Darekk snapping her hand off him, she felt like time stopped for a second. Since they had met she had barely ever see Darekk so annoyed but, to see him snap at her like that. The knot on her throat was so strong, she felt like it was troublesome to breath. Tears filled her eyes; there...
  9. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo felt uncofortable talking around new people. If she wasnt careful she'd start vanishing from there out of fear... She tried only focusing on what Kamryn was saying but the whole situation felt off, as if they werent planning escaping the school at all. Could they really just act normal after...
  10. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo entered the library after trying to calm herself down. She had to relax. She stepped inside just to find herself with way more people there than when she left. She felt extreamly confused almost to the point of panic. She stood in front of the table and looked around at the people she knew...
  11. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo got slamed the director's door behind her. This time she was more scared of what the other might be thinking of her right now. She looked at the director with eyes filled with wrath. He was calm sitting on his chair. He welcomed Jo and offered her a sit. She felt frustrated and scared at the...
  12. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo looked up at the new people as they explained the plan, she felt so tired mentally that she didnt argue much about the plan. She nodded after Zak talked. "Zak has a point about the guards, there's still hundreds of them around the school...." She looked back down at her books. It was good...
  13. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo changed into her pajamas and strted walking to let her stuff in her room. Along the way she saw Darekk; she tried to pretend not to see him but then realized he was walking directly towards her. He mentioned a meeting in the library and figured thats why the new girl and Crystal were there...
  14. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo turned around to see the kraya talking to some girls. Jo got impatient as she had yet to take her shower and change into her pajamas. She tapped the floor with her foot with an anxious movement, then just snapped and decided to grab him and drag him around the school to get the tour over as...
  15. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo was heading to the showers when a guard stopped her. "You are Hudson right?" He said in a loud monotone. "Last time I checked" She said with a smile to the guard, he looked at her with bitter eyes. "Yes sir.." She said after clearing her throat. "See the student over there?" He replied...
  16. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    "You just HAD to be a water elemental didnt you?" Jo said trying to stand up again after a 4th time of slipping to the ground. The kraya couldnt directly attack her since she was invisble, but he could creat huge waves around himself that would push her to the floor. He laughed shortly at Jo's...
  17. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo looked away as the teacher stood infront of everyone. -"Ok everyone today each of you will be assigned a partner to fight with. You know how this goes. Try not to kill each other." Jo sighed in relief as she heard it was something that could be over with soon. Then she could take a long...
  18. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo noticed Darekk walking towards her, she was in such a frustrated state of mind, the last thing she wanted to do was give explanations to the only person that would truly have reasons to doubt her. Yet she smiled to see him, he looked rested and much better than before, she wasnt a fan of the...
  19. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo grabbed a little towel from her bag to clean herself up after personal training was over. She didnt really wanted to leave the room, much less go to group training. She grabbed her things and walked slowly to the field, looking down at the ground, she didnt really wanted to make eye contact...
  20. Daelyyn

    Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

    Jo entered her room, she was feeling frustrated about everything that had happened that morning. "Double my speed today" She said while leaving her bag in a corner. She took a deep breath that got stuck with the knot in her throat. The images started flashing in front of ehr faster than usual...