Search results for query: *

  1. R

    Futuristic Welcome to the New world(A post-apocalyptic one)

    Dorian. What an odd name. He had chosen it from the top of his head, more or less. It certainly wasn't what his mother had called him, years and years ago. It would do, though. He had remembered it from something he had read once. Living in the WesTek labs, he had been allowed few luxuries or...
  2. R

    Futuristic Welcome to the New world(A post-apocalyptic one)

    The stranger looked calmly at this other man, who had come and dispersed the crowd. He was tough-looking, but much smaller. It was amazing, the way the human mind worked. A single unarmed opponent could be the size of a bear without being half as intimidating as an infirm child with a gun. “It...
  3. R

    Futuristic Welcome to the New world(A post-apocalyptic one)

    It was a sleepy little hamlet, this Barrow Town. Or perhaps oppressed. The sun crept toward the western horizon as the stranger made his way through dim, filthy streets and shadow figures flitted and danced in the corners of his vision like moths. If he wanted, he could have seen them plain as...
  4. R

    Futuristic Welcome to the New world(A post-apocalyptic one)

    The stranger's shadow preceded him by what seemed like miles, stretching out along the cracked and mottled highway, the wind toying with his battered old trench coat, his wide-brimmed hat fluttering and always threatening to fly off ahead of him when a stronger gust blew up. He could feel it...
  5. R

    F for Fantasy MxF

    I have an idea you might be interested in. I've been chewing on it for around a year now and just want to do something with it. It's sort of a blend of a steampunk/cyberpunk idea. We should talk.
  6. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    They departed that night, their terms agreed upon. Saljeelus led the grim procession, cloaked against the moist chill of the night. His orders made no mention of which ship would be used or where it would be docked, but then there was no need for this. It was always the same ship, always in the...
  7. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    Saljeelus took a seat and leaned back, smoothing out his feather crest with one hand and resting the other on the table. "Well, as I told our friend here, it's simple. We go to an island with an old Ayleid ruin on it--I was told there'd be pirates or something--and clear it out. My employer is...
  8. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    The Silencer blinked calmly at the implied threat. If only she knew as much about him as she wanted to. “Employer? Interesting choice of words. I'm not entirely sure who your employer is. It's certainly not me. Truth be told, Bosmer, I'm not sure what they pay is for this job. I'm sure it will...
  9. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    Saljeelus blinked once. This little woman had very little experience with Argonians, or at least had never gotten to know any terribly well. That much, but nothing more, was he willing to assume, and if it were true this suited him just fine. Still, she was quick and clever and there was a...
  10. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    Saljeelus had been lingering in the shadows of the guest wing since the sounds of stirring guests had first roused him from his sleep. He leaned casually against a wall on the second floor, pretending to be distracted by a painting, or something he spied through a nearby window, but in reality...
  11. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    "It's Amulus, dear. With a 'u'." Andrana's ruby lips curved up into a smile, so very near sincere, and her left eye sparkled pleasantly as she stepped with precision and grace over the corpse of a fallen soldier. She tilted her head to one side, inspecting this curious-looking Elf who had...
  12. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    There were always a few Brothers and Sisters loitering around Benirius Manor, usually between missions or hiding out after a blunder had gotten the city guard’s attention. The Dark Brotherhood had grown such that Saljeelus couldn’t know all of their faces, but he did trust Surrius enough to know...
  13. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    "Excellent." The woman crooned. "Follow those instructions to the letter. Let no one escape your wrath, and bring me the item asked for in that note. I am sure we will be in touch again soon, but for now I have rather a full garden of bloody little flowers to tend to. . ." She took a few steps...
  14. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    “Hello, my Dark little Sister.” The woman smiled, a slight twitch of her lips just beneath the shadows cast by her hood. “I remember you. But I think it's best I keep my identity secret just now.” She shifted, a layer of tattered brown cloak rustling in the wind and revealing a hint of a black...
  15. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    A flash of lightning, a roar of pain. At the same moment, as if fueled by the nearby discharge of sizzling magical energy, Saljeelus sprang again. In the space of two heart beats he crossed the ten feet to his next victim and plunged both short swords into his chest, crossing them somewhere...
  16. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    Fear. A very primal reaction, among the most visceral and ingrained of all emotions. Everyone knew it, everyone could describe it and it’s crippling effects on mind and body. No one could claim to have never felt the wild, thoughtless, beastial panic that wells up like a tide of toxic brine when...
  17. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    Ever onward rode the horse under the relentless guidance of its new master. Saljeelus raced through the wilderness, his steed proving amply agile as it navigated through the hills and forests outside of Chorrol. The Argonian’s cloak blew wildly in the breeze and he must have looked like some...
  18. R

    Fandom The Elder Scrolls: Insurrection

    The late-morning sun played gently on the faces of the countless leaves adorning Chorrol’s ancient oak. The mound of exposed ground beneath it shimmered in the shifting shadows set in motion by a gentle breeze and the grass was cool and fragrant as Saljeelus reclined there in the shade, eyes...
  19. R

    Fandom Elder Scrolls check

    Remember we're also going to have a system for taking turns on posts, so you may even have time to write more than you think. Either way, just don't sweat it. As long as you're not giving us five line blurbs all the time, don't worry. Like I told someone else who messaged me, this is supposed to...
  20. R

    Fandom Elder Scrolls check

    Don't worry. What I want is at least a couple of paragraphs--give us something meaningful to read and maybe respond to. I personally tend to write 3+ pages for my posts but that is because I am a crazy person.