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Fandom Elder Scrolls check


Skulduggerous Pedagogue
I re-read Tolkein recently, then started re-playing TES IV: Oblivion and this got my fandboy engine running. I have an idea for an Elder Scrolls RP set some time after the end of Skyrim's main quest(s) and involving the Thalmor, their machinations, and possible large-scale armed conflict with the Aldmeri Dominion. If/when I post it, I will make notes about which of the major optional events in Skyrim's content are considered canon for the purpose of my storyline. I'll also post updates here if anyone is interested. I'd like two or three people at least but at the moment I do not have an upper limit in mind as far as members go.
I like the enthusiasm! Just so you know, I teach for a living so I don't always have a ton of time. My usual RP style is medium to long posts, rarely more often than once a day, often only every other day. I'll probably set it up as a detailed post thread or a. . .whatever the one between detailed and simple is. Casual I think.
Lookin' good. I'm planning on working on it today. Much like TES games, there will be an end goal that I have in mind which will, eventually, bring the action of the RP to a close as a narrative but I'm leaving the middle ground pretty open in terms of how we do it, what else we do while we're doing that, etc.

Here's a basic premise for you to think about: In the few provinces remaining under Imperial control (Cyrodiil, High Rock, and a re-claimed Morrowind) Thalmor presence has increased dramatically. Certain fortresses are now openly garrisoned with Aldmeri troops and people disappear more and more often after visits from the Thalmor. The Dark Brotherhood questline will be canon, so there is a new emperor (to be named when I write this up officially later on today) who appears not to be doing anything about this. In Skyrim and Hammerfell, Thalmor agents have been sighted in the wilderness and along the roads but this is little known as they tend to kill you if you see them. Black Marsh? Who the hell knows what's going on in Black Marsh. The Thalmor don't. They hardly care. Let the lizards wallow in their filth.

Use the character sheet below to think about who your character is, and how all this might affect them. This is NOT the official thread--I'll direct you all to that when I set it up.

Name/Alias: Who you are/what people call you (For my character, I would type Saljeelus/Makes-His-Way)

Age: TES is pretty vague about how long some races can live. If you're not sure, designations like young, adult, old, middle-aged, and so on are fine.

Race: Any of the playable races from the games. If you wish to use one of the races that is mentioned in the games but not playable, send me a message and ask. I'll probably be okay with it--the most I'll do is ask you to justify how your character got involved in this if you're, say, from Akavir or a Maormer

Appearance: Details. Do you have any distinguishing features? Scars, tattoos, missing limbs? Are your eyes an odd color? How tall are you? How are you built?

Possessions/Gear: Any things you would be carrying around with you as part of your normal life. If you're a soldier or mercenary, you'll probably be pretty well armed at all times. If you're just some blacksmith, or a priest, maybe not. Any weapons from previous Elder Scrolls games are up for grabs: I see no reason why people wouldn't have spears and katanas and the like.

Skills: Describe what you are good at, and what you are not so good at. Be reasonable--no one is a master of everything. My character is very skilled with one-handed blades, but only passable with a bow because he considers projectile warfare cowardly. He spends a lot of time out doors, on his own so he became sort of okay at mixing potions and maintaining his gear but he's not an expert alchemist or smith. If your character is magically inclined, include a list of known spells in spoiler tags.

Affiliations: Any guilds or groups you belong to. Remember that the Mage's Guild no longer exists. We are assuming that the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves' Guild quests from Skyrim have been completed at some point and that those factions matter again. If you have questions about the roles some guilds will be playing in the story before I post the thread, message me and ask--I'll fill you in. Any members of Skyrim's Companions, in particular, will have some interesting things to do. Want to create a new Guild or group? Talk to me about it. There's plenty of room for new ideas.

Background: Be as detailed as you wish, but even if you don't tell us much, make sure you know the details of your character's background and personality: flat characters are boring. Mine, for instance, is a member of the Dark Brotherhood, but even he thinks about more than just "murder, murder, murder, murder."

Misc: Anything else that we should know before we start. Maybe they're a lycanthrope. Maybe they own property somewhere. Maybe they get a little sensitive about their weight. It's up to you what, if anything, you put here. If you have no "misc." details, just don't include this section at all.

When you feel you're done planning out your character, send him/her to me. Even if I haven't posted the thread by then I'll talk with you about some ideas for things your character might get involved with, or have to deal with. Basically, you'll help me plan the details of the RP.

The RP is posted and ready.


I look forward to seeing your characters. I'll create an opening post after we have at least three members. After that, it's up to you guys. It is labeled Detailed, but don't feel that you need to write a book each time you post. I just want to make sure we don't get too many tiny, five-line posts.
I have the first post written, and plan to start things off on Wednesday, 4/23. I'll still accept new writers after we start, so if you're working on a character and just don't know if you'll have time, don't worry--no pressure. This is fun, not homework.

Change of plans. We started early (tonight) but it's fine--send me characters when you can.
Don't worry. What I want is at least a couple of paragraphs--give us something meaningful to read and maybe respond to. I personally tend to write 3+ pages for my posts but that is because I am a crazy person.
Remember we're also going to have a system for taking turns on posts, so you may even have time to write more than you think. Either way, just don't sweat it. As long as you're not giving us five line blurbs all the time, don't worry. Like I told someone else who messaged me, this is supposed to be fun, not homework--I give plenty of the latter for a living.

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