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  1. FancyArt

    Boy!AngelxBoy!Demon~! :3 [Inactive]

    Hey, sorry I havent been online in a while. Im ready to start whenever! Till Death, Thy Loves My new RP is open for Signup!!!
  2. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    I'll let Heir Sholen do it with you. Have an awesome rp guys!!! Till Death, Thy Loves My new RP is open for Signup!!!
  3. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    I'll do it. Till Death, Thy Loves My new RP is open for Signup!!!
  4. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    Awesome scenerio!!! Till Death, Thy Loves My new RP is open for Signup!!!
  5. FancyArt

    [Still looking] Looking for roleplay freinds

    Any gender is fine with me. ^_^ Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
  6. FancyArt

    [Still looking] Looking for roleplay freinds

    Id choose to be the Elf. But I can play either race. Ive had a bit practice for both races from a school project. Which ever race you pick, I'll take the one left. Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
  7. FancyArt

    [Still looking] Looking for roleplay freinds

    I'm happy to do the... Dwarf X Elf Vampire X Human or any other type on the list.
  8. FancyArt

    Till Death, Thy Loves. New RP

    A female high school student in grade 10, who is a head in her credits by a year, is off for the summer. As she goes on a trip with her parents, the stop at a restaurant. Once finished, the brother begins to flirt with a girl across the room, father goes to pay as the mother heads to the...
  9. FancyArt

    Till Death, Thy Loves

    FancyArt here, Welcome to the sign-up sheet! So, here is where your character is introduced. All information should be filled out, but if you want to reveal something later in the role play, just write 'to be revealed'. Now here is the format and my character. and please read the rules before...
  10. FancyArt

    Till Death, Thy Loves

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! If you need to discuss any ideas or confusion, ask here!
  11. FancyArt

    Till Death, Thy Loves

    Till Death, Thy Loves - With no heart, can a dying girl find love in him? FancyArt here, So, this is my first Rp, and I hope you all enjoy. It'll be a while before the sign-up is open since I'm trying to make it as detailed as possible for the description and plot. Please bare with me as I...
  12. FancyArt

    Anyone alive in the world of RPNation? if yes, lets role play...

    Anyone alive in the world of RPNation? if yes, lets role play...
  13. FancyArt

    Let's try this again...

    Well Hello once more, I would love to share some roleplay ideas with the world. Some can be made either 1X1 or Group, just pm me or comment below. I will try to update this and hve at least 1 idea per genre so its varied. Seeing how I only had 1 person see this before, I'm reposting it...
  14. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    You will find someone soon thqc (Short for your name thats long to spell...)! Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
  15. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    Thanks Heir Sholen! Sure. Pm me! Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even where you are in your house... Creepy O-o
  16. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    Yea, very creepy... My dad showed me. Well, hope someone does soon and if the offer still stands later on, Id join but Im working on one myself and wish to finish it soon. lol @Heir Sholen, lovely thing to say! ☺️ Did you know, google maps on the new IPhones know exactly where you are; even...
  17. FancyArt

    1x1 Private RP?

    TheHarleguinncat, Love the idea and the drawing is awesome. Im artist myself and its one of the best ive seen Anyways, back to the roleplay. I may have a detail you could consider; what if the person who hides the Alien is a geek/nerd who loved scifi movies and always dreamed to be apart of...
  18. FancyArt

    Hello ^-^

    Just wanted to post a picture as an example of what I do... A women has clothe drapped over her. Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk... or my mind???
  19. FancyArt

    Wonders of Imagination

    Each will be a good amount for a discribtion and they take time to create. Please be patient with me... Sent from my iPhone via Tapatalk... or my mind???
  20. FancyArt

    Wonders of Imagination

    Well Hello once more, I would love to share some roleplay ideas with the world. Some can be made either 1X1 or Group, just pm me or comment below. I will try to update this and hve at least 1 idea per genre so its varied. Romance~2 young children fell in love when they were in elementary...