Wonders of Imagination


New Member
Well Hello once more,

I would love to share some roleplay ideas with the world. Some can be made either 1X1 or Group, just pm me or comment below. I will try to update this and hve at least 1 idea per genre so its varied.

Romance~2 young children fell in love when they were in elementary school. One moved away, leaving their soulmate behind. With broken hearts, the girl never loved anyone again.

Middle school passed and the girl went to a boarding in highschool. On her first day, she was bumped into by a tall, handsome guy, he was her boyfriend when the were little. With no knowledge of their reunion, they spend time together. Will they ever find out they were soulmates and fall in love again, or have they lost they true love?

As they days go on, and the girl begins to trust him, she finds he has a girlfriend and starts to evade any communication. As their friendship is tested by betryal, death and seperation, love may just be founded in the oddest of places.

Even with death approaching for the girl, she still fights for fore life and love, risking everything she is and may become. Running from fates design, she returns to life after 6:59 minuetes, just before she becomes brain dead. After herbdeath, something changes inside her and risks their love.

Ment for a 1x1 but is possible to be a group. maybe a 1x2 or 2x2 even.

Realistic/Fantasy~ A boarding school lies in the center of a small town in Europe. There, students are given a secret test that determinds their courses and dorm. Their is a total of 5 dorms they are assigned to; Vyth, Cielis, Lumad, Rahment and Fietium. The test is just to write their names in the Book of A Fate once they enter the GrandRoom for an arrival ceremony, You are assigned a dorm when you become a first year and stay until your eighth year when you gradulate. It combines both highschool and collage, so ages 14-22, unless its different. Of the 2014 year, with these new students bring magic to all?

Vyth: The Darkend. Scythe is their symbol and colors are Red and Grey. Founder: Count Vytheim, a ruler if the 16th century who ruled with fear and hatred. He deystroyed many kingdoms and yet, no on knows what he looks like. He was kind to his people, but ruled with an iron fist.

Cielis: The Wise. A grimmore is there symbol and colors are Blue and Silver. Founder: Docter. Ciel, an early inventor and scientist who studied anything about everything. Well know for his descovery of a new language that is now lost to time in his libary under Count Vythiems castle.

Lumad: The Creative. Symbol is a bow and colors include orange and dark pink. Founder: An old, well-known adventurer who went into siturations with no plans and just winged it. People believed he was just a fool, but others think he was a hero; saving maidens from piretes and theives. He was known as Sir Lumadear. Later on, he married Count Vythiems daughter.

Rahment: The Brave. Sword is the symbol and colors are green and gold. Founder: A nations first female knight to join high ranking Paladins and berserkers. Gave herself the name Sir. Rahmente. No knowledge of her given name was ever recorded. Was a knight of Count Vythiem and Lord Fiet.

Fietium: The Powerful. Symbol is magic and colors are yellow and white. A 16th century politician and rebel, he plotted to over through Count Vythiem. After become Vythiems advisor abd second in cammand, he decided to spare the counts life qnd in return, became the teacher of magic to Vythiems Daughter. His name was Lord Fiet.

This is ment to be a group Rp but it is possible for a 1x1.

Fantasy~Trapped in time, the last elemental is safe from time. Now in modren day, someone destroyed her cage, releasing all evil trapped with her. with the help of those who freed her and all evil, the train to become defenders of truth. One of the members became corrupted by the lies of the great evil, chosen the summoner class (dark magic/Scythe) and became ther ruler. With power on his mind, he kills anyone who gets in his way.

By being apart of a world with magic, the Elemental keeper has gathered powerful relics. Small enough to be held in a pocket or as a necklace gem. Each class has its own. For example, the Archer could have a bow and arrow charm necklace, when activated, summons his/her bow. Others have varies items such as that. Rule number one is not to tell anyone what your relic is; if someone finds out, they could destroy it and you loose you powers forever.


Gunner (guns), Archer (bows), Seer (whip), Fencer (sword), Keeper (magic/wand).

Needed members would be choosing a class, and their must be at least one per class. Keeper is taken by me. All other classes are open, until further notice, and includes the Evil Summoner can be taken.

Scifi~ On a normal day, something changed the course of fate for everyone. The governments all around the world were destroyed, causing chaos to erupt. New nations were created, with rivals and rebels. New militariss gathered all weapons and killed off anyone who resisted.

In one small town, a teenage girls father was taken, and she wanted to escue him. With the help of friends, old and new, she will try to save her father and figure out why all this happened. All is at stake As the simple life turns upside into a great battle between national rivals and rebels.


Dynamican: Expans the west coast to thr mid west of America. Ruled by a dictator known as General Neal Collins, who used to be a general of the American Black Ops. Troops go around the nation collecting taxes and men to join the military and women for pleasuraable reasons. Most of the journey will occur here. Capital is L.A.

Aseliri: Land expans most of Canada and stretches down the East coast to parts of the mid west. A higher citizen nation that runs as England, with a queen. Their are founder families who rule beside the queen and one will be choosen for their son or daughter to wed a prince/princess. Queen Lesley Mitchell and her daughter Princess Melody Mitchell. Capital is Boston.

ROD: Known as the Rebels Of Dynamica; Lead by Rodgric Blaine. They take refuge in Hollywoods' movie sets and the observitory. For the past few years, Rodgric has placed many spies in top jobs that are able to get close to the enemy. With many attempts to gain an alliance with Aseliri, who still trays away from conflict with Dynamica, has declined once again.

Ment for group but 1x1 is possible.

Animal~ Ive always thought Hyenas were really cool. with their creepy laugh and great stalking abilities. Now, this role play wont be as oorganized because I really want to to be crazy, fun and relaxed, one where if my other rps are running slow, I can count on this one. Itll be a 1x1 or small group of about 3-4 people who may always be online and have other roleplays that are 'intese' and need to always be on to follow the story. Since itll be relaxed, length doesnt matter and Ill write long pharagraphs when I get bored or just want to write... Anyways, lets see now, plot options can be discussed via a Pm or here. and Id love to have you guys help me with the plots... Hope people would join this one. Ill also be researching a bit about them, Hyenas i mean.

Superhero/Scifi~ I future years, technology is as it is but research in DNA sky-rocketed. A group of scientist have gathered sick teenagers in a secret lab funded by the government. Their task, treat the subjects with a formula that enhances their abilities. Side affect; Superpowers.

When all subjects awaken from their induced comas, they are cured and had no idea what has happened for the years that passed. In fear and anger, a few escape, (Where all of you come into...).

The government puts all resources in to

find them and all chaos erupts when some decide to go after the govern. Since the formula is only experimental, it only lasts so long and once it wears off, they go into a coma and possibly die if they dont get help from the scientists.

Group or 1x1

Other~ Coming soon

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Each will be a good amount for a discribtion and they take time to create. Please be patient with me...

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I liked the first idea a lot! The one with like the housing system! I also kinda liked the second one with the different classes! That concept was pretty cool too and something similar to what I have thought of in the past.

Message me and give me a little more detail and such perhaps? :) Pretty interested to know more

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