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  1. Flynt Fire

    Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

    Kyle, startled, took an athletic hop back as another boy materialized next to him. "Woah. Talk about sneaking up on someone." His look of surprise was soon replaced by his regular grin and he took a step back into the triangle the three made. "Yeah we're in that one." Kyle stuck out his hand...
  2. Flynt Fire

    Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

    "Yeah," Kyle scratched the back of his head through his thick crimson hair. "If I remember correctly we're looking for the same place. I think we got assigned to the same dorm." Kyle let out a little chuckle. He wasnt usually the one asking for things. He definitely preferred to be the helper...
  3. Flynt Fire

    Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

    Kyle turned to acknowledge the man next to him. He had unusually colored hair and stood the same height as Kyle but lacked Kyle's bulky physique. Kyle extended his hand to the newcomer. "Hey man I'm Kyle Rhodes. Nice to meet you."
  4. Flynt Fire

    Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

    Kyle lept from his seat and made his way to the board with room assignments. He shouldered his way past the first few students who had beaten him to the board grinning as always and handing out "excuse me's" to the people he pushed past. It didnt take him long to examine the board and find his...
  5. Flynt Fire

    Realistic or Modern Mutant Academy

    The 2004 red Ford Taurus came to a stop in front of the gates that led to a magnificent building. Kyle swung the door open and stepped out of the car. He wore a sleeveless black and white vest and matching pants. Kyle walked around to the trunk of the car that his father had popped open from the...
  6. Flynt Fire

    The City of An'Thukar

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  7. Flynt Fire

    The City of An'Thukar

    Flynt Fire submitted a new role play. @Flynt Fire, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...
  8. Flynt Fire

    Mutant Academy

    So once our character gets accepted can we start posting or are we waiting until a certain time or certain number of members?
  9. Flynt Fire

    Mutant Academy

    Name: Kyle Rhodes Age:16 Powers: Geomancer – Kyle has the ability to manipulate minerals. The most common use of this ability is Kyle covers himself in an armor suit of diamond. The armor makes him very hard to hurt through physical means and his arms become spiked gauntlets he...
  10. Flynt Fire

    Cursed Blood

    I'd like to join! When are you planning on starting the roleplay? I didnt see any posts in that tab.