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  1. xxTwistediuMxx


  2. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    (( bumpp(: ))
  3. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    Finally, I spoke. "Um no. If anyone's training me for whatever you guys are talking about it's gonna be this "Crow" guy, HE kidnapped ME that guy's not getting me just because you said o, he did nothing to earn it." I tried to do quations in the air but winced and moved on. "And either way YOU...
  4. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    Again, I was silent. There would be no talking from me until I knew where the heck I was and why I was there... How did they know my name? I distracted myself by trying to find a pressure point in my hand to press so I could ease the pain. When I found one, I squeezed it and kept the pressure on...
  5. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    His smile would have melted my heart if I hadn't been terrified. Clean me up for what? What was going on!? I wanted to see my parents... I wanted to go home. There was no response from me, only silece as I held my hand close. Escape was the only thing on my mind.
  6. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

  7. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed reserved for Tigress)

    I fought and struggled, but eventually passed out, eyes rolling into my skull as I hung limply in her... Tail. I needed to get home....
  8. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    My senses were on fire and I yelped, landing hard and remembering him telling me to get out of the way... What the heck!? I rolled, as hard and quickly as I could, holding my hand against my chest. It hurt.. When I got to what I thought was safety I looked at my hand, noticing bruising. I really...
  9. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    "Whaat?" my mind was reeling and he just dumped all of this on me like it was no big deal, and in my mind, it really was! I didn't even know where I was! "Go home..." I mumbled. I just wanted to go home.. Where was I going? I need out of here... I turned ad started... "crawling" I guess is too...
  10. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    I woke suddenly, air crashing through my lungs and I jumped, the throbbing in my hand slowly returning. Everything was so foggy... "Wha's goin' on hurr..." I slurred, my eyes fighting to open. What the crap!
  11. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    Confusion passed through my mind briefly before it all went black, and blank, and the pain from my hand disappeared. I vaguely remember skinning my ankle from my body going limp... But I wasn't sure if that had actually happened.
  12. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    Anger starting to boil within me, I dug my feet into the ground and gritted my teeth, yanking against him. "What? Leave me the crap alone!" this guy was seriously a problem. AND he tried to kill my neighbor's dog. Freak. "Let me go. Stop. I don't care if you 'need me'!" My voice slowly began to...
  13. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    My mind began racing as I stumbled with this stranger. After a while of running I yanked my hand from his and stopped running, anger burning through my body. "Are you CUH-RAZY!?" I yelled, pushing him away from me.
  14. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    Barely out of the corner of my eye I saw someone I didn't recognize. Glancing again, I saw his eyes were yellow... Um okay dude do whatever you want with your life... I kinda smirked. "Can I help you with something?" The question had been asked somewhat snottily but I didn't care. I didn't know him.
  15. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    ((I think your reply got cut off... "I put..." what?))((Oookay I think it fixed... "After the one I want" )) My mind slipped away as I turned, finishing a lap around the park. I slowed and smiled, laughing brightly. That definitely made me feel a lot better. I heard Ms. Garrison's dog bark and...
  16. xxTwistediuMxx

    Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)

    * bumpity bumpity *(( Ene Kagerou ))
  17. xxTwistediuMxx

    So like on Facebook haha(: Thanks

    So like on Facebook haha(: Thanks
  18. xxTwistediuMxx

    Uhhmmm haha I have no idea how to do that..

    Uhhmmm haha I have no idea how to do that..
  19. xxTwistediuMxx

    No..? I don't see a reply.

    No..? I don't see a reply.
  20. xxTwistediuMxx

    Supernatural [TV] RP

    ((I'm not quite sure I understand this, and can I just jump in? Is there a way you'd like me to jump in?(: And would you like me to fill in the filler characters?))