Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed reserved for Tigress)


New Member
It's a mx of the Hunger Games and something else.. Not sure what the other book is called.

My character was just a normal person, living life, going to school. But something about me was what you and your people needed. See, you're from the government protected Factioned area, and you are specifically a part of Dauntless. There are five factions: Abnegation, the selfless, Eurdite, the intellegent, Amity, the peaceful, Candor, the honest, and last you. You're a part of Dauntless, the most respected and basically Bad-A faction there is. You're the brave, the protectors. Something in me, was what you needed; what you WANTED. Every year you must recruit, but this year you stole. That's how badly you wanted me.

As it goes on, you tell me there's a game we must play, a game that Eurdite and Dauntless always win. The rules are simple: Each faction gives up their top three that represent their faction the best, and they must play in a game to the death. However, the entire faction can win, as long as they are all standing. But as soon as one person dies from their faction, that faction is competing for a one-person winner.

You must train me. And educate me. May your faction ever be in favor.

One thing about your character. Must be cool. Like, B-A with it, since he's the highest person in Dauntless. AHH ALMOST FORGOT also must include fears, because you must put my character through a fear simulator, and do it as well. Put in personality.

Bio Outline:




Specialties (like combat wise):



Looks (picture would be great, also describe clothing, any tattoos, piercing, etc or use more pictures):

My Character:

Name: Mallary Ranee Brooks

Nickname: Mal

Age: 18

Height: 5' 10"

Specialties: Does kickboxing, and it the best in her class, and does par core (don't know how to spell that) and is known for infusing them together; does track and is the star distance runner. And although guns were banned in the non-Factioned area, she's not a bad shot. Not good with knives or anything with a blade.

Personality: She's extremely sassy and sarcastic, and won't let anyone get in her way. She could be seen as the stereotypical "hot chick" of the school, yet she stays to her usual normal crowd of people like her, however is friends with everyone. She's also not the easiest person to get to know and is as stubborn as a mule. Yet, if you're the right person and you'll stick to her, she'll eventually open up to you. Inside and around children, she is open and sweet, and the nicest person you could meet. Otherwise, she can come off rather rude. Her passion is kickboxing, and track, and is planning on a scholarship to Graceland in Iowa for the upcoming college school year. Her biggest fears are unusual for most, since the average person has about eight. She only has three. She fear of her past repeating itself (see, history), heights, and she's claustrophobic.

History: When she was young, her mother and father abused and raped her, leaving her scarred, and scared. She remembers it like it was yesterday. And that's why she's got commitment issues to guys. She hates remembering it, and usually has nightmares from it. After that, she was sent to foster parents, at around 10 years old, and was raped and abused over and over again. Finally, now, she's with happy, loving parents, and has been for four years. Her life for the past four years have been more than perfect, with all of her highschool accomplishments. College years, she wants to major in Photography and also in Business Management to open her own photography business.





Wears clothes like the clothes in the picture, with jean shorts.Tattoo:
across her shoulders. Also has leather bracelets around her right wrist, and a ring on her left thumb and pointer finger.

Can't wait to start(:

Bio Outline:


Madam Raven von Zyl




Uh...... No actual answer considering she isn't human


Raven is a government experiment, genetically modified to have the lower section of a snake. This means she is able to use her strong tail to break bones as easily as snapping twigs and she can move quickly. Like most snakes, she is able to move around silently.

Her favorite style of fighting though, is anything to do with blades. Swords, knives, daggers, you name a blade and she owns at least one of them. However, she has been trained to use almost any kind of weaponry, which is why she decided to start training new recruits.


Her personality is a bit of a mix-n-match, often changing between happy and depressed within seconds. Most of the time during training, she generally has a blank expression that masks her emotions from the surrounding world. This 'blank expression' allows her to defeat most of her opponents.

She generally ends up getting depressed when thinking about the future. She'll never be able to find someone who will love her since she is, well, a mutant.


She was a child when she was taken to the lab, only age five. Her father worked in the lab and he was the one who offered his daughter up as a 'tribute' for the latest experiment, not really caring about the consequences that it could have had. Her father had been lucky that the experiment had been a success, but after that moment he had been cut off from her. Since then she's traained really hard every day and she hasn't lost a single fight yet.



And she has these markings down her tail:


Sounds good set the scene of my kidnapping! After school one day? At the park? Let me know where I'm gonna be and everything. Also, I don't expect super huge large replies, one-liners are fine idc! Set the stage!
(I shall make the best replies I can if I can have mirrored posts ^^

Now then. The scene. Uh....... At the park. You stopped off there fter school one day and you went to a secluded area in the park.)
((Mirrored posts..?))

It was a cool day, the wind was blowing through my hair. I had seriously just needed to get away, school was dumb today, and I needed a break. Angrily running my fingers through my hair, I found a snag and started yanking, fumes of anger burning through my body. Finally I just flopped down, relishing in my final secluded location.

I smacked my head against my knees and groaned in anger. The wind was blowing against my bare legs, my shorts rubbed against them. Maybe I should put on my jacket.... I shrugged my army green jacket over my shoulders, partially concealing the loose dark grey tshirt I was wearing. My feet hurt, no throbbed, from my new Converse. I grumbled again and fell back, laying in the grass.
(posts that are round about the same length xD )

Raven looked at the girl as she sat down on the grass, glancing back down at her file every so often to check if this was the right girl. It was. She turned to face the two human men behind her before nodding and they stepped out of the bushes, standing next to her and looking down at her.

Minutes later, a tall woman slithered out of the bushes. In place of legs, she had a large black and red scaled snake tail.
My brow furrowed at the sight of the two men standing over me, and could barely see the head of a woman. I stood slowly, and did a double take seeing a tail.

"What. The he**?" I asked, taking a step back. Who were these people?
Raven folded her arms over her chest and looked at the girl. "Ma'am, we need you to come with us please" she stated in her usual business voice, her thick tail coiling around itself. The two human men seemed completely unphased by that inhuman woman standing next to them
"We're from the govvernment. Please come with us, ma'am" he repeated. Raven watched the scene unfolding, watching the girl with her blood red eyes
Raven slithered around the girl and lifted her tail slightly, getting the girl to fall back down to a sitting position
The men looked at Raven before nodding and Raven slithered forward, using her large tail to lift the girl off of the ground by her ankles. "I have a tail. It's a lot more useful than legs" she said with a laugh and slithered back to the men, still holding the girl in the air
Shrieking in anger I let my body relax. That's what they said to do if you were ever attacked by a snake.... Right? "Let me go." I growled.
The men looked at Raven. "Could you carry her the whole way?" they asked and Raven looked at the girl. "If she squirms it'lll be difficult, but if she stays relaxed then it will be a lot easier" she said with a nod, her red hair falling over her shoulders
Raven hummed softly as she slithered back into the thick trees and onto the helicopter that waited for them within the trees
Raven rolled her eyes and lifted her tail slightly, moving it so that she was looking at the girl. A small forked tongue flickered out from between her lips. "Calm down, girl. There is nothing to worry about. We aren't going to hurt you in any way" she said before moving up the ramp that allowed her to move onto the helicopter. She put the girl down on one of the chairs and nodded towards the pilot, letting him know that they could leave.
I fought and struggled, but eventually passed out, eyes rolling into my skull as I hung limply in her... Tail. I needed to get home....
Raven stretched out along the floor of the helicopter as it took to the skies, flying towards their destination

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