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  1. Sophie

    Yup! :) I love it here. Loads of nice people here. Hehe, thanks

    Yup! :) I love it here. Loads of nice people here. Hehe, thanks
  2. Sophie

    Thank you Wolphie :)

    Thank you Wolphie :)
  3. Sophie

    Looking for a 1x1 partner(s)!

    If you still want someone then just pm me
  4. Sophie

    Survival as a Species!

    Ahhh, okay. Interesting!
  5. Sophie

    Looking for many people to RP with! :3

    That was the exact same thing I was thinking
  6. Sophie

    Looking for many people to RP with! :3

    Anything, I don't mind. I was thinking something about a romance in a survival sort of thing?
  7. Sophie

    Looking for many people to RP with! :3

    You sound like someone to roleplay with. I usually write the same amount as you. It really depends on how much stuffs happening. The more drama or action, the more I'll write
  8. Sophie

    Survival as a Species!

    This sounds very exciting! I would definitely like to join this roleplay! It sounds really good. Just, are sergals civilised? Are Sergals another species like humans with the same intelligence, having their own armies and own plans of destruction? Or are they like monsters who come and just full...
  9. Sophie

    I am new here.-.

    Heya! I'm new too. I just joined yesterday. If you want to do a 1x1, just let me know!
  10. Sophie

    Other What if oxygen is actually poisonous, but it just takes 75-100 years to kill us?

    I doubt this is true. Don't ask me to give you a long paragraph of science. Just thinking from common sense though. Years ago people died at the age of 25. Nowadays, humans lifespan have expanded. I don't believe oxygen is poisonous because people have been known to exceed 100. But the thing is...
  11. Sophie

    The Pack of the Howling

    SilverOfHope - Accepted I'll make the roleplay thread now guys, thanks for waiting. Since there is two people running for the Beta position now, I wish for you all to pm me on who should become beta. Either: A. Lakota B. Shadow
  12. Sophie

    The Pack of the Howling

    Just one more person, then I'll make the roleplay thread
  13. Sophie

    The Pack of the Howling

    paipai900 - Accepted Xynia1998 - Accepted, How about soldier? oOBubblesOo - Accepted Cody - Accepted
  14. Sophie


    A pokemon who transformed into a pokemon?
  15. Sophie

    Darkness Rising (Sign-ups)

    Name: Cheren Gender: Male Age: 15 Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure heart Appearance (Normal and Transformation): (Just, replace the purple eyes with brown eyes.) (Yes, that's right. He's barely recognisable when he transforms. ) Transformation Name: Attacks: Normally uses a...
  16. Sophie

    Looking for a few 1x1 rpg partners!

    I'm looking for a good roleplay that will last for a long time. I will roleplay anything!
  17. Sophie


    That sounds really cool actually! So say my character was like... a teenager was half umbreon. Would that make her look like a human but also have umbreon ears and tail? And of course, use the moves
  18. Sophie

    Sophie's Blog?

    SOPHIES BLOG The place to read my strange entries... Hello! Thank you for dropping in. Here you can read my entries. Some include drawings, doodles and stories... Yenno, the casual. Anyway! Please, feel free to scroll about... :wink: 24/07/2013
  19. Sophie

    The Pack of the Howling

    Welcome to the pack of the Howling. Ages ago, two packs existed. They both roamed the forest in constant quarrel. All until a forest fire scorched the land causing the two packs to loose many members. The two packs decided to forge together. It has been that way for many moons. But now, after...
  20. Sophie

    When should you feel guilty for killing zombies?

    I find no hesitation. It's like killing a vegetable. Even less than a vegetable. It has no mind of it's own, no soul. I would only hesitate if I think it's gonna look disgusting all over my screen. Morally I don't think I show any hesitation if the unreal creature is about to kill me so I blast...