Survival as a Species!


Four Thousand Club
15 Years, It has been 15 years since they came...

Humanity was once a thriving empire, sure we had out own nations, cultures, religions, squabbles beyond counting, but as a species we dominated out planet that we call "Earth" but of course, as is the fate of all empires, they came faced with a sudden and cataclysmic event, that event, were the Sergals.

Sergals, averaging at adult size of 7.5 feet tall, as a species they are lean, fast, strong and utterly ruthless, they came in what we now call the "night of red tears" although officially it is called "Emergence day", in one night, on October the 23rd 2016, all over the world a single, enormous storm covered the entire earth, lightning, rain, all that came down, but something else did as well, descending from the sky were these creatures, armed with relatively simple weaponry and tools like Swords, Bows and metal armors, they began a campaign of genocide against the human race, when the storm cleared, the portals they came out of remained, Humanity's armies mobalized and within days, millions upon millions of these Sergals lied dead, their bodies riddled with holes, burned to a crisp or blown to bits, however they just kept coming, and when one portal closed, another opened. and again they flooded in.

Over these 15 years, Humanity has found a way to ease the strain of these constant attacks, and that way was put into 3 parts,

1: use radiation waves to disrupt the portals, sealing some off, but this lead others to remain locked in place.

2: wall off the areas where they are coming out, this includes entire countries.

3: kill anything that comes near the walls from their side and conduct regular "search and destroy" air missions against the Sergals in those areas.

But now something is happening within the Sergal ranks, the combination of their own insanely fast breeding coupled with their exposure to human media through remaining T.V stations, radio and internet connections in the areas they have conquered, there is now a fracture within their society, some Sergals want to beg the humans for mercy, in the hopes they will be allowed to stay and live in peace, while the others maintain the mindset of those who first came, that Earth is their new land, and they will conquer it and claim it for themselves, and this division in opinions could soon spark a civil war between them, but what concerns the humans is the constant reports of Sergals tunneling UNDER the walls with the aid of "hippie/Green/WAAAY far-left" humans, what happens when/if entire sections of walls come crashing down?

There are 3 walled off areas, the biggest is an area stretching from Liberia to Somalia, population - Humans = 0 - Sergal - 1.8 Billion and counting. the second area is an area stretching from Moscow to Prague, again with the same population ratio and the third is the entire Arabian Peninsula, with the wall stretching from the southern areas of Israel to the borders of middle-western Iran, and has caused constant "holy wars (Jihad)" unseen since Israel was first founded.

I would like some people to join this RP, you might be a human living in a town on the other side of the wall, a Human or Sergal guard, a politician, an influential Sergal politician or a protesting hippie demanding the walls be torn down or anything else. 
I think this image sums up what the Sergals are and what their society is like.

This sounds very exciting! I would definitely like to join this roleplay! It sounds really good. Just, are sergals civilised? Are Sergals another species like humans with the same intelligence, having their own armies and own plans of destruction? Or are they like monsters who come and just full out kill people, like zombies but more skilled in weaponry?
They are like tribals with the technology of the mid-early renesance so their society is harsh where the weak are left to die but are organised enough to form organised and armed armies... Even if that doesn't do anything to save them from ariel bombardment, artillery fire or walls of machine gun fire into their ranks that tears their armor to shreds
I'm interested. Sounds like a cool idea. What about a group from outside the wall that is violent in trying to get the walls torn down?
They are mostly university students and hippies who think nothing should ever be kept behind walls.

you know, all those "f*ck the police" and "f*ck authority" types who think that everything is the fault of the American and/or Israeli governments... even though neither of those countries actually built any walls themselves and they think that if the walls are torn down, then there will be peace and happiness and sunshine and blah blah blah.

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