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    Return of the Swan Dragon

    Swan Dragon's got a lot of power and popularity and Wong is hated by the southern court. Thing is Wong is unlikely to go down without a fight. The question will be how Wong goes about trying to get rid of Swan Dragon.
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    Final Viridescence

    Cold Fire Desolation Brand is one such charm. However it doesn't infect with Final Viridescence until the Infernal has Essence 5+. From Infernals Pg 116: "Infernals with Essence 4+ inflict a disease with penalties that start at full strength rather than building over the course of hours...
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    Dance Dance Reclamation!

    Yessss, now my Slayer Infernal has yet another goal to complete in his conquering of the east! *rubs hands together evilly*
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    Infernal spoilers.

    Adorjan's are fun but I'm partial to those of Malfeas and the Ebon Dragon. You can cause plenty of problems with those, even the lower essence ones.
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    Need help fleshing out a story

    Alternately one of the Deathlord might recognize your mad First Age Solar and have a serious beef with offering the party assistance in ordr to settle an old score. If you want the Deathlord as an antagonist perhaps he was an old ally of the Solar's and together they're kicking off their old...
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    Hierarchy of the Gods

    The closest you can get to a pyramid of Yu-Shan's hierarchy is the Incarna and the heads of the Bureau of Destiny. Beyond that things quickly dissolve into a tangled ball of yarn.
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    By Agony Empowered

    The charm really seems to be there to mitigate the fact that despite them being around Solar level, their version of Ox-Body doesn't give them any extra -0 and -1 health levels. Instead they get two -2s and a -4. The -2s are decent but by the time you hit the -4s you're in pretty bad shape...
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    Claws of Silver Moon: Seriously?

    Lunars definitely have some fugly attacks but that's somewhat negated by defense being greater than offense.
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    Infernal spoilers.

    I think you're are misunderstanding my post. I am not complaining about either edition. I was merely pointing out that 2nd Edition has made major changes to the setting and mechanics. If we can think of 1st Edition as Grabowski's "vision" since he was heading the creation of Exalted at the...
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    Infernal spoilers.

    The simple fact is that the setting has changed drastically in 2nd Edition. Lunars are no longer all "Me smash Creation, RAAARRRGH!" and Sidereals are no longer portrayed as just the Exalted equivalent of maniupulative politicians and bureaucrats. Remember too that things twisted and changed...
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    Infernal spoilers.

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    Novels for inspiration

    I'd put in for the the Young Wizards books by Diane Duane. It's very good inspiration for Sorcery particularly long, ritual Sorcery. Among other things it has: A form of magical speech that not only describes but defines parts of the universe. A book describing everything in the universe...
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    Dance Dance Reclamation!

    They'll have to do it at some point anyway otherwise the Abyssals will just keep reincarnating. That said I'm pretty sure the Yozis could reverse engineer the Monstrances if they could get a hold of one.
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    Infernals are lame.

    I'm surprised I haven't heard so much as a peep from MrGone. Usually within a week of release he has something up.
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    Dance Dance Reclamation!

    Assuming that the Reclamation succeeds and the Yozis are free however I don't think even the Kukla will win. Big, nasty earth dragon versus a bunch of beings greater than the gods I'm going to put my bet on the Yozis. Besides it's made clear that the Yozis have a massive amount of information...
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    Infernals are lame.

    I'm going to have to disagree with the OP. Infernals definitely gets my creative juices flowing. I have a lot of ideas for Infernals both as heroes and villians in Creation. One of the things I definitely like is that the Infernals unlike the Abyssals aren't shackled to the stagnated attitude...
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    Dance Dance Reclamation!

    Given that Malfeas controls the east I would expect that direction to be seriously messed up. Malfeas out of all the Yozis is the most hell bent on visiting destruction upon Creation. Expect major population centers to be prime targets so Lookshy and Nexus probably get decimated. Mask of...
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    Anime that best represent Exalted.

    I'm surprised some of these haven't been mentioned yet. Saint Seiya: Powers and artifacts abound, the different types of saints have established power levels (bronze, silver, and gold), and you have gods and goddesses vying for control of the world. Very inspirational and definitely very...
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    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    My two favorites are Solars and Abyssals.  I tend to divide the Exalted types like this: Ones I like Solars:  Pretty much for the reasons other people have stated.  They're easily accessible and encompass a wide range of concepts.  You also have frightening power that can be put to use...