Infernals are lame.

That said, having opened the book for the first time not an hour ago - glancing through random stuff. I must say that the design of the signature characters are a disappointment (to the extent that I will be completely ignoring them) - Emo-sexnun, Crabhand Mummyface and BuccaneerpantsRobinHood all fails in delivering the feeling that they belong *at all* in the setting (to be fair - I don't like the idea of Cowboy Solar and too much flamepieces in my Exalted. I lean more towards the high *fantasy* end of the spectrum). The Fiend Caste one fails to feel at all distinguishable (well, so far at least - perhaps there will be background fluff that changes my mind).
Gyrfalcon, aka the sky pirate is probably the only one that I would use. Oh and the Slayer. Then again, I think the idea behind the nun is bad ass. The idea of the Dune People becoming Yozi worshiping Fremen is scary awesome. That aside...*shrugs* more signature npc's that I wont be using...just like every other signature NPC since the game's beginning. I prefer my own NPCs. So beyond that, not much of an opinion.
I'm going to have to disagree with the OP. Infernals definitely gets my creative juices flowing. I have a lot of ideas for Infernals both as heroes and villians in Creation. One of the things I definitely like is that the Infernals unlike the Abyssals aren't shackled to the stagnated attitude of the Neverborn and Deathlords. They have an actual plan and are working toward it (At least the Ebon Dragon does) unlike the Deathlords for the most part. They're very much active in Creation. The book also clearly shows how twisted the Yozis are and their charmset also reflects this nicely, particularly the Infernal Monster Style.

I find the design of the signature characters to be decent. Crab guy is a good example of extensive the keeper demon can change an Infernal's body. The comics do a good job of showcasing the specialties of the Slayer and Fiend castes. Out of all of them I like the Malefactor the least but that's because the comic featuring her isn't really all that good.

All in all I enjoyed the book. The Infernals definitely have a place in Creation either as horrible demonic antagonists or surprise heroes fighting for Creation or the healing of the Yozis.
White Wolf and editing... it's like oil and water. Anyone else remember the first edition players companion? Now there was some bad editing.

Strangely enough, I just noticed today that in the back of the core book under the artifact gear list they at one point completely makes up the cost of the artifact and the tuning cost for the artifact. I can't believe I never noticed that before. :lol:
JadedSmile said:
Strangely enough, I just noticed today that in the back of the core book under the artifact gear list they at one point completely makes up the cost of the artifact and the tuning cost for the artifact. I can't believe I never noticed that before. :lol:
I'm surprised I haven't heard so much as a peep from MrGone. Usually within a week of release he has something up.
He hasn't made hardly any Exalted sheets in many moons. It's rather crappy.
Flagg said:
JadedSmile said:
Strangely enough, I just noticed today that in the back of the core book under the artifact gear list they at one point completely makes up the cost of the artifact and the tuning cost for the artifact. I can't believe I never noticed that before. :lol:
sorry, that was meant to be "Strangely enough, I just noticed today that in the back of the core book under the artifact gear list they at one point completely mix up the cost of the artifact and the attuning cost for the artifact. I can't believe I never noticed that before."

I use voice to text software instead of typing, so it doesn't always interpret my words correctly.

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