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  1. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Wow, it's been... A really long time since I last came here. Oops. I don't suppose there's a chance that I didn't miss anything important?
  2. intrepid

    too pumped for dragon age inquisition

    too pumped for dragon age inquisition
  3. intrepid

    gets hella pumped for DRAGON AGE INQUISITON

    gets hella pumped for DRAGON AGE INQUISITON
  4. intrepid

    The Mole

    Name: Salem Markos Gender: Male Age: 19 Ability: Salem can sense the emotions of the people around him. He senses the emotions of anyone within about two hundred feet, and often has difficulty distinguishing their feelings from his own. He's incapable of turning his ability off and often...
  5. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    'We've got those bandits now, they aren't wearing any armor-Wait, wait, why are all of you taking off your armor? This is our chance!' 'Yeah but this is a hot spring does anyone really wanna fight in full armor in a hot spring?' 'But-bu-we have the bandits at a disadvantage!' 'bro, no...
  6. intrepid


  7. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Just curious, should I wait until the battle is over before I start to roleplay, or can I jump in now?
  8. intrepid

    but what about dragon age

    but what about dragon age
  9. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Severa's relationship with Cordelia made me so sad All of the children's conversations make me sad this dumb game makes me really sad.
  10. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Aaah Cordelia was my favorite character aside from Panne <3 That made me REALLY upset for a REALLY long time though! Like, I would have been fine with just a CBA support, I just wanted them to INTERACT and for Cordelia to RESOLVE her feelings, ugh.
  11. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    I was trying to get Chrom/Olivia because I like the inherited classes Lucina gets from Olivia but apparently Chrom had a support with Maribelle and it didn't work out at all as I had hoped it would.
  12. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    I accidentally married Maribelle to Chrom in my game :/
  13. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    'Do you think any of the bandits want to come watch the wedding with us?' '...I...I doubt it?'
  14. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Now I wish I had made a priest or something like imagine they're on the battlefield 'Let's get married, right here, right now!' 'We're a little far from any churches right now...' 'Who needs a church? Let's get that priest guy to do it!'
  15. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Imagine someone proposing on the battlefield though, like 'I LOVE YOU! WE SHOULD GET MARRIED!' 'CAN THIS WAIT?'
  16. intrepid

    Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

    Name: Merrill Sabrae Physical appearance: Merrill is a young woman who stands at 5'5", with a lanky body structure that very obviously wouldn’t support very much muscle-surprising, to those familiar with her parents. Merrill isn’t the most in-shape person, her scrawny appearance and limited...
  17. intrepid

    Attack On Titan **Update**

    I'd like a human titan character as well, if that's alright. And may I claim Ymir?
  18. intrepid

    Attack On Titan **Update**

    So we have a plot, how do you figure we set about making this a reality?
  19. intrepid

    Attack On Titan **Update**

    I'd be more than interested in joining! I've been waiting for an Attack on Titan roleplay for a while now, actually.
  20. intrepid

    battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster

    battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster