Attack On Titan **Update**


Previously Lucifer1
**Updated 12:29 PM**

So I just watched the Anime, Attack on Titan for the 3rd time and still can't get enough of it. I heard they will be starting the production of season two ( or at least thinking about it) in 2015. I really can't wait that long for , In my opinion, the greatest Anime in my "anime vault". So the only way I can go on living whilst deprived of AoT is if I roleplay it. ♥

I would probably want some of us to play as OC's . I would like to start the role play from the ending of the 1st season, so if you haven't watched the anime this RP will be a big spoiler.

I would like this to be a Group RP, but if someone wants to 1-1 with another AoT idea then I am

more than happy to do so.

After the battle between Eren and Annie a wave of panic ripples through the walls. The remaining 104th Training Corps graduated class is now under strict surveillance, as suspicion inclines through the ranks. Suspicion seems to be the only thing filtering through the air. Fear that the walls, once believed to be goddesses of protection from evil, could not protect them any longer clouded everyone's judgement. Civilians began losing their minds, creating a crime rate increase. Commander Erwin Smith was held accountable for all the lives, and properties that had been lost in the Human-Titan battle. He was sentenced to death. Levi was promoted to Commander, in charge of selecting remaining cadets and military police for the new Survey Corps. With a small selection of humans willing to risk their lives for humanity, new tactics for fending off Titan attacks are crucial.

Meanwhile Zoë Hange is in charge of breaking Annie out of the crystallized cocoon. Eren spends his free time dedicated to finding other Human-Titans through out the crowds.

With the objective of taking back wall Maria in mind, Levi Sends out a new band of elite soldiers to survey the Titan masses. Mikasa, Eren, and Levi set out, but after only half a day they were forced to retreat, for the battle that happened had attracted Titans from miles away.

With the threat of humans with the titan abilities, and the Titan population increasing by every minute, the remaining sane humans must band together to fight, Fight or Die.

If you would like to be a "human-titan" I am more then happy to allow this, but no more than 2 characters playing a HT, otherwise everyone would be turning into a giant mound of steamy blood-lusting flesh. Human Titans will be played by OC's.

If you are interested in an Attack On Titan group RP, please reply to this thread c:

If you're interested in a 1-1 AoT RP, please message me ♥

Tah tah for nao ~
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Pssst. I've been hearing that Season 2 is supposed to come out in July, at some point. c:

Could just be rumors, but...I dunno, that's what I've heard from friends, and I wanted to let ya know. So long, fellow AoT fan! *skips away*
[QUOTE="Agent Nine]
Pssst. I've been hearing that Season 2 is supposed to come out in July, at some point. c:
Could just be rumors, but...I dunno, that's what I've heard from friends, and I wanted to let ya know. So long, fellow AoT fan! *skips away*

Hmm, I heard it was suppose to come out in 2015, oh wells. :o
Waaait, wait. Turns out the July thing was some horrible April Fool's joke by Otaku House.


...I feel so...gullible. *sobs*
OverlyIntricateLove said:
I love Attack On Titan :) , very interested!
Yay someone is interested in the plot!! :3

Do you know anyone else who would like to join? It seems like more of a group rp, unless we figure out how to make it a 1-1
No sorry :( , I'm a little new here so I haven't met anyone else (other than you) who likes AOT. But I'm sure more people will join if we wait :) .
I'd be more than interested in joining! I've been waiting for an Attack on Titan roleplay for a while now, actually.
Well, all of us would have to be one/two of the canon's from AoT.

And I think we could start it off in the underground vault where Annie is being kept. Hange and Eren are trying to break it open, they'll probably need help form more then one character. :o
So would it be like a continuation of the story? Sounds fun, looking forward to it starting :D .
Hmmm, is it okay if I play Christa? (I remember having a crush on her :3.) And if we are doing two characters I will play Jean as well. But I'm really okay with playing any character... except Armin :P .

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