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  • Users: Fabu
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  1. Fabu

    Fantasy .: Secrets :.

    Kyzer arrived to the royal convention on horseback along with a small entourage. He was garbed from head to toe in a combination of magnificent purple and gold. He was here for one purpose only, to represent the nobility on behalf of the Obscuro Family. It wasn't something he particularly...
  2. Fabu

    ☆I feel pretty. Oh so pretty.☆

    ☆I feel pretty. Oh so pretty.☆
  3. Fabu

    .: Secrets :. (Medieval Supernatural Rp)

    Name: Kyzer Last Name: Obscuro Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Human Powers: Under normal conditions, Kyzer is just your typical human with no powers whatsoever; however, his sword benefits him with its own unique enchantments. First and foremost, Kyzer's sword is supposedly sentient...
  4. Fabu

    Eternia: Land of Bloodshed

    Name: Kyzer Obscuro Age: 19 Appearance: Personality: Kyzer is a self absorbed, prideful, and very egocentric individual. He looks down on most he meets, thinking them as nothing more than mere peasants. His abrasive way of speaking when combined with the fact that he'll gloat makes it...
  5. Fabu

    Monochrome Roster

    Name: "Roland Ives Pryce" or simply "the Misfit" Age: 18 Allegiance: Delinquents Appearance: Personality: Roland can best be considered an eccentric who lives life by his own code. He chooses not to be bound by rules and will often purposely seek ways to break them no matter the...
  6. Fabu

    Going North

    ~Basics~ Name: Fabian Ray'usta Race: Human Class: Ranger Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: ~Personality~ Backstory: Coming from a long line of vagabond mercenaries, spell casters, and merchants, Fabian spent most of his childhood constantly on the move. His father, being a renowned...
  7. Fabu

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Magnus frowned slightly, a look of momentary surprise painting his face. Crossing paths with another hunter was one of the last things he would have expected, especially one of the few who managed to live this long. "It's quite alright. I didn't expect any more hunters to partake in this...
  8. Fabu

    Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Sorry my activity had been at an all time low recently. Finding time to post has become diffult lately to say the least. I'll try to find the time to post later today and thank you for the reminder~
  9. Fabu

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Magnus watched the Iron Claw's camp with faint interest. His eyes followed the figures that were Axlen and Rylde as the pair made their way to the opposing camp. It genuinely surprised him on how fast the two hunters were surrounded. He began to raise his crossbow but thought the better of it...
  10. Fabu

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Strange sounds from within the darkness of the forest caused Magnus to immediately become alert. Noticing that the other hunters had drawn their weapons assured him it was more than his imagination. Following suit, his hand found its way to the handle of his crossbow concealed within his cloak...
  11. Fabu

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Magnus gingerly took his hat off and placed it before him, his alburn hair falling to his shoulders as he did so. His fingers made quick, deft movements as he picked off leaves and debris off of it, casting whatever he found into the flames. Whilst he did so he couldn't help but cast a sharp...
  12. Fabu

    Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Magnus, garbed in a billowing cloak, walked silently among the night of the forest. The journey was more burdensome than anything else. He had been traveling solely on gut instinct and as such had lost his way a few times. The entire trip should have only taken two days at the max, yet it felt...
  13. Fabu

    Vagabond: Dream and Valor

    Seems I'm fashionably late to the party. I'll probably post late tonight or early tomorrow. Life's been busy for me lately.
  14. Fabu

    Fantasy Live Long Enough

    Magnus stooped forward a bit as he slowed down to stop. The extensive amount of time running had taken it's toll on him, made clear by the fact that he was lightly sweating. The faint scowl that painted his face was quickly replaced by total awe upon seeing the creature. Whatever expectations he...
  15. Fabu

    Futuristic Apocalypse Rising (Spots gone, sorry. :C)

    Royce took a slightly longer path instead of sliding down the hill. He moved more cautiously now as he came upon the buildings. Buildings...things zombies seem fond of hiding in. He wordlessly loaded his crossbow with one of his few remaiming bolts. His eyes gained an intense focus as he lifted...
  16. Fabu

    Futuristic Apocalypse Rising (Spots gone, sorry. :C)

    Royce silently followed behind the person, always making sure to keep a large enough gap between them. He kept to the shadows, using them and whatever he could hide behind nearby just incase they turned around. His smirk began to fade away as he realized he was in unfamiliar territory. After a...
  17. Fabu

    Futuristic Apocalypse Rising (Spots gone, sorry. :C)

    Somewhere hidden within the shadows of an abandoned store sat Royce. The store itself had long been looted for supplies, leaving only shattered glass and dust as remains. Instead he hid behind its counter, using the spot to finish off the remains of his meal. Occasionally he'd take a quick peak...
  18. Fabu

    Apocalypse Rising (Spots gone. Sorry. :C))

    Name: Royce Steele Nickname(Optional): Roy Age: 19 Height: 6'0 Weight(Optional): 155 Weapons: A pair of brass knuckles, a machete, and a crossbow. Alone or in Group: Alone Personality: Royce is a quiet person with a nonchalant attitude for the most part. No matter the...
  19. Fabu

    Fantasy Live Long Enough

    Magnus simply watched as everybody followed Angelo's lead in an orderly fashion. Rushing straight into the heart of chaos without even the slightest hint of a plan. He frowned slightly, focusing his eyes on the dark sky overhead. The apocalypse had come much sooner then he expected, much sooner...
  20. Fabu

    Fantasy Live Long Enough

    From under the brim of his hat Magnus gazed at the flickering embers nearest to his feet. He silently pursed his lips, the only reaction he felt like showing to Garrett's words. It was much more than most would be able to get out of him. Memoria's quick speech had an entirely different effect on...