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Fantasy Vagabond: Dream and Valor



"The night air had finally descended onto the land, waking all those who seek refuge under the stars.

The creatures of the night had begun to play, while the creatures of the day had gone away.

Tip toe goes the traveler. Worried to be seen, For the monsters will surely make him bleed.

They say to travel by night is a fools errand.

The vilest of things lurk in every darkened crevasse, waiting to snatch and swallow you whole.

Be careful dear traveler. Oh do be careful.

For there is no one who will here your screams."

- unknown

With all it's might, the moon had stretched to the highest point into the sky, giving blessings to all those who dwell in between: monster and man a like. A select few of Hunters and humans are to arrive at the destination within The Tyni Forest under the instructions of The Order of the Hunt.

"The Order of the Hunt" was created a year ago by the Hunter known as Daemon of the Wild and Axlen, The Spirit Walker. Daemon had been a Hunter for eighteen years before realizing the error in the Hunter's code. For years, Hunters traveled and fought alone. Rarely did they seek the help of others. It wasn't because of their pride conflicting with them; it was because that's what they had simply done for generations and what they continued to do there after as if they were all lions hunting their own prey, but unlike their lion comparison, they died miserable and agonizing deaths with only a shadow by their side. Daemon of the Wild had seen many of his brethren die through his long service as a Hunter and decided to make a change to the way the everyday Hunter carried themselves.

On one his hunts, Deamon of the Wild had come to a high point in which he could not climb over himself. A couple of days later, another Hunter had entered the same inn that Daemon of the Wild had been staying in for the duration of this particular Hunt. He asked the Hunter for he his name. He quickly found out that the Hunter was in fact the renown Spirit Walker. With this in mind, he had to make his request known, so he approached The Spirit Walker and asked him a simple question...

"Will you help me with my Hunt?"

With that, The Order of the Hunt was born.

"The Campfire"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1245f955_Campfirepic1.jpg.7a7c26c94539c5d3647c2109345513b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1245f955_Campfirepic1.jpg.7a7c26c94539c5d3647c2109345513b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Now besides the four other Hunters that belonged to The Order of the Hunt, nine humans were summoned to the meeting location as well to participate in the Hunt. They were the first to arrive at the meeting spot. The shabby group of human fighters had resembled mercenaries for hire, but they were in fact Warriors from the village that lied just north of The Tyni Forest. They were the first to arrive.

For the past week, they had been plagued by an army of Barbarians who sought to take their food and women. Day after day the barbarians attacked, leaving The Village of Rouke in a state worse than the day before.They had sent a message to The Order of the Hunt earlier that week, however, requesting assistance immediately. The message had been received and a plan of action was put in place.

The Rouke Warriors stood by the large rock that favored the face of a horse and started a campfire just as the note had told them to do so as they waited for the other Hunters to join them. Anxiously staring into the wild, they had their weapons drawn and pointed into the night beyond where the light of the campfire couldn't reach. They wanted to be prepared for whatever came their way, for they knew of the dangers that lurked through the night. They hoped the Hunters would make haste and get there soon. Only then would they be at ease.

(Okay from here, we will start by how you got here to the location. You can talk about about where you were before the forest, what you were doing when you got to the forest, and what happened when you got the meeting location.)



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A couple bites away from satisfaction, the Desert Lionness was unwinding from a long day's walk. Talaj arrived just today at sundown, and had spent her time since setting up her own little spot. She didn't bring a tent, and didn't know if one would be provided for her, so she dropped her things by a tree closest to the fire, and unpacked the essentials; food, drink, and a large handmade coat made from bear hides. She's no seamstress; she had to start over a couple times before she was satisfied with her barbaric craftsmanship.

Four years ago, Talaj was pretty clueless with her life. She was a nobody who came out of nowhere looking for something she could make a living off of. She was trying all sorts of things, but wasn't very good at any of them, until she swallowed her pride and joined a mercenary band. She didn't want to end up killing, but not only did it end up happening, she became renowned for it. She was best known for defending caravans from bandits in and around the Tarnished Lands, not letting any touch a single coin of wealth and live. For a couple years, she gained a strong respect from the merchant world and a burning rivalry with the entirety of Dead Man's Crossing. Talaj was offered a lavish home in Pluto's Crossing, and she was held up by bandits at her front door. She decided she didn't want to deal with that heat, so began searching for something else. One of her merchant friends suggested becoming a Hunter. She could make a lot more friends by being a Hunter, rather than just some bodyguard. So, for the past year, she has lived as a Hunter

One last chomp into a juicy ham, and she was done. Not hungry, not bloated, just done. She put it back on the rag she used to carry it and wrapped it. Slumped shoulders, a content expression, and a long drawn out exhale; Talaj in her favorite state of mind. "So, what else? How about all of you?"
"And that's five..." Aldous brisky slings a small sack of hares over his shoulder and begins his trek to the camp.

"It's been so long..." He thinks to himself, meaning since he had been commissioned for a hunt. He quickens his pace, in a rush to see what sort of comrades will fight alongside him...or beneath him, rather. Seeing that Aldous tenure had stretched to an unholy five years, he knew that he was more experienced then most other hunters. That being said, he himself was the best hunter he knew of, aside from Axlen that is. Aldous spent some time fighting alongside Axlen, and assumed Axlen had only lived so long because of luck. (the force keeping hunters alive these days)

Aldous quietly entered the camp, noticing a few interesting characters as he did. A small troupe of mercenaries by the look, and a large woman sitting beside the camp fire.

Is that an ally, or a target? He chuckled to himself, noting how the woman's monstrous size could have her mistaken as a beast in the wild. Aldous reaches into his cloak pocket and pulls out a letter from the order, containing the details of his being summoned. He reads it a bit, then crumbles it into his hand when he sees something about barbarians.

"This may just be an utter waste of time..." He sneers his upper lip at the thought.

Aldous draws back his hood, revealing his snow white hair. He then begins walking toward the fire, to greet the large woman. As he approaches, his stride is straightforward and his steps are inaudible. He tosses his sack of hares next to the fire to reveal his presence, then delivers a gentle tap to her shoulder.

"Hello, I am Aldous. A hunter of 5 years, and you are?"
She turned her head to the white-haired fellow. "Ah, hello. My name's Talaj. I'm new to this hunter business, first year. Not my first hunt, but I can forget to take advantage of my new tricks, sometimes." The large woman stowed away the meat she had been eating, looking at another hunk of meat, wrapped with her copy of the calling letter, now illegible due to meat juices. "I liked being a caravan guard better, it was simple, but I do enjoy the places I go now. Can't go some places sitting on the back of a wagon, you know?"
Leana rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance, the light wind rustling her clothes. Tonight, Rend was in a talkative mood. In this particular instance, he didn't want to be quiet about how she didn't let him eat souls... not like she even knew how she would, or how she was responsible for that. Still, he blamed her for it at the moment, and felt like letting her know it. This was the usual, but all the more annoying when she actually had somewhere to go.

The entire way through the forest to the camp had been uneventful, but extraordinarily annoying because of Rend's nagging. She just wanted to do the job, but Rend wanted to amuse himself by hearing the sound of his own voice... Well, his thought-voice, to be precise.

{Could you just be quiet, please Rend? I have somewhere to be, and I would rather the people there not find me insane right off the bat. If it is anything like last time, you chose not to say hello, just to spite me,} She thought to him, pouting as she did so.

{Heh. What? I thought it amusing. You didn't like? You didn't hit that squirrel with the fireball, so I got pouty,} the moody blade retorted, making his amused grin almost palpable, {Besides, why do you care what people think?}

{We've had this discussion a thousand times,}
Leana thought with an aloud sigh as they walked in the direction of the campsite. It was a pleasant night out, she felt, finding night in general to be calming. It was still, undisturbed and pleasant. She could look up at the sky and not hurt her eyes with the glare of the sun. She continued speaking with the scythe, {I care because I actually like people and I am in fact not a sociopathic murderer. Unlike certain people I know and have to lug about.}

{Eh. What can I say? The sound of flesh ripping off from bones, whether you're eating a chicken wing or flaying a goblin... it soothes me. Like a baby's nursery rhymes,} Rend shrugged with his voice, a cold grin coming right off of the cold steel, matching the colors of the blade perfectly. He had his own ways of communicating non-verbally. They weren't the best, but they got the point across none the less. Rend sighed, {Fine fine. I'll be nice and sociable with your fellow whatever you call yourselves.}

Leana rolled her eyes as she saw the approaching flame and darkened smoke trail of the campfire, {Watch out now... someone might get an idea that you actually care about me.}

She was so small compared to these warriors, they seemed so trained, and compared to them she looked fragile. Compared to most people she looked fragile. Her figure was small, that of a slender woman, thin but naturally so. Lean, she wasn't unfit either, she just didn't try to be muscular. Leana saw the other hunters and smiled meekly towards them, before turning to the Rouke Warriors nearest to her, "Hello."

Her voice was small and shy sounding, but the larger than her scythe on her back sang a different tune. She looked back to the other hunters and sat down nearby, her hands cupped into her lap. "Hello," she said, voice quiet but easily understood, "I'm Leana. I look forward to working with you on this hunt. This is still my first year of doing so, but I assure you that my skill with healing and buffing make up for my lack of experience."

{Smooth... I'm sure they won't think you are totally awkward and don't know a thing about the job or how to kill a fly,} Rend crooned in her mind, but Leana did her best to not react physically to his comments. However, deciding to be social for fun, Rend spoke to the two of them as well, all at once.

{Hello there fleshies. My name's Rend. Pleased to meet you, I'm your local psychopath.}
Magnus, garbed in a billowing cloak, walked silently among the night of the forest. The journey was more burdensome than anything else. He had been traveling solely on gut instinct and as such had lost his way a few times. The entire trip should have only taken two days at the max, yet it felt as if the week had almost passed. There was no doubt in his mind that he was late.

Only days prior to receiving his calling he had been taking residence at Sadon. Calling it the perfect place was an understatement to him. Only there could he engorge himself with knowledge of the magical arts. More importantly it was the perfect place to avoid his duties. By no means did he consider himself to be lazy or a slacker. Stubborn? Perhaps. But lazy? Never. However, he only fulfilled the few callings he wholeheartedly agreed with. Otherwise he simply disappeared by his own means until the ordeal was over with. Luckily the latest calling was something of interest to him, although he still wished to finish as quickly as possible so he could return to his studies.

Magnus approached the camp wordlessly. His dusty gray eyes, filled with a hint of curiosity, peered out from beneath his hat. The sweeping gaze he cast operated as his greeting, staying on the white haired fellow and the large woman for a second longer then usual. Satisfied, he retrieved the letter of his summoning from the depths of his cloak. It was a crumbled mess now but still eligible enough to be read. Once he was sure the everyone had gotten a glance at it he tossed it to the side. With that he hunkered himself down near the fire.
Talaj heard the ghastly voice, and looked around. Perhaps there was another slippery-type lurking in the trees or something. She didn't look too hard, because she wasn't very excited to meet a pretentious self-proclaimed psychopath. As Talaj turned back around, she saw a dusty wanderer approach the camp, holding the letter in his hand before crumpling it up. That must be Rend, I guess. She ignored the introduction, and prepared for some cocky attitude from this third new arrival.
Aldous was just about to respond to Talaj, when he noticed two more Hunters enter the camp, or what looked to be hunters.

'An archer, a berserker, a reaper, and a mage by the looks...we're only missing a knight...' Aldous thought to himself. "If Axlen could move with haste..." He then said aloud. Realizing that he had become drowned in his thoughts and never replied to Talaj, he spoke. "Talaj, a wondrous name. And yes, i see what you mean. Hunting is much more cumbersome than guarding a caravan. However, i actually enjoy the hunt. It allows me to express myself in ways not possible otherwise." He gently sat down next to talaj, and pulled the sack of hares near him. Aldous then slung one onto the open flame, dimming the light a bit.

"Hello friends, and you two are also summoned here for the hunt?" He asked the cloaked man and the girl.
Magnus gingerly took his hat off and placed it before him, his alburn hair falling to his shoulders as he did so. His fingers made quick, deft movements as he picked off leaves and debris off of it, casting whatever he found into the flames. Whilst he did so he couldn't help but cast a sharp glance girl's direction. She seemed normal for the most part, well as normal as a hunter gets anyway. The scythe on the other hand gave him a sense of unease. Someone has more than meets the eye I see. He ignored the feeling for now. It'll reveal itself all in due time. He held his hat at eye level to check for any missed blemishes. Confident that he removed them all he gently placed it back on his head.

The flickering flames of the fire reflected in Magnus's eyes. The hare roasting above it grabbed his attention in particular. He nodded solemnly in response to the white haired fellow's question. "I suppose you can say that." He replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
As the Hunters arrived one by one, the warriors of Rouke were put at ease, putting their weapons back into their sheathes. Even though they still feared the Hunters and what they were capable of, they knew that the Hunters fought on their side, and that was enough for them.

The Rouke warriors watched the them from a far, discussing whether or not to get closer. After long and drawn out whispers, the leader of the warriors decided to tend the fire and not mind the rumors that his brethren shared with each other near the rock . He didn't fear the hunters as much as his men did. Despite never meeting one in person, he assumed that they bled all the same as any man and he was right, to a degree of course.

Two hunters at separate times came before him as he sat next to the fire. The first of the two placed a hare over the blazing fire. He didn't think it was wise to be cooking in the middle of the forest, while their was no sun to support them. Monsters of all sorts could pick up the smell from miles away. He wanted to speak up but how could he say such a cowardly thing to a hunter he thought to himself.

The second hunter simply brushed leaves off of his hat into the fire.

He stood up and returned to his men after taking one good look at all of the hunters that had been summoned. He hoped that they lived to their reputation. If not, his village would have to leave the place that they called home, for they would not be able to take another assault for the barbaric faction known as the Iron Claw Clan.

Moments later, all of the hunters drew their weapons and pointed them northwest of the fire. A strange shifting in the darkness caused all of the hunters with their keen ears to be on their guard. The Rouke warriors then followed suit.

"Take it easy," said a voice from the darkness," I am not a foe."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Anima-.Beyond.Fantasy.full.932647.jpg.c63ae78e41f36de1f50ba2a5eea74627.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Anima-.Beyond.Fantasy.full.932647.jpg.c63ae78e41f36de1f50ba2a5eea74627.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A man stepped from outside of the blackened forest and into the light that leaked from the fire. The man wore a chest plate that resembled an ancient monster known as Medusa. Any hunter who heard the stories knew this man was in fact the "Eye of Medusa", a hunter of six years. Able to petrify any being with the gaze of his eyes. Many people feared him because of this deadly ability.

Before anyone could take a breath, another voice revealed itself from the opposite side of the fire, then followed by a body to represent itself.

"Good evening everyone. For those who do not know me, I am a hunter that goes by the name of Axlen Wyundil and this man before me is a hunter that goes by the name of Rylde Londyth. He will be joining us on this hunt."

"Greetings everyone. I look forward to working with you all ," said Rylde as he stepped away from the fire and onto the side closer to the Rouke warriors.

"Seems like we were the last to arrive," said Axlen as he walked into the middle of the circle, next to the fire. There he put the bag that he had slung over his shoulders beside him. He reached into it and pulled out five fire bombs. He then tossed one to Talaj, Magnus, Aldous, and Leana. Once he was finished distributing them, he resealed the bag.

"Listen up and listen well for I will not repeat myself. As Hunters, we must know when to shed blood and when not to. We are protectors of the peace in our own right. We may not be ordained by those who rule castles, but we still have a duty to its people, for they are also our people. We do not have the luxury to choose sides nor fight for anyone but peace. With that said, Rylde and I will go to speak with the leader of the Iron Claw Clan and ask them to lay down there weapons against the village of Rouke in hope that this matter could be dealt with in a simpler means. If negotiations fail, then we will have no choice, but to slay all of the Iron Claw warriors. Leaving nobody alive," said Axlen as he spoke to the crowd of people before him," Aldous, Talaj, and Magnus, I want you positioned on the west, north, and east side of the encampment respectively. You are to wait on the edge of the forest. Leana, you will be positioned south of the encampment with the warriors of Rouke. You will provide aid for them. Your duty is to make sure that they all make it back safe. None of you are to make a move against the Iron Claw Clan until you have seen the signal which would be an explosion from the middle of the camp. From there, each one of you will throw your bomb into the encampment and cover your respective sides, making sure none of them escapes. Rylde and I will work our way from the middle. With this, our hunt will be finished and we will proceed to the next. Are there any questions?"



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Aldous leaned forward, turning the hare over the flames as the leader of the warriors joined the Hunter at the fire. The meat had been skinned and cleaned already, allowing for the cooking to be quite brisk. Aldous was just about to lean against the tree again when he felt a ferocious energy coming from the edge of the forest. He immediately was on his feet, securing his bow and reaching for his bladed knuckles on the interior of his cloak.

A bit of his panic was eased as he recognized who was coming through the sea of trees. However he was not completely calmed because he could feel a second, more familiar essence coming from the forest.

As Axlen came through the forest Aldous dropped his arms to his side, a slight smile cracking his face.

"Axlen, my friend.." he greeted Axlen with a hand planted firmly on his shoulder. But it was brushed off by the urgency that occompanied the orders he had delivered.

"West? Understood." Alduous responded to his assignment. The presence of so many revered hunters in one camp made Aldous assume that there was more to this summoning then the letter they received let on. Despite this thought, he remained silent. Information withheld was best left withheld.

'What's this about...' Aldous thought to himself as he quickly swiped up the hare and headed to the west edge of the camp, with no words to the other hunters. He walked a short while out of the camp, and chose a large tree to camp out in. He climbed seamlessly up the branches, not too high to allow for rapid dismount.

"Here goes.." He said aloud as he drew his bow, and readied an arrow.
Rylde could smell the camp fire as he followed Axlen, he knew they were getting close. As they approached the camp from the forest he could see the other hunters talking amongst each other. "Hello comrad..." Rylde began to say as the other hunters drew their weapons. They didn't lower their guards until Axlen began to speak. He wasn't the slightest surprised though, Rylde was aware of his reputation. Even if his eyes saved lives, in his 6 year tenure he has turned many to stone. Rylde layed his hand on his sheath, he knew he wouldn't have to draw his sword but he could never be to cautious. He lowered his guard as Axlen began to give out his orders. He listened intently while he scanned the camp site. He noticed Aldous, a more known hunter then others amongst them. As he finished his orders, Rylde pulled out his paper orders to give it one last look. He then tossed it into the fire. "Let me know when you're ready" Rylde said to Axlen as he asked for questions.
Strange sounds from within the darkness of the forest caused Magnus to immediately become alert. Noticing that the other hunters had drawn their weapons assured him it was more than his imagination. Following suit, his hand found its way to the handle of his crossbow concealed within his cloak. Perhaps the coming sound was one of the barbarians in the area or some dark predator attracted by the fire. Either way if it proved to be a threat it would find a bolt within its head before it was aware of it.

The grip on his hidden crossbow eased as what stepped out of the forest was neither barbarian nor beast. The energy this person and the other arrival behind them identified them as fellow hunters, powerful ones at that. Magnus's eyes were drawn to the peculiar breastplate the first hunter wore and after some quick recollection was aware of who he was before the other introduced them both. The Eye of Medusa and the Spirit Walker arriving for such a task as simple as barbarians? Interesting. . . Whatever extra thoughts Magnus had were interrupted by the firebomb being tossed at him. He caught it with his free hand and quickly tucked it within his cloak after giving it a quick examination.

Magnus listened to the instructions attentively. He began to head east the instant he received his orders. Whatever questions he had would answer themselves when the negotiations failed. Perhaps he was a little to sure of himself, but if what he had heard about this clan were true then he was sure they wouldn't be content with peace. Only time will tell.

Magnus continued heading east until he found himself surrounded by tall shrubs and bushes. It wasn't the best vantage point, however, it would conceal him well enough which was enough for his standards. He sat down near the foliage and began to prepare by inspecting his crossbow. The ancient runes that marked it glowed softly in the darkness. A singles silver bolt was loaded into it, and if on response the crossbow's glowing ceased as if satisfied. Now all he had to do was wait.
Talaj rose, comfortably numb as she ventured out. She wasn't fully awake or alert, but she was calm, which was her ideal state of mind. Things were simpler when she was just almost tired; she didn't think much about things, she just did them. Getting stabbed becomes just the tiniest bit less of "ow" and the tiniest bit more "whatever." It was easier to get into this kind of thought process with the heat of the desert, so she was just getting used to working out her schedule so she gets this kind of feeling when she wants it. She didn't imagine it would last long, knowing the risks of this kind of lethargy on the battlefield, but it just felt better for her. Besides, it's not like small mistakes that would be easily made would have much of an effect on her; thanks to her powers, the most it would do is startle her into being a more alert, angrier woman.

Arriving at the edge of the forest, she examined her environment. It wasn't much to look at, being night, but her ears told her a lot; how the wind whistles through the trees, where animals already are, she quickly learns the world around her, and what it is like when barbarians aren't attacking. She'll notice when something slips, a few birds flapping away, the dimmest change in the sky from torchlight and the distant ambient sound of footsteps of men approaching.

But for now, she decided not to get herself winded already. Talaj laid against a tree, her curved blade drawn and upon her lap, watching the field before her.
Axlen had opened the floor for any questions or doubts in his plans, but he didn't find any. With that, he order all that gathered before him to disburse toward the Iron Claw's temporary base. They traveled through the blackened forest heading, east to the encampment. Once they got close enough, Axlen, Rylde, Leana, and the Rouke warriors hooked south east to wrap around the camp until they were directly south of the camp. Aldous simply kept moving forward until the camp was in view, then he climbed the trees to get a better vantage point. Talaj and Magnus hooked northeast, stopping north and east of the camp respectively.

Axlen waited a couple of minutes so that everybody could get situated into their locations.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Icewind_Dale_Barbarians_by_vermaden.jpg.f3f1b6d0efddce2af0d77ec4a50d16ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Icewind_Dale_Barbarians_by_vermaden.jpg.f3f1b6d0efddce2af0d77ec4a50d16ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Imagine it fuller with more tents, and people and fires and such)

If any of the hunters or Rouke warriors looked out toward the camp from any position, they would notice the Iron Claw Clan celebrating their victory over the Rouke Village. Even though they had yet to conquer the village, they do this celebration for two reasons. The first would be for luck. Celebrating had become a ritual for their people since the their clan's day of birth. They sang songs and drank of the finest mead that they could gather before the day of battle. It was a way to shake the nerves. The second reason would be for pride, which superseded the first after two generations of victory. They had conquered many cities and villages along the southern most regions. After what they had achieved, they had the right to carry on as they did.

Once Axlen deemed it was enough time of preparation, he and Rylde headed toward the camp with torches in their hands. One would think that the Iron Claw warriors were off guard due to the festivities, but that person would be wrong to do so. Not even a second after stepping onto the premise, they were surrounded by well armed and alert warriors. Blades and spears from all directions pointed at the two bold men.

"Now, now, now," said one of the men that stood before them," look at what we have here. A couple of thieves lurking through the night. Do you know who your messing with?

"Yea...you idiots...you must be itching to die," said another.

"Hold your weapons...We are Hunters from The Order of the Hunt. We have come to speak with your leader. We wish for no bloodshed," said Axlen casually to the Iron Claw Warriors. He had hoped they headed his warning. He looked over to Rylde who had his blade drawn. He gave a slight hint to put away his weapon, but, in the end, It was up to him to decide.

Magnus reached his destination and found a small group of bushes and shrubs to hid himself for the attack. If he were to look out toward the camp, he would have a fragmented view of the camp due to his choice of hiding. Despite this, he was still able to see the exchange that was happening from his location. As he inspected his bow, he would hear shifting in the leaves around him. If he was a good hunter, he would know that the air around him was a little off. He could shrug it off if he wanted to and stick to the plan, while adding more caution to his watch, or he could go investigate the noises in the dark, in which he might have enough time to return before the plan had to be executed. It was up to him to decide.

Aldous climbed the closest tree to the camp that could properly conceal his presence. From where he sat, he could easily see the whole field with ease. He could see the warriors surrounding Axlen and Rylde as they entered the camp from the south. He had his bow ready in the event that he needed to use it. Then out of nowhere, noises of rapid movements echoed through out the forest behind him. He quickly snapped backwards to face the direction of the noise. It was faint at first but as the milliseconds crossed over to seconds, the noise grew in strength. From a top the tree, he couldn't tell exactly what was coming. He would need to get to the ground and feel the earth to even have a rough estimation, but was that a good idea. He knew that whatever it was had no other choice but to be trouble, which could conflict with the plan. He had a couple of options. He could advance toward the sound via trees or by ground. Each with their own merits. Or He could in fact stay where he is. It was up to him to decide.

Talaj was slightly restless as she rested along the trunk of the thick tree but soon calmed her mind and spirit to focus on what was important at the moment. Talaj was north of the camp, making it hard to perceive what was occurring up front, but she knew her role. It is to wait here until the signal.

She then leaped off of the trunk of the tree and faced the direction of where Aldous was, which was west of the camp. She felt an abnormality that wasn't meant to be there. Something monstrous even. She could feel multiple, rapid movements that hardly vibrated the earth, which was very odd. Should she investigate the abnormality, or should she stay in position. It was up to her to decide.



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Aldous briskly climbed the tree to receive a better view of the camp ahead. Once atop the tree, Aldous had more than a view of the entire forest, he could see mounds and mounds of mountains and trees surrounding them. He was starting to wonder where the Rouke warriors made there home, because so far he had seen no sign of any plundered villages. Exiting his thoughts, Aldous turned his attention back toward the village of barbarians. As he watched over, he could see Axlen and Rylde making their way toward the village. Before they were even ten feet into the camp, a large number of the savages surrounded them.

"Ahh, about time something kicked up..." Aldous slowly removed his bow from his back, loaded an arrow and aimed at what seemed to be the leader, in the case things went south. He watched Rylde for a moment, drawing his sword and showing aggression toward the savages.

Foolish.. He thought to himself, noting that the only reason Rylde has survived this long is because of the inherent brutality of his hunter trait. Aldous was a bit angry that he wasn't the one chosen to accompany Axlen. It was natural though, because his skill rendered him effective only at a distance.

What?! Aldous' pulse quickened and he tightened his grip on the bow. His attention snapped backwards toward the foliage behind him. He could feel a presence approaching him, and could also hear something rushing through the bush. Aldous wondered what creature was bold enough to rush at him so loudly, not even taking care to conceal itself.

Aldous then mounted his bow onto his back again, placing his index and middle finger of his right hand on his temple.


A small light emanated from his forehead as he closed his eyes and the third one opened, give him a view of the area around him. This ability was very effective in situations like these. As long Aldous didn't project it over great distances, he could use it for extended amounts of time. Immediately after opening the eye, he snapped it shut, only needing a glimpse of the area around him. Now that he had done this, he had a better idea of what and where the creature was. (Seriously what the hell is it??)

"Vanish.." He whispered, then immediately dissipated. Aldous slid down from the tree, reaching for and equipping his bladed knuckles, ready to face any adversary that may approach him.
Rylde began to walk with Axlen towards the Rouke warrior faction. As they looked on he noticed that they were celebrating. He was instantly disgusted at the fact that they were celebrating the capturing of innocent villages. Rylde then knew that he would have to put a stop to this mutiny. They walked closer to the warriors, there were no guards in site. He expected them to be off guard considering they should all be celebrating.

As soon as they stepped on to the premises, armed guards with their weapons drawn began to run towards them. Rylde refused to be cattle and pulled his sword, ready to defend himself. The guards thought the two were thieves, Axlen assured them we just wanted to speak to their leader. The guards seemed to be very sure of themselves, though Rylde knew he could kill them if he had to. He then noticed Axlen signaling him to sheathe his sword. He thought about it, these guards probably weren't skilled enough to kill him, let alone the both of them. Rylde trusted Axlen's judgement, though he didn't want to put away his sword he respected Axlen's call. He sheathed his sword, but he didn't stop thinking of ways he'd be able to counter any attacks they might throw their way. He wondered if the other hunters knew what was going on, surely one of them had to of seen this encounter, considering where they were placed. Rylde thought to himself, there were two hunters that were archers.

One of them would have been watching from a vantage point, maybe even both of them. So if anything went wrong he hoped they would have support from the air. He changed his focus back to the warriors. Awaiting Axlen's next orders.
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Magnus watched the Iron Claw's camp with faint interest. His eyes followed the figures that were Axlen and Rylde as the pair made their way to the opposing camp. It genuinely surprised him on how fast the two hunters were surrounded. He began to raise his crossbow but thought the better of it and instead observed from afar. His vision was more than accurate enough to read the lips of the few barbarians who faced his direction. Judging by their petty threats they must not realize they're in the presence of hunters.

A small chuckle escaped from him at the thought before a strange noise broke his concentration. His eyes darted around throughout the darkness as he attempted to locate the source of the disturbance. Now fully alert for his surroundings it wasn't too difficult to tell that something felt off. He considered firing his crossbow into the darkness to flush whatever it was out, however, he'd most likely blow his cover in the process. The bolt loaded into it wasn't necessarily the most subtle.

For a second or two he sat there in his spot in a static position. Leaving his position could create a hole in the plans, however, with so many experienced hunters, one hunter missing for awhile wouldn't be much. He hooked his crossbow to the side of his waist for quick accessibility and wordlessly unsheathed his sword. With his sword leading the way, Magnus cautiously stepped into the darkness toward the source of the noise.
Magnus rose with his sword unsheathed and walked toward the rustling in the leaves. Leaving his position would create a hole in the plan, but it was the decision he made.

Slowly and carefully, he followed the noise with his sword leading the way. He was mindful of his surroundings, making sure to look in all directions before he took a single step. Listening to the changes in the wind. Feeling the air.

"I can feel you there," he said as he pointed his blade toward a tree," Don't think you can hid from me. Show yourself."

"Can you feel them? They are all around us, yet nowhere to be found. You try to look up but find stars, then you look down to only find the ground," said a man as he walked slowly around the tree. He was accompanied by a wolf that was black as night and nearly as big as any man. Anyone who laid eyes on this beast would know that it was a Dire Wolf. "I am Rowan Ulric, Lord of the Druids, nice to meet your acquaintance fellow hunter. I did not mean to startle you by any means."
Rylde made the right call in putting away his weapon. Refusing to do so would of caused the idea of negotiations to simply remain an idea. He stood up tall and faced the Warriors that circled him with no fear. He knew that he could best them even without a weapon. He looked toward Axlen in conformation.

"Hunters you say," said one of the clansmen as he examined both of the hunters that stood before him," you don't look like hunters. You lots ain't as scary as the stories say."

"Yea. Trying to pull a fast one over us," said another as he mustered all of the saliva he could gather and launched it onto Axlen's boots," Ain't gonna work"

Axlen stared at the one who did the outlandish gesture. In a split second, he had rehearsed a thousand ways to remove his head from his body. Each more gruesome than the first. This satisfied him enough to not to actually commit to any of the actions at that moment. He then smiled at the fellow.

"It is imperative that you do not do that again if you value your head on your shoulders," said Axlen in a calm manner. He had warned him in the best way that he could at the moment. He isn't one to get heated, but he doesn't take too kindly to gestures of disrespect.

"What the hell did.."

"That's enough," called a voice from behind the crowd.. The clansmen instantly parted by the sound of the voice, allowing for a man to easily to pass through with no trouble. "Sorry if they caused you trouble...Axlen."

Axlen had remembered the fellow that stood before him. It had been many moon cycles and then some since he had seen him. He was a Hunter that had strayed too far from the path, thus resulting in excommunication. He is to be killed on sight, regardless of the situation due to the Hunter's code. "So this is the whole you buried yourself into, Inghaff. It was odd that these clansmen had collected unnatural victories under their belt. Surely you didn't think you can carry on as you please forever"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tryndamere_concept_art_by_zeronis-d5m9yv3.jpg.a67ce6eda4cc187823a5f65435c5a2ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tryndamere_concept_art_by_zeronis-d5m9yv3.jpg.a67ce6eda4cc187823a5f65435c5a2ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"What can I say, I was never one to stick to social norms," said Inghaff as he stepped into Axlen's face towering over him. Inghaff was a hunter of fourteen years. Standing about six feet seven, he towered over most men. His large stature sent shivers down any on looker. Since the beginning, he was an unruly person. Doing whatever he liked, whenever he wanted. He lacked the self-control to be a hunter. Many wonder why he was chosen. "Remember last time we met...It didn't end to well for you nor your company. You should turn tail and leave like you did before. I wouldn't blame you."

"I was a young hunter then. Only a year under my belt. You won't believe the amount of times that I had already killed you the moment you showed your face. Get to your knees and face judgement you filth. I will make your crossing quick if you are a good boy," said Axlen as he didn't back down to the significantly larger man's beckon.

Rylde watched as things took a turn for the...unplanned. Seems that an ex-hunters appearance had changed the dynamic of this mission, especially one as strong as he.

"Rylde, change of plans. Kill them all," said Axlen as he jumped backward, launching the bomb at the warriors that stood behind the man named Inghaff. "I will kill him. You take care of the rest. Make sure that they do not interfere. I am counting on you. I must remind him what it means to stand before a true Hunter."



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Magnus frowned slightly, a look of momentary surprise painting his face. Crossing paths with another hunter was one of the last things he would have expected, especially one of the few who managed to live this long.

"It's quite alright. I didn't expect any more hunters to partake in this mission. I simply go by Magnus. A pleasure to meet you." he replied calmly. Despite his greeting, he still held his sword with a tightened grip, the tip of the blade pointing directly at the Dire Wolf. It was not that he didn't trust the hunter across from him. Rather it was his preference of playing it safe. He'd rather not end up as another deceased hunter because he let his guard down around some beast, no matter how tame it appeared. Although he never encountered one until now, its formidable looks combined with the countless tales he heard about them was more then enough to unease him.

"Forgive my apparent cowardice. I'm just not trustworthy of such beast considering their history. Might I inquire on why you're here?"

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