Going North

Rules for character creation:

  • Post a completed character profile sheet on this thread and wait for acceptance before posting in the main role play.
  • Any questions you have can be addressed to me through the OOC board or a private message, I'll be more than happy to help with anything you need.
  • Please use paragraph descriptions or pictures in spoilers if at all possible in sections that need the detail.
  • Use classes, races, and gods provided in the Overview tab. If there's something you feel is missing please shoot me a message and we'll talk about how it can be worked with. I'm basing this off of Pathfinder's open source content, so hopefully the world is relatively complete on its own.
  • Multi-classing is allowed, to a point. If you wish to change classes or add more over time it can be done with good reason. Just contact me if you feel like your character has expanded in that direction.
  • There is no need to reserve a position at the moment. This role play is open to all characters joining and no certain positions need to be filled.
  • Feel free to dress up your character sheet however you wish. I am more than happy to see people spicing up their profiles as long as it's legible.
  • Characters can not be killed without their owner's permission.
  • No god-modding, please. Every character has flaws and strengths and that should reflect in their part in this rp.

Character Sheet

Basics -







Personality -






Other -

Preferred Weapons:

Magic Specialization:

Skills and Abilities:


Accepted Characters:

- Fabian Ray'usta

- Carter Graves

- Yue

- Chorian Aventus

- Sajorn Thanemor

- Markulo Rensforth
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Basics -

Name: Noyeh Zhǔjiào

Race: Kitsune

Class: Ninja

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_n40lw0hOJc1s1wx8oo1_r1_400.gif.e5e3318f7d784f58579c750889ce9dd5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/tumblr_n40lw0hOJc1s1wx8oo1_r1_400.gif.e5e3318f7d784f58579c750889ce9dd5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Believe it or not, this is a Male.)

Personality - Quiet & Shy but Reckless

Backstory: ??? (Amnesia)

Religion: None

Organization: None

Goals: None


  • Spiders

Other - None

Preferred Weapons: Anything he makes by using his Magic.

Magic Specialization: Iron, Fe on the Periodic Table.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Metallurgy
  • Infusion
  • Metal Control

Extra: None.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Fighting Style: Noyeh is the Type to dodge attacks first than read his opponents Fighting Style after that. Noyeh has a Advantage because he can turn any Metal into anything, making it easy just to make a Sword.



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Fabian Ray'usta

Race: Human

Class: Ranger

Age: 20

Gender: Male




Coming from a long line of vagabond mercenaries, spell casters, and merchants, Fabian spent most of his childhood constantly on the move. His father, being a renowned archer, passed the art of archery down to his son. Fabian quickly excelled in the art, and his increasing skills made him a somewhat well known mercenary himself. Although a mercenary, he still fought in the name of justice just as his father did. Upon hearing of the growing cursed fog and the expeditions to the continent, Fabian took it upon himself to be one of the adventurers to the the land of undeath.

Religion: While not the most religious, Fabian will make the occasional mention of Iomedae

Organization: None (I'm not entirely sure on what this is. Mind elaborating?)

Goals: To restore the land of undeath to its natural state and perhaps make a bigger name for himself in doing so.


-His own death(or undeath)

-The permanent loss of his prized bow


Preferred Weapons:
His prized bow, simply known as the Fang, which has been in his family for generations. It was supposedly made from the fangs of a great serpent, the wood of a thousand year old oak, and mended together with intense magic. He also carries an average sword for close range combat, although its has seen more trivial use than combat.

Magic Specialization: Fabian himself knowledge on actual magic is very limited. The few spells he have tried have usually ended in disaster; however, his bow is magical in its own ways. In times of desperation, Fabian can "call" his bow to his hand if it's nearby. He also has sense for where his bow is if it happens to be lost. The most notable aspect is that the bow seems to have a presence of its own, although it mostly goes unnoticed.

Skills and Abilities:

-Fabian's a spot on archer, and while his aim might not always be perfect, he'll usually hit his desired target without fail.

-Fabian's senses, most notably his sight, are all well honed. Even in darkness, he has very little difficulty in using the bow.

-Fabian is a decent survivalist, and knows how to make use of the land around him.

Extra: Nope​

Accepted, welcome to the thread! By the way, with the organization section I just wanted to include a place for titles and affiliations of any kind.


Please fill out the backstory position regardless of character detail. You should give your character far more detail with the sections that have been filled out as "none". The magic also seems far too strong, please tone that down a notch.

Basics -

Name: Carter Graves

Race: Shabti

Class: Paladin

Age: 28 years

Gender: Male




Carter is immensely proud of his armor and weaponry, keeping it maintained to the point of looking new. He wears his red cloak and sword-emblazoned armor regardless of occasion. His hair has been shorn just before the journey, making sure he maintains the perfect image of an Iomedaen knight.

Personality -


As all Shabti, Carter himself was created by a wealthy and powerful man to serve his sentence in the afterlife. He was given the man's face as well as the man's sins, kept in the man's estate under careful watch. Shabti are quite an investment, and he was to serve the punishments of Mastaba when the man passed. For quite some time, Carter lived as a prisoner with no idea of the outside; indeed he had few thoughts outside of his hatred for his position as an ornament and scapegoat. He didn't know enough of religion to pray, but he never stopped looking for ways to improve his life.

After years of imprisonment, Carter happened upon a silver longsword. It gleamed magnificently in the light, and beckoned him forward. He accepted its call, and with a noticeable lack of skill managed to destroy his shackles and flee from the house. Wanted for more than just his immediate crime of striking down Mastaba's servants, Carter ran. He ran for days, beyond the deserts of his home and into unfamiliar territory. Driven always by his prized sword, he would eventually come into contact with a shelter run by the Knights of Ozem. They immediately recognized the man's desperate need for food and safety and took him in. This was the first time Carter slept as a free man, which he is still thankful for. When he awoke, his sword was gone and he knew that its resemblance to the sigils that decorated the walls was no coincidence. In the morning he begged to be trained until he could become one of them.

In the following decade, Carter dedicated his life to learning more of the miracle. He discovered a deep love for the symbol of perfection that represented his new life. Iomedae, the goddess of justice and valor, saw fit to grace his escape and he would never forget it. He worked with zealotry rarely seen until he could wear the armor and bear the sword properly. Many months passed as he learned her teachings by heart and fought to give others the same chance at freedom he had.

Now, with the crusades for Yalheim beginning, Carter hopes to prove his worth to the object of his devotion. He sets out on the Fairbreeze with companions from all walks of life and begins the next step in his journey.

Religion: Deeply devoted follower of Iomedae. In fact, he shows such dedication to her as a person that many joke he is love with her. They would not be entirely wrong.

Organization: Though he has yet to enter into knighthood, Carter is among the ranks of the Knights of Ozem. He hopes that his worth will be proven in the campaign against the lich Arval.

Goals: Carter aims to eventually climb to the place of commander in the Knights of Ozem, as well as to somehow prove his love and devotion to Iomedae.

Fears: As it would happen, Carter is deeply terrified of imprisonment. Any enclosed spaces or restraints will drive him into a near-frenzy.

Other -

Preferred Weapons: Just like his goddess, Carter proudly wields a longsword and shield. He has a decent knowledge of martial combat and primarily aims to use his shield and armor to protect his allies from harm.

Magic Specialization: Many paladins spend time perfecting healing magic, which Carter has a basic knowledge of and can at least aid his companions. His field of focus is instead in holy fury, relying on smiting and warding to supplement his skills in battle.

Skills and Abilities: Carter has little skill outside of battle, but he does maintain a deep knowledge of religion and the things involved in worship. He understands rituals, holy servants, and how to root out evil effectively.

Extra: Carter is more than a little devoted to his cause, taking his code as something more important than his own life. He takes his continued existence and acceptance by the followers of Iomedae as a sign of his righteousness, which tends to lead to a bit of headstrong arrogance.
Basics -

Name: Yue

Race: Teifling, oni-born.

Class: magus (kensai)

Age: 117

Gender: female



(please excuse the katanas, real weapon below.)

Personality -

Backstory: Hailing from Tian Xia, a small village near the great icy crown of the world. Her mother, an strange one indeed fell for a certain demon... with that demon was or not in a human form is up to the reader's discretion, and of course soon after the two came together Yue was born. Being a teifling Isn't exactly the greatest thing in a world of people who generally hate demons, but that didn't stifle the poor girl's dreams, no sir, hearing stories of adventure and royalty made this young woman strive for adventure all on her own, but every hero must start somewhere, so at the age of 45 years she daily bugged her mother to teach her the ways of a kensai, and finally 2 years later her mother finally caved.

At the age of 91 she finally finished her training, coming out a competent swordsman she immediately left to explore, and when i mean immediately, i literally mean immediately, she stood up, raided the pantry and left for who knows where. Along her travels, more like mindless wandering, she met many people and of course many "friends" whom she still says are just such, even to this day they send gifts. At around the time of the present she learned of the call to arms to fight the undead, and so, hearing the cry of money on the wind, she set off blade in hand to heed the coin's call.


Mother, a teifling herself, a long respected Kensai and long term alcoholic.

Father: A blue oni, surprisingly meek for a demon, supposedly tamed by Yue's mother, is now more seemingly a house wife then ferocious demon.

Religion: Calistria, though more of a "please give me what i wish" deal, she only prays when she wants something really.

Organization: Freelancer mercenaries, widely known gold digger.

Goals: Marry rich, die old, sample all alcohol in exsistance, you know the important stuff.

Fears: Dieing old and penniless.

Other -

Languages: Speaks common and her mother tongue, took awhile to pick up common so sometimes she may mix up words.

Preferred Weapons: Tetsubo, one hell of a weapon, wrought iron stick with barbs on all sides from handle to tip. Easily crushes armor and skulls alike, also for added fun is enchanted with frost, so if the crush doesn't kill you, the cold will.

Magic Specialization: Doesn't rely on magic to heavily, though she has some skill in evocation, mainly frost magics.

Skills and Abilities: Quite good at diplomacy, is a capable athlete and is fairly hardy.

Extra: Can be abit... stubborn at times, mostly from her mother's side in truth. And be careful what you say, any word dealing with money and the like and she will be listening... its uncanny how she can hear such talk.

hates armor of all kinds, prefers her light weight uniform instead when in battle.

Cant stand cats, hates them in all of their incarnations, devilish beasts.
Basics -

Name: Sajorn Thanemor

Race: Human-Tiefling

Class: Bloodrager

Age: 23

Gender: Male



He looks similar to that but younger with long dirty blonde hair breaded at the ends with metal beads that ends at the middle of his back, very wide shoulders, muscular, and a longer beard that has been braided to form 3 pronged goatee with metal beads to keep the hold the it together. He wears mainly furs but he has a iron helmet with bison horns on it that he normally keeps on his belt. He also keeps his sword and quiver wrapped in furs. He has

Personality - He is straightforward and blunt about things. He believes in helping people who are weaker than him but also knows that someone must find their own strength. He dislikes thievery, dishonestly and unnecessary killing, but at the same time know not everyone can be saved. He dislikes people who blindly follow faith or someone else.

Backstory: Sajorn was born to the cold northern climate. His father was a demon spirit that fell in love with his mother, but a few years after he was born his father disappeared. When he was 9 his mother died of a sickness. After that he spent the next few years alone struggling to survive till he met a strange old man named Boram near the top of a mountain. The old man adopted Sajorn and taught him his ways of meditation with rage. Sajorn has always felt connected to nature Sajorn took most of his appearance from Boram and treats Boram like a father. Four years ago Sajorn and Boram had a falling out do to a difference of opinions and Sajorn hasnt seen Boram since.

Religion: He worships the nameless spirits of the land but also believes that one should find strength in themselves rather than in gods.

Organization: He is a hunter by trade and works for no one but himself, he has done several odd jobs including bounty hunting and being a sellsword.

Goals: He wants to become the strongest, he always enjoys a good fight and eating lots of food, and has a deep desire find his father.

Fears: Dying a "weak man's" death, losing his greatsword

Other -

Preferred Weapons: He has a large two handed sword that he keeps on his back along with a hunting bow, and a dagger on his belt. The sword

Magic Specialization: He knows only a few spells including bloodrage, healing meditation, thunder shout, stone-skin and penetrating palms

Skills and Abilities: He is incredibly strong due to rigorous training in order to be able to use his otherwise unwieldy great-sword. He is accustomed to living in the wild and has all the survival skills needed to do so along with a resistance to cold and natural poisons.

Extra: He has a large pet wolf with snow white fur named Veidmar
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Chorian Aventus











Personality -


Chorian was born the son of a priest of Nethys, and raised in a temple as an errand boy. He learned to read and write quickly, allowing him to become an apprentice priest, reading through holy texts like they were nothing. Under the careful watch of his father, he was growing into a wise young man, capable of magical feats and shows of knowledge. The boy learned magic from one of the priests, and soon became adept with fire, able to manipulate a flame using a tool such as a staff or holy text.

But soon, there was an accident. One of his spells lit a curtain of the temple ablaze, spreading and burning the building before he could contain it. His arm was badly burned, and another priest died thanks to his mistake. Chorian ran from the temple, taking with him a magical staff, and a cloak to hide his burns. The life of a mercenary swept him up, and he soon found himself heading to Yalheim aboard the Fairbreeze, ready to start anew in the fires of battle.


A devoted follower of Nethys


The priesthood of Nethys


To leave his mistakes behind


Chorian is incredibly afraid of blood. It usually doesn't matter, thanks to his spells burning the enemy's wounds closed before any blood can spill.

Other -

Preferred Weapons:

His staff in the picture allows him to manipulate fire, although it can weaken and break if he tries to control too much. He carries around a few firebombs in order to always have fire on hand to control.

Magic Specialization:

Chorian is skilled with the manipulation of fire, but that's it. He cant create or summon fire- only manipulate it.

Skills and Abilities:

Chorian is educated to an incredibly high degree, and knows many holy texts by heart



Tell me if there is anything I should fix.


Name: Markulo Rensforth

Race: Elf

Class: Paladin

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Personality Related Information -

Back story:
Markulo was the bastard child of Nienna Rensforth and Micheal Angelista. He was raised by his mother Nienna with occasional visits from his father until the age of four when their forks happened to hit a 'loose bit of nightshade' that had entered their meal, causing them to die a most painful death right before the eyes of their bastard child.

Markulo was given over to the local chapel which happened to worship the ascended god, Iomedae. He was a child filled with fear and anger, now homed by preachers who he trusted quickly. He was given a small knife as a boy so he could do minor tasks such as peeling potatoes or cutting up carrots, but the moment he began to use the knife the preachers noticed there was something off about him. He'd be able to use the knife in either hand without an issue, which is naturally unusual, especially for a four - five year old child.

Near the age of ten he was given special training by a local instructor who had noticed the boys talents in his 'Ruthless extermination of zhe carrots vho set leaf upon zhe bench of HOLY design'. The lessons were paid for by the chapel though a discount was applied as the instructor saw great potential in the boy and the chapel was a holy establishment he visited on a regular basis. The teacher began with nothing special, simple exercises about polishing weapons and sharpening tools for combat.

After mastering the art of blade maintenance, near the age of fourteen, he was taught how to wield a sword properly and how to hold a shield in his other hand as a professional. His first blade was a wooden broad sword with an iron tip. It was a training sword but the tip meant it could still pierce though some objects.

Two years pass from that date and Markulo was now training with his own real blades, though they were hand-me-downs from his teacher, he still treated them with the utmost respect and care as all these lessons were being paid for by his chapel and the blades cost him nothing. He began to train outside of the training grounds, nearer the town's outskirts on the edge of the lush green forest.

By the age of eighteen, Markulo had been taught how to dual wield blades, wield a spear and write. He was certainly a strapping teen aged man who had many of the town's women swooning over him and his 'Love for justice'. This is also the time when he killed his first man in the name of Iomedae. A man in a black cloak, about 5'7" ran through the streets as dusk slowly rolled over the quiet town. Markulo was returning from a training session by the forest edge when he saw this man who seemed suspicious. Markulo approached the man, his steps slow with caution and his swords down by his sides. Every step he took would create a quiet grinding sound of pebbles on leather shoes, he called out to the man in a deep and powerful tone. The cloaked man snapped its head around to Markulo, feint green eyes stood out from an other wise dark face as the man made a run for it. Markulo ran as fast as he could, charging after the cloaked man before he could get away. The cloaked man didn't seem to be a familiar face and for that reason Markulo hated him, with the cloaked man making a wrong step and tumbling, Markulo closed the distance and raised his blades to point at this strange person. Markulo asked the downed man "Who are you? What is your name?" the cloaked man didn't respond, he instead tightened his arms around something he held close to his chest. Markulo looked around to see if there were any witnesses before he thrust his blades into the man's throat, trailing a small river of blood along the cracks and grooves of the cobble road as the man gurgled his own blood in pain. Markulo recalled his blades from the man's throat, before inspecting the item he held close to his chest, slightly disappointed it was only one of 'Granny Apple-berry's' cookery books.

By the age of twenty he had managed to buy his own swords through manual labour, (E.G Wood Cutter) and had begun to do odd jobs here and there for his chapel that involved the 'locating' and 'bringing to justice' of anyone they called evil doers. It was a good time for him, earning lots of coin and buying himself lovely steel plate armour and quilt to stay warm.

Now twenty three years of age and he's breaching the fog with his fellow crew members, ready to bring the light to the darkness that is the new 'old' world. With enough clothing to keep himself warm and enough weapons to keep himself safe, he's happy to begin a 'holy purge' against the 'undead heathens' that roam these 'fog swamped lands'.

Religion: Iomedae is his followed deity, he believes that Iomedae is the one true holy power and that all others are nothing more than children's fables designed to keep them from causing mischief. Needless to say, he is devout.

Organization: He currently works as a hired killer for his child hood chapel, happily bringing evil doers in the darkness of night to their knees and muffling their screams with his blades that were blessed by his 'father'.

Goals: To purge the filth and heresy that dwells on these new lands in addition with finding a new purpose in life, one that's more related to love than to violence.

Fears: He has one fear that is kept in secrecy so that no others may use it as a weapon against him, and that weapon is his fear of a specific shade of purple. It may seem weird but as a child he was orphaned to his local chapel and the last colour he associated with his parents and their brutal poisoning death was this shade of purple.

Other -

Preferred Weapons:
Bastard Swords (Dual Wielding) - These swords were bought by his own coin and blessed by his 'father' for that he holds them as valuable possessions. He uses his left sword as a blocking tool and his right sword as a striking weapon but does enjoy to switch it up in the heat of battle and use both as blocking tools or both as strikers.

Magic Specialization: Prayer (If that's a magic)

Skills and Abilities: Markulo's greatest skill is his ability to use both hands at the same time for different tasks, allowing him to write two things at once or swing two blades at once.

Extra: He smells of Strawberries... No one's sure why.

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