Search results for query: *

  1. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    My mind went blank then numb and all of a sudden went on haywire all at the same time. I felt Rea's tears fall on my shoulder. Her pleas for me to stay fill my ears and tears welled in my eyes. I rubbed her back gently. "Heh, you don't need me anymore. You've done fine on your own, it's ok. I'm...
  2. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    (Meh just don't forget to tag -_- ..I don't want to have to go through everything just to find your reply) I felt Rea's burning gaze bearing over me. She was mad. Furious. But what's the point? "There's no point in me staying you know." I stood up, running my hands through Nemna's fur. "I...
  3. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    (Pfft, you got your phone back now so yeah. -_- ) Still no reply. Should I? Everything's ok now right? I thoughy silently, my mind buzzing and I surprised myself with the words that came after. "I'm leaving." @RealityEntity
  4. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    (Not my fault, I waited more than 2 bloody weeks twin! Two effin WEEKS! -_- ) Shorty? Seriously does she really want me to hit her right after she put herself in the infirmary? I didn't show my thoughts but gave a slight smirk and replied. "Uh yeah, you used to mutter in your sleep. And the...
  5. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    (Finally! Did you decide to hang out with the living dead or something?) "Tenya?" I didn't turn my head or showed any sort of acknowledgement at the voice, instead continued to look up. I saw Rea through my peripheral vision on the other side of the roof, clutching the railing of the stairs...
  6. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Tenya breathed out a low sigh. She was currently on the roof laying back on her familiar's soft white fur. After Nemna had taken both her and Rea to the infirmary, Tenya asked Nemna to take her up to the roof. "Ojosama , permission to speak?" "Granted." "Our mission, is it over?" Tenya...
  7. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Tenya gave the biggest smile as Rea collapsed into her arms. She struggled a bit to keep hold of her since Rea was a foot taller, but she didn't care, all she wanted was her friend. "Good to be back Ree." She mumbled into Rea hair. "My lady, shall I take you and Lady Rea to the infirmary?"...
  8. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    The surroundings blurred as if time stopped as Tenya watched Rea's X Canon come straight at her. She knew this would happen, that's why she didn't come here without something up her sleeve. She took a deep breath, instilling her mind as she searched deep within her, finding her core. She found...
  9. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    "Dammit. Just when I thought we could talk." Tenya muttered under her breath as she dodge the fireball. She's going to use those eh? Cute. "Nemna, Vacouver mode!" Nemna then manifested into a brilliant white griffin. She's going to use Fire? Interesting. "Fuego." Her familiar gave a deafening...
  10. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Water and Ice. Two peas in a pod. This was exactly why they were chosen as partners. They were two sides of a coin. Their powers would harmonize when they brought together but at the same time they would nullify each other if they fought. Ice to water. And water into ice. It was convenient she...
  11. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    The conviction in her friend's eyes made her grin. At least she wasn't going down without a fight. She thrust her sword forward at lightning speed, and the sound of crystal and metal blows filled the air. Blue and Black danced faster and faster, deadly going to deadlier. The fight's speed gave...
  12. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    (Dude technically you were the one who wanted to fight. xD ) Rea swung forward, her signature tonfas in her grasp. Nemna moved foward in a guarding motion infront of his master. Light radiated from silver tiger as he produced a shield. Tenya held the glint in her eyes as Rea's weapon came into...
  13. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Tenya stared at her best friend. She glowed purple, She's using Shadow isn't she? Well I haven't been going around the place without taking in a few tricks. "Tenya, how nice of you to visit Rea. But you must know the consequences of asking for a fight." Shadow's voice sounded. Ojosama...
  14. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Tenya stared up the towering structure in front of her. The words Lakoria Highschool engraved in gold at front of the building. Ojosama shall we proceed? A familiar voice rang through her subconscience, Tenya's familiar. She nodded as a reply as she brush a strand of her snow colored hair...
  15. Peebles18

    Fantasy Apocalypse: Not your typical 'zombie'

    Character Outline: Name: Tenya Zemur Age: 18 Gender: Female Zombie or Human: Half-human Personality: Helpful and sweet. She tries to help as much as possible and always smiling. In spite of her happy-go-lucky attitude she hides a dark fear of her zombie side. Bio: Her father was...
  16. Peebles18

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Name: Tenia Van Leshur Gender: Female Age: 15 School year: Junior Species: Elemental Spirit Power(s): Can control the element Ice, Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Misty white hair that has a shade of blue that is usually tied into twintails. Pale skin and where's a long sleeved...