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  1. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    ((I am deleting my account, you two Kids have fun. ))
  2. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus let out a huff then goes to his cabin and makes sure nothing can get in while he is asleep. He lays back on his bed and covers his eyes with his long-fingered hands. ((I have been busy a lot lately, so my replies will be slow, Sorry. I am just going to have my char. sleeping for now.))
  3. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus hears the yelp and grabs a hold of the other male and runs back to the camp. He rushes them back and finds the other girl, looking into the males cabin to make sure she was okay. Sangus sighed then looked around, letting go of the older male and plops down on the ground, growling under...
  4. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus would nod a little then say in a deep voice, "Yeah.. It might be what killed her." His eyes looked away from the other males and started looking around the area. He would ball his fists up and growl as he started to transform into his giant wolf form. "I am not going to let this thing...
  5. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus: Lifted his body from the ground and took a deep breath with red eyes. He looked around and spotted the other male and looked at him.. Sangus heard something else out there with them, but didn't care enough to find it.
  6. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus: Steps out of his shower and looks into his mirror. He stares at himself a what seems like thirty minuets, but it was actually only five minuets, he lets out a growl then punches the mirror, letting the glass shatter around his fist as he pulls on some boxers and basketball shorts then...
  7. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus: Looked to the other male in the camp for a moment and gave him a nod.. He would stop his yelling and try to calm his emotions while he lowered her coffin into the ground. He pulled himself out of the hole then sat with his legs dangling into the hole, his head bowed, and his dark brown...
  8. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus: "I am not clear of what happened.. I think she was attacked when she was flying around.. " He spoke in a shaky voice that was filled with sadness. His eyes still leaked out, trying to help heal the broken he felt. He would look to the two with anger before he stormed out. Before he just...
  9. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: Still lays on the ground, her wounds still open and some-what bleeding. She was barely breathing now and her ice-cold skin seemed colder than usual. Behind her eyelids, her brown eyes had barely any color in them.. Her soul and life was slowly fading away and she knew it was time...
  10. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: Serena lets out a loud nasty roar as she flies back to the camp, crashing into a few tree tops. She could barely see as their were tears in her brown eyes. Once she spotted sight of the camp, she would make a crash landing and transform back into her human form.. She would curl up on...
  11. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus looks at the girl with a frown then scoots a little closer to her. "I am sorry to hear that..." He would softly touch her shoulder as he looked to her face. "My friend and I are here for you.. Just remember that." He said to her before getting up and walking to his cabin. Once he got...
  12. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Sangus: "Your brother, huh?" He chuckles then shakes his head softly. "It's fine. I am not worried about him." Sangus looks around then relaxes back with soft eyes. "Why is your brother after you?" Sangus asks her with one of his dark brown eyes open. He would tilt his head, wondering about this...
  13. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: She awoke from her deep sleep and looked around with a small yawn. The little vampire hybrid would stretch out as she crawled out of her friends bed and looked around. She would gather her clothes from last night, changing back into them quickly, then would set Sang's clothes on his...
  14. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    ...Her brown eyes would shut instantly as she fell asleep for the time being. Sangus: Heard Serena sneak back in with him and thought to himself, *She better not have gotten into any trouble.*, then he rolls over and pretends he is still sleeping for an hour before getting up out of his...
  15. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: She walks in after him and laughs a little. She would sit on the floor with her knees to her chest an her arms wrapped around them tightly. "So, you want to know why I am here, eh?" She let out a little laugh then pulled out her bag of weed, tossing it towards his bed then held up...
  16. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    She laughed a little, looking at Shadow and thought to herself. *Maybe I should mess with his head and tell him I got sent her because I was sleeping around too much.* She laughed a little more, deciding to just tell him the truth. Serena let out a small sigh and looked inside his cabin. "I'll...
  17. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena : "Yeah, he fell asleep a little while ago.." She said softly as she rubbed her arms and looked around. "It's nice to meet you, Shadow." She smiled to him and would pull her arms into her baggy shirt."Sangus is my best friend from back home.. He followed me out here so I wouldn't have to...
  18. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    She would tilt her head slightly and give him a small smile. "Yeah.. My friend and I were trying to keep you and that other girl safe. I just thought I would come and introduce myself.. Since I didn't get the chance earlier.." She extends out one of her cold pale hands to him, wondering if he...
  19. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: Hears him move a little so she knocks a little harder and louder. "Hello?" She calls through his door.
  20. SerenaRaelynn

    Don't Go Out After Dark.

    Serena: Looks over to Sangus as he falls asleep and slips out of his cabin and into the darkness of the night. She walks to Shadow's cabin and softly knocks at his door. She would wait there for a little bit, still in her baggy basketball shorts and baggy tee-shirt that nearly goes to her...