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  1. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1] [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1] [Inactive]

    He grabbed her hand and slowly got up, his legs hurt but he had to do something. They walked to the beach and Jordan gasped at the disaster of the crash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life [Inactive]

    John doesnt shake hands with Sage, he is too afraid. Suddenly a girl walks up and says hi. "Um. Hi." John says, now thinking it really was a prank because of the girls normal clothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1] [Inactive]

    A girl approached him, and asked if he was okay. "Well. I. I think so.." he replied, his voice cracked out of confusion and pain. "What happened?" he asked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1] [Inactive]

    Jordan woke up to a faint scream, and a cry for help. He was near a small swampish lake with nobody around. The last thing he remembered was flying in a plane to meet his dad, hearing "7 hours till landing, please remain seated until further notice." Then a face. Then. Nothing. Sent from my...
  7. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1]

    Name: Jordan Daniel Age: 17 Background: Jordan went on the plane to meet his dad, his parents divorced 4 years ago and his dad moved away. His mom disliked his dad a lot but he didnt care, he went anyway. Personality: Jordan is a nice guy, but depressed from everything in his past. He...
  8. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1]

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  9. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1]

    ShenaniganPants submitted a new role play. @ShenaniganPants, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...
  10. ShenaniganPants

    Stranded [1x1] [Inactive]

    ShenaniganPants submitted a new role play: Stranded [1x1] - Jordan and Cora wake up stranded on a mysterious island.. Read more about this role play...
  11. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life [Inactive]

    "I wish I knew. I just woke up here and this ninja guy person was sitting beside me." replied John, relieved he wasnt the only one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life [Inactive]

    "No.. I bought it." John answered, confused. "Is this some kind of prank?" he said, in a slightly angry tone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. ShenaniganPants

    Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

    "sry dude t cmnd ws flyin sm erins n i wnned to b his hlper" but rio wuz levin alredy so he maded sum banana splits n gived tdhem to the dust bunies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. ShenaniganPants

    Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

    "kk dud btw i nt cmandear i flappy flappingson th comndr of al the foodziez but yehyeh i shal giv to the flipity flopity flapy brid commandarins" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. ShenaniganPants

    Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

    "othx dud, hheahehajehahhe i juzt tri new outfet u leik" sed Flappy Flappingson wile tri not 2 laf. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life [Inactive]

    An hour later, John wakes up to the sound of a bird. He reaches into the air thinking he would touch turn off his alark clock and he felt stone. He opened his eyes and realised he was in an alley in a place he has never seen before. As he looked around he saw a teenager with some kind of weapon...
  17. ShenaniganPants

    Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

    *Pretenz 2 b cmmandr* "hi wt u needz rio" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. ShenaniganPants

    A New Life

    You can :) When you think of a character you can sign up in the character sign up section. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. ShenaniganPants

    Lookin for a 1x1

    I'm looking for a 1x1. In my profile I have a list of my interents(fandoms) sooooooo yeah. I dont know, message me if you're interested and we can get some ideas and get it started! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. ShenaniganPants

    Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

    Flappy Flappingson gasped and flw in crcles ovr nd ovr nd ovr until he fel aslepp Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk