A New Life [Inactive]


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ShenaniganPants submitted a new role play:

A New Life - Johnathan wakes up in an unfamiliar place. Soon after, he realizes he woke up in the past.

John is a 17 year old guy with an average life, but it all changes when we wakes up lost in time. Join him as he creates a new life, while searching for clues about what happened. Note: Most of the things in the story will not be the reality of what actually happens in the different years and places.
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Sage (pronounced Sa-gay) was walking down the dirt road, his staff strapped to his back. He was a fine fellow, loved and respected by many in his village. Unusually, he had become a master ninja way before his time. The average age of mastery was 24 years, and being 17, he just harnessed his 3 months ago. The elders called him a God-send, but he never thought of it that way. In his humbleness, he believed he was only a quick learner; nothing more, nothing less.

Going on, he was walking down the road, when he saw someone lying there, still as stone, on the ground. Worried out of his mind, he ran over to the body and picked it up, carrying it over and out of the street so they wouldn't be trampled. When he set them down in an alley, he sat next to them, waiting for them to wake up.
An hour later, John wakes up to the sound of a bird. He reaches into the air thinking he would touch turn off his alark clock and he felt stone. He opened his eyes and realised he was in an alley in a place he has never seen before. As he looked around he saw a teenager with some kind of weapon thing and he got scared and stood up.

"Where am I?" he said in a scared, angry tone.

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Ruth opened her eyes and was blinded by the hot sun beating down on her. She quickly stood up and looked around her. She was in a village of some sort. People bustled around with baskets. Was she in a movie set? The place around her looks like it would have been in the early 1600's. She remembers taking a her dog out for a walk, then nothing. Maybe she fell and passed out? Yes! That must be it. Her mom would come find her soon and take her into her warm bed. She assumed she must be in a dream. Might as well enjoy it. Ruth walked around the Village, the people there giving her strange looks, some deadly. She simply shrugged it off.
Sage got up also, trying to understand him. He wasn't wearing the normal clothes villagers normally wore, and, oddly, he wanted to feel them. He reached out, grabbed the corner of Jonathan's jacket, and held it, rubbing the fibers with his thumbs. Sage was dumbfounded, he never thought something couldn't be made out of spun wool.

"Wow.... Did you make this?" he asked curiously.
"No.. I bought it." John answered, confused.

"Is this some kind of prank?" he said, in a slightly angry tone.

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Cara runs down alleys, feeling like she's being chased. Some strange-looking people dressed in old-timey outfits glare at her. A couple are dressed in the attire of a ninja. It can't be Halloween, can it? Maybe the Comic-con is in town? She stops running mid-alley to catch her breath. She spots John and another boy, dressed in ninja attire. "Hey! Where are we?" Cara approaches them.
"I wish I knew. I just woke up here and this ninja guy person was sitting beside me." replied John, relieved he wasnt the only one.

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An old woman comes up to Ruth and starts screaming at her in another language. She laughed, what funny dream she had. She kept walking and spotted people I modern day attire standing around. She walks up to them. "Hello." She smiles.
John doesnt shake hands with Sage, he is too afraid. Suddenly a girl walks up and says hi. "Um. Hi." John says, now thinking it really was a prank because of the girls normal clothing.

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Sage's hand fell to his side when he saw the other girls, and he waved pleasantly, "Hello," he began, then turned back to Jon, "So, what clan have you come from? I've never seen your people before. Are you all lost?"
A long stranger with all black outfit walked slowly along the sideway, blocking the sunlight with a black hat which reminds many of sort of widow's hat. Strangely, the man didn't seem to sweat. Thought he looked puzzled as he stopped suddenly, looking around. He was meant to meet one of his good friends near the local bank, but couldn't find it anywhere! He glanced at his silver clock, which was the only colourful thing on him. 'And I'm always so in time', he sighed in his mind, rolling his skyblue eyes as he lowered his hand. Suddenly, his eyes caught in a thing what reminded him of a small town meeting. A bunch of young people gathered up on the sideway. Logan decided to take his turn and slowly wandered towards them.

"Excuse me. Does anyone know where's the local bank?", he asked as he peeked his head between them.
"Uhhhh," Sage stopped to look at the man; he had no idea what he was talking about. Since he was one of the locals, he never used the bank to store his money away, "Sorry, I don't know." Suddenly, Sage stares not at the man, but what's behind him, and backs up, soon running behind the building in the alleyway.
"Is there a problem?", he asked with a overwhelmed stare, turning to look behind. He was ready to use his power: he have never liked this side on town.
Three men walked towards them, they had swords hidden behind their backs. They looked rugged, but determined.

"Where'd the boy go? The one that just ran off?" the one in front asked, pointing to the man in the black cloak. The others behind him began to unsheath their swords when Sage dropped on them, hitting them both with his Bo staff.

As they rolled to recover, the lead turned with incredible speed and came down on him, and Sage blocked him with perfect timing. Shoving him off, another one of the men grabbed Sage under his armpits, holding him up and restraining him. The other came at him, but Sage kicked him, flipped over the other guy, swung on his Bo staff and kicked them into each other. The lead caught Sage off guard and put him in a strong headlock, a sword to his neck afterward.

"You want him? You better save him, then," and choking Sage to keep him from talking, slowly walked backwards, the two men at his heels.
"I-", he started to stammer, before stepping few steps farer as the men began their fight. He watched mouth opened their fight. What in gods has he come up to now?! Not able to go between them, he just stared at them. "Hold on now, let's take it easy then, okay?", he started coinfidently as the fight was physically stopped but the mood was tense. "You shouldn't scary an old man like that even I don't look one... What exactly you want from this... What's his name?", he diplomatically started the conversation, holding his hands in front of his body to seem harmless and taking few steps toward the men, stopping then. "You know, I don't know this mister at all, good thing I know where's the town's bank!", he said with a slight laughter. He knows he can handle this: he didn't study Psychology for fine five years just for fun.
"Wha-? Sh-Sh-Shut up!" the man shouts, holding Sage tighter. Sage, not being able to breathe, begins tearing at the man's arm to try and loosen his grip, "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm leaving with this kid! You gotta fight for this one, punk!" and he starts dragging Sage off, the two men advancing.
"Unsure, aren't you? You really think I could beat you up? Hah, I'm 79! But may I ask you why? He looks a bit weird yes but there's really not motive for you to take him at least in my eyes..", he said with an overwhelmed pout. "I'm not a fighting one mister, no.", he said with hem and shook his head. "If he have done something bad, go for it. I just need to know what", he said slowly with a low, mesmerizing voice, spreading his hands toward the man and looked him with hard, relaxful eyelids.
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Becoming fustrated with the diplomacy, he starts to fiddle with words until he heard those last two sentences. He smirks.

"I'll tell you what'e did wrong. He messed with me... But you won't find that as a good enough reason." He lets go of Sage, shoving him to the dusty ground, "Unfair to coax an old man. Let's go, guys." and they walk off, one of the men spitting at Sage.
Logan hold his breath a bit as they fleed, offering his had with well ceased nails to get him up. "You shouldn't bother big men because now you owe me a wine bottle, mister..?", he repeated his question, a faint smile in his non-wrinkly face.
"Sage," he gets up without his help and wipes off his face, "It's Sage," and picking up his Bo staff, he leans on it to dust himself off, "Look, there's three reasons why he didn't run off with me. One, he's smarter than he looks. Two, it's in the daytime, and three, the place is busy this time of day and he doesn't want to make a scene. I would've used my powers, but..." Sage drops off there, preferring not to be asked why.
Logan nodded few times, pouting a bit as he didn't get any thanks. "Yes he was smart. Besides, here's youngers around!", he noted, tipping his hat for ladies."Do ladies know where is the bank?"
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