Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords [Inactive]

usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Toaster Muffins submitted a new role play:

Flappy Bird: The Pipe Overlords - When the deadly pipes take over, it's up to a legion of birds to save humanity...

The pipe overlords have taken over and the entire bird race is in terror... But, there is a brigade of brave birds who are willing to risk their lives to save their kind. They are known as the Flappy Birds. Will they dodge the pipes and use their skill and wit to defeat the evil Pipe King and save the bird race or will they all accumulate into a large pile from barely touching one of the pipes and being infected with an extremely deadly poison?
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Da butiful Robyn Dove Angle Kristal Starr wuz chillin in hr room of da Falpyp Burd hedkorters wik her stlish bf "hy swety ur so hawwwwt" she sed. (@Esme, @Nivrad00, @X64, @ShenaniganPants)
Curlz wuz sitin in da hedkorterz tu and she flapped a winf at Robyn. "Hai gur how yu doin u luk purty tuday"
Flecker wuz all bout teh chilln up in teh ar bov dah hedkorterz. Doin all kinz a trixz an supes lazee loopz she mad sur her totes crabeateefull fethers wur lookn awsm liek jlow.
Curlz hopped bside Flecker fluttrin herr btiful pinkfethers. "Hi hru tday u luk purty" she sed. Then she shot glitrq out uf her beek at th wall mking it luk supes prty and sparkly yu no?
Flecker gapsd @ teh sparklez on teh wall. It was totes poppin' liek Beyonce naw. "gurl, u mak erryfin so purt taht i b all kinz a gud. wbu bbg?"
Curlz smild an gigld. "Ty im gud it is ptty ikr u wunt sumsprklz on ur wings gf" she sed checkin out erq butiful creatiun
Flappy Flappingson wuz goin to th hedqurtarz and wen he geted ther he saw the Curlz and the Flecker an he flw twrdz dem an sedded "hy bbys do u wan sm fresh frut or magicl potiun of coolness??"

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Rio sudnly divd dwn 2 da hedqorters w his cape totes flyin behinz him n pulld of dat supar sick flip befor crashin in2 da grnd. "qwick!!!" He ylled reel loud "i ned the COMANDER!! were is he??"
Robyn flapd ovr 2 Rio. She new dat da comndr wuz hr bf but lyk she wuz totes atraxted 2 da cray cray hot Ryo. "hy boy. i tinks liek da commandr is in his rom or somtin. btw do u wana go on a dte r sumthin?"
4 a mo Rio wuz takn by Robyn's gorjus sparki wings but then he shuk his hed n gav the burd a luk lik guuuurl. "i kno ur alwys checkin out the bois but bby this is SERIOS bizness." he stoped agin "besides i aint wanna mes wit Sir Sprklfarts Swaglishus doe, he gon b totes pissd if he sees me wit his gurl." he gave her dat nuh-uh luk then racd insid to see da commandor
"sir sparlkefarts swagliscous!" rio gav a quik salut "got dat report frm East lukout n its abut the Piep Ovarlords." he fumbld wth his wngs and hnded him a scrll frm a pcket n his cape. he tiltd his hed "u luk diffrent 2day comandor, yo did you gt a harcut or sumthng?"
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"othx dud, hheahehajehahhe i juzt tri new outfet u leik" sed Flappy Flappingson wile tri not 2 laf.

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Rio flt sumthng wuz up, bt whteverz, he totes trstd da cummander. "aniwaiz, chck out da scrll, trns out da scum OVURLORDS b sendin out da minions stll to Flapy City." he gav dat supa serius look lik a hawk or smth "we gota hlp them, comandur"
"kk dud btw i nt cmandear i flappy flappingson th comndr of al the foodziez but yehyeh i shal giv to the flipity flopity flapy brid commandarins"

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rio made dat shockd faic lik .O. "flappy flappingson?? wtf bro what r u doing this is SERIOUS ther r pepol DYNG ovar there! why ar u evn in sir sparklefart's room?? wher is da comander?" angerly he sntched dat scroll bck like seirs dud nah n dartd back outsid.

he saw the 2nd comander n lit up"Robyn Dov Angl Cristl Star! u gota do sumthing bro, the comandor's not her and Flapy City neds our halp!"
"sry dude t cmnd ws flyin sm erins n i wnned to b his hlper"

but rio wuz levin alredy

so he maded sum banana splits n gived tdhem to the dust bunies

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From duh outsied Flecker waz totes kepn a lokout on dah hedkarterz. She cud c erryfin frum teh top incldn smok frum Flapy Sity.

"O noes, i mst tul teh comandur!"
"o hai curlz" said rioooo "im fine 2dy thank u bt hey u kno who's liek not fin? FLAPPY SITY!!!"

he thrw dat scroll @ da wall cuz sers bro he swaer teh flapybirds wr a buncha loons but thn lik he felt bad abt it cuz alla dem they wre jsu doin ther best )': thn t wuz al chiiiiiiiill. nywais no1 as osm as da RIO anywaz

Then he luk arond n thr wuz the smok n shiet. And waz liek, "o bro wat dey even doin oer ther???"
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