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  1. Dan Dreise

    Songs of Life and Death (RP)

    "so, who else has voice powers and what are they?" I knew it was a bit early for asking something like that but hey it was worth a try ",I can control frozen things and freeze them. and Kanade her got no idea what she can do but it has to do with weapons" "I can use guard...
  2. Dan Dreise

    Songs of Life and Death (RP)

    and kanade saw some people in the city of hopes and dreams so we ran up to them "we come in piece!" I called out as kanade kept silent just following me.
  3. Dan Dreise

    Songs of Life and Death (sign up)

    Name: kanade wellfield Age: 16 Gender: Female Voice Power: weaponization (like kanade form angelbeats) Looks: Personality: meet her History: she had been locked up in a military base until drake got her out of there, she has been by his side ever since. Name: drake arces Age...
  4. Dan Dreise

    Mythical- Be any creature you want. New members welcomed.

    Mina: I walked around town hoping the lotion I put on this morning would not run out on me before it got dark which I knew it would but I could hope, the problem with it is that I need someone to help me put it on and seeing I did not want to go up too a random person and ask them if they can...
  5. Dan Dreise

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    Name: mina tepes Nickname: Gender: female Age: looks nine years old but is 500 Crush: open Bf/Gf: open Spouse/Fiance: non yet Kids: Species: vampire Pets(with looks--optional): Personality(optional): she acts aggressive, cocky, and naughty. However, she actually feels...
  6. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    I leaned against a tree "so who are you people?"
  7. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    I put my hammer on my shoulder "as long as your not armed and plan on using it at my I will have no reason to smash you too pieces"
  8. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    I sighed "my my are you humans full of blood, to bad you guys were evil"
  9. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    "oh look your still alive, not for long human" I growled. "pppplease....done kill me" the man said. "I don't think so" I lifted my hammer up to smash his head in.
  10. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    I gripped my hammer tightly as I got ready to smash them to piece, I ran at them and knocked one of the man's legs from under him and smashed his head into a bloody pulp, the others saw this and tried to attack me but I was to fast for them too react. I wiped my face, hands and hammer clean with...
  11. Dan Dreise

    new here and wanted to say hi

    that is exactly it, and thank you I'm looking forward to rping here.
  12. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    (how can I jump in if I'm accepted?)
  13. Dan Dreise

    Banished From Nivisa (Creature Roleplay - We need Creature and Humans)

    Name: drake vanhelsing Nickname (if any): furball (only a few people can call him that) Gender:male Age: 20 Creature or human: creature If creature, what?:werewolf Personality: he has a short temper with most people and will try to bite your head off if he does not like you but has...
  14. Dan Dreise

    new here and wanted to say hi

    hi, I'm not all to new too rping but I am still learning just like anyone else. I have a deamon called Artemis who shifts between a grey wolf and a red fox, I like foxes and most people would call me some what of a furry but I do not really care and if you got a problem with that then don't...