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  1. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    A small furrow appeared between her brows, curiosity evident in her violet orbs as she surveyed the man that had approached her and was now walking with her. She obviously had yet to perfect her body language if he'd misinterpreted her movements. Tossing a few stray lilac locks over her...
  2. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    There was no sound, no other people that she could see lingering about in the courtyard. Either classes had started or all the students had decided to remain indoors. Somehow, that only served to further put her off from the school. How anyone could remain inside when the day was so serene and...
  3. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    You'll be the first to know when and if we decide to do the group. As of now, we're working on one but have yet to finish the collaboration. Hopefully, we should have finished by the end of this week. @Xylin
  4. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    She hadn't asked for this, to be shoved into a school for others just like her. She didn't understand why her uncle didn't see that all she wanted was to remain at home. To relish in the last place that her parents had resided before they had been taken from her. But no, he wouldn't let her...
  5. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @Lotusy Thank you very much!
  6. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    I might just decide to create one if I can get my friends on board with the idea. They're always excited when a new RP is presented to them.
  7. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    @Lotusy I've done what you asked, giving specifics on her power. I hadn't paid much attention to her abilities, but I'm happy that you pointed it out to me. As for Derek and Hadrian, they won't be making an appearance in person. I just felt it necessary to mention them since they are in the...
  8. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    I've never actually given it much thought myself. Then again, I haven't found any RPs that focus on dystopian society so it's hard to involve myself within it.
  9. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    I have the same love for RP as I do movies and literature! xD I haven't met many people who are fond of dystopian RP. Although I can't say there isn't a definite intrigue there.
  10. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    ...two best friends that she has not seen since her parents died when she was fifteen. Their names are Hadrian Merrik Laine and Derek Rhett Noire. Hadrian is a demon while Derek is a vampire. The picture above shows Derek (on the left), Jaielle (in the center), and Hadrian (on the right). *Lakota*
  11. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    Movie or Literature? Either way, they're mostly similar in my opinion. I'm very fond of thriller, suspense, horror, adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy, and I'm inclined toward the more darker genres. I read a certain fanfiction that was beyond disturbing to some people. Seriously, it made Fifty...
  12. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Thank you, I'll begin my profile now!
  13. FenyxEmber

    Fantasy Lakoria High School

    Is this RP still open for new characters?
  14. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    No worries there! Jaielle is merely an alias that's close enough to my name that I'll always remember it. It's a pleasure to meet you either way.
  15. FenyxEmber

    Literature Talking about Harry Potter

    A true Potterhead will always be aware of just how they should greet their fellow members! As if, I'm just happy that there seem to be so many other Harry Potter fans here. It's much more than I expected and I'm pleasantly surprised!
  16. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome, Kes. It's only polite that I introduce myself as you have done so. My name is Jaielle, but I'd be honored if you'd just call me Jai. It's a pleasure to meet a fellow Potterhead and Ravenclaw!
  17. FenyxEmber

    Literature Let's Talk Harry Potter

    What is your favorite book? If I had to choose only one I would have to say my favorite is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It just has a lot more qualities to it that I wasn't expecting when I first read it. Besides, it was the first book where Sirius really made a general...
  18. FenyxEmber

    Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony

    The sorting ceremony on Pottermore was fun. Much more unique than most tests and quizzes other people make. I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I've taken the quiz four times and each time was the same. I doubt my personality hasn't gone through some drastic changes in the past few years, but I suppose...
  19. FenyxEmber

    I'm ready to roleplay!

    Hi there! Newbies have to stick together so welcome!
  20. FenyxEmber

    Accio Audience!

    Fantastic! I'm glad I managed to capture at least one other Potterhead! (: And thank you for the warm welcome. It's due to numerous tests that I've discovered I'm a Ravenclaw! I'm happy to have received a response from you, and I extend the same courtesy: Feel free to converse with me...