Search results for query: *

  1. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    "Oh, me? I've never left America, in fact, this is my second time out of Tennessee! The other time we went to Cape Cod on a summer trip. My life has been pretty boring honestly, that's why I left home. Home was... well, boring I guess. Everything was just... boring. I would rather something have...
  2. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    "Oh thank goodness you found that cotton, I was trying so hard not to stare!" Addy laughed at herself, not quite with her whole body, but with her upper half. "That's such a sic name though!" She was content to stay, she liked him. She realized that up until now she had been quite domineering...
  3. Demesne

    Commonwealth [Inactive]

    Ms. Maeva was recording in her Traveller's Log that the past few days had passed without unrest in this outpost, and that she was considering moving on. She was just recording the ambient temperatures of the past 48 hours, obsessing over decimal places and the laws of significant figures. She...
  4. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    Addy noticed the new girl come in and waved. If she walked over, she walked over. Otherwise, she was content to continue her own conversation. She had found someone quite entertaining in this group of standouts, someone she genuinely liked. She was quite inexplicably fond of him, and found his...
  5. Demesne

    Hello to you too! :)

    Hello to you too! :)
  6. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    Addy noticed his temporary panic, and went over her options. She could either make him laugh or try and comfort him. She saw that trying to comfort him would probably only mortify him, but she could probably make some sort of joke out of the situation. She looked about frantically for material...
  7. Demesne

    What exactly were you two watching?

    What exactly were you two watching?
  8. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    Addy couldn't help herself, she busted out laughing. Now, Addy is not the kind of girl who giggles. Oh, no, she laughs like men burp- with pride and their whole body. Her sides shook, her legs trembled, her chest heaved with the effort of taking in that much air to exhale it again right away in...
  9. Demesne


    Name: Adelaide Elana Maeva Age: 22 Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/upload_2014-4-5_21-16-3.jpeg.9d4e67bfe9191f364accc4882c63e93d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15762"...
  10. Demesne

    Small Group RP-Details Inside~ :D

    You can always post it here :) Does it give you a particular error message?
  11. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    "That would be wonderful!" She dropped her oversized bag on the ground, too naive and trusting to care that someone could very well walk off with it. She sat down and habitually crossed her legs even though she was wearing jeans, a habit that was so deeply ingrained in her from Sunday school she...
  12. Demesne

    Small Group RP-Details Inside~ :D

    :smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2::smile 2: Hello and Welcome! My name is Demesne, and I am looking to create a small group RP, where all members have...
  13. Demesne

    Band RP

    When is this/ just plain is this starting?
  14. Demesne

    Ship crash [Inactive]

    ((Ok, thanks! I'm going to reply to this ASAP.))
  15. Demesne

    Video Game University [Inactive]

    ROZ Roz steeled herself for another orentation speech. Out of all the presentations she made through the year, orientations were the worst. Graduations, she could handle, exams, she could handle, disciplinary, she could handle, but orientation speeches were the absolute worst. This was her one...
  16. Demesne

    Ship crash [Inactive]

    ((Could I get a summary? I had no idea this started, I checked on a whim. Thank heavens for that.))
  17. Demesne

    Survival Dating Sim?

    Well my take on this is that there would probably be a posting order, and every couple would play through a certain timeframe. IE every post covers a week, or a day, or whatever. There would also be random events, created by the GM, for each couple. Ex: A mother in law dies, bump into an ex...
  18. Demesne

    Ship crash

    Hey all! Do we want to start setting up the heirarchy for thr island? Like who will lead, who will cook, etc.?
  19. Demesne

    Survival Dating Sim?

    Sure, with a bit more structure, I'm in! Do you want some ideas?
  20. Demesne

    Magic & Secrecy

    Character Name- Peridot Lace Texier Character Archetype: Character Type- Hero Archetype- Vigilante Role- Thief Type Gender- Female Zodiac/Element- Leo/Fire Powers- Magician Type Notable Traits- Has lived in 6 different towns Physical Traits: Body Type- Well Defined/Toned...