Search results for query: *

  1. Pinklullaby

    A house full of husbands [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Pinklullaby

    Well hello again (๑•́ ω •̀๑)

    Well hello again (๑•́ ω •̀๑)
  3. Pinklullaby

    Old IC Thread [Taming The Flame]

    When the night sky appeared, when there was no one on the streets of a certain sector in Kwovat ...... That was when the bars and the night life of Kwovat buzzed and awoken from it's 12 hour slumber. The streets were always lit with lanterns and candles, and filled with people who enjoyed the...
  4. Pinklullaby

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    Finn honestly didn't know what so say at the sudden reaction from the boy who still hadn't introduced himself to her. She had a mixture of confusion and self doubt going on in her head. She didn't know what she did wrong to upset him like that, but at the same time she realized she probably had...
  5. Pinklullaby

    I have to go sadly, I have to study for finales >.>. But I'll defiantly talk to you tomorrow okay?

    I have to go sadly, I have to study for finales >.>. But I'll defiantly talk to you tomorrow okay?
  6. Pinklullaby

    well I started watching it a few years ago, I never actually finished it either. I think I...

    well I started watching it a few years ago, I never actually finished it either. I think I stopped the season before finale act. The episodes are so hard to find D;.
  7. Pinklullaby

    You have so many similar otps as me gahhh ....x3. And you're an anime freak...I'm already in...

    You have so many similar otps as me gahhh ....x3. And you're an anime freak...I'm already in love with you XD....Oh geez I can't believe you've seen inuyasha...I don't know anyone who has seen that. Did you finish the whole series?
  8. Pinklullaby

    Any anime is fine :3

    Any anime is fine :3
  9. Pinklullaby

    Oh my...>.< I'd love to read the one where they turn into girls. That sounds waaay to...

    Oh my...>.< I'd love to read the one where they turn into girls. That sounds waaay to interesting to pass up. Anyway, do you have any other pairings that you like?
  10. Pinklullaby

    I haven't watched D-gray man in ages, but when I did ,I was a huge Yullen fan also~ It was my...

    I haven't watched D-gray man in ages, but when I did ,I was a huge Yullen fan also~ It was my fav otp of that whole anime, Now that you brought them up, it makes me want read fanfiction of them geez lol
  11. Pinklullaby

    geez thanks , I'm a huge sasunaru lover if you couldn't tell (。・//ε//・。)

    geez thanks , I'm a huge sasunaru lover if you couldn't tell (。・//ε//・。)
  12. Pinklullaby

    Insert Random Thread Name Here..

    Yes please! Just Pm me it :)
  13. Pinklullaby

    Insert Random Thread Name Here..

    You have so many awesome idea it's hard for me to choose .w. But I really like the Kidnapper x Hostage,Pirate x Werewolf,Pirate x Stowaway,Pirate x Prince/Princess,Teacher x Student. Gawd it was so hard to narrow it down! You have an awesome mind madame :3
  14. Pinklullaby

    « Sword Art: Online »

    « Name:Fable Haplins « Username:BrutalHeart « Age:17 « Level:1 « Overview Bio:Fable grew up in a very unstable living situation. Growing up, both her parents were in two separate prisons for murder of the first degree. Her mom had schizophrenia sadly and her father was just a plain...
  15. Pinklullaby

    Insert Random Thread Name Here..

    hmm.....I'm interested! I'd love all your idea.
  16. Pinklullaby

    Fantasy Yuri/Lesbian Roleplay Partners! All ideas are welcomed!

    erm is this still opened? Cause ,I'd like, totally be down for this. I wouldn't mind the Bully x Bullied Kidnapper x Victim Boss x co-worker I'd like to do some Adventure Time and Attack on Titan if you're up for it too (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
  17. Pinklullaby

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    "The room's 567...and um.....that's all I know" She paused before continuing "My names Finnley...but you can call me Finn if want."She looked to the boy apparently named Henry. She wondered why he would be so knowledgeable about where everything was but didn't bother asking. She didn't want to...
  18. Pinklullaby

    A School For The Talanted [Inactive]

    "Um....uh....well" She shifted uncomfortable from side to side. Now they were all staring at her and it seemed the confidence that she once had, had left completely from her body. They had so kindly introduced themselves to her but she didn't know what to say. It seemed the words were caught...
  19. Pinklullaby

    A house full of husbands [Inactive]

    Pinklullaby submitted a new role play: A house full of husbands - Having so many husbands can be a hastle can't it? Read more about this role play...
  20. Pinklullaby

    A house full of husbands

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...