« Sword Art: Online »


New Member
«Character Creation»


« Name:

« Username:

« Age:

« Level:

« Overview:

« Pros:



























































•Hard Working
























•Manages Time Well














•Presents Self Well











•Sense of Humor


•Serves Others






















« Cons:






































































































« Profession:









« Non-combat:


•Musical Instrument



•Equipment Appraisal

•Tools Appraisal

•Purchase Negotiation

•Sales Negotiation

•Medicine Mixing

•Thrust Weapon Forging

•Blunt Weapon Forging

•Light Metal Armor Forging

•Heavy Metal Armor Forging

•Metal Equipment Repairing

•Metal Refining

•Familiar Recovery

•Familiar Communication




« Passive:







•Night Vision

•X-Ray Vision

•Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill)

•Extended Weight Limit



« Combat:



•Battle Healing

•Emergency Recovery


•Light Metal Equipment

•Leather Equipment

•Heavy Metal Equipment



« Weapon skill:

•One-handed Straight Sword [shield optional]

•One-handed Curved Blade [shield optional]

•One-handed Dagger

•One Handed Rapiers [shield optional]

•One-handed Assault Spear [shield optional]

•One-handed War Hammer [shield optional]

•Two-handed Straight Sword

•Two-handed Assault Spear

•Two-handed Battle Axe

•Blade Throwing

•Martial Arts




A player's "HUD" will basically scrap down to this;

LVL - [ 1 ]
HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]
Those that want to make sure they are advancing in the plot fairly will be expected to keep a log of their progress based on these stats. I will make sure to let everyone know ONCE whenever something is earned/achieved, so there will be no reason as to why you do not earn what you should be getting, based on the 'scenes' that are executed.

Example: If a player executes a scene (either solo or with multiple others) where they slay a group of mobs (in detail!), then you should either;

A) Take note of what you believe you earned in the follow stat fields and then notify me for approval later on.

B) Notify me of the scene after it is finished and ask for me to evaluate what I believe you earned and give you permission then and there.

Note that players are not required to use a "HUD", but it will be handy for you, if you expect to keep record of what you've earned, so you will always have a fair shot at things, for I will be keeping records, meaning you will not be buying a 6,000,000 COL weapon when you only have 300,000 COL~
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« Name: Adara Haus

« Username: Ravita

« Age: 15

« Level: 1

« Overview:

  • v13w.png

« Pros




« Cons:




« Profession:


« Non-combat:


-Familiar Communication

« Passive:



« Combat:


-Emergency Recovery

« Weapon skill:

-One Handed Rapier

« Name: Leo Arvion

« Username: Elorios (Ee-lore-i-o-s)

« Age: 17

« Level: 1

« Overview:

Personality: Leo is one of those silent type of people. He only speaks when spoken to, and he only answers with minimal amount of words. He doesn't like being around people in real life, because he finds them either annoying, rude, judgmental, or he just doesn't like them. Though he will give people a chance if he feels that they may turn out to be nice. He doesn't trust people very easily and will be wary about them for a while, which contributes to his Solo Player status. Although, if someone is in trouble he will do his best to help them, he can't see innocent people get hurt, it actually makes him feel like he failed if he can't save them. He's a rather sensitive person, and always considers people's feelings, though he doesn't really show it. He doesn't show his emotions, or what he is thinking very well, and his way of speaking is pretty rough, due to not speaking to anyone other then his aunt in real life.

History: Leo was raised by a poor family, having to work on the farm, and taking care of his mother (who was ill at the time) on a daily basis, ever since he could walk, and pick up moderately heavy things he's been helping. His father, died sometime when Leo was around 10, and his mother couldn't take care of him, so he was forced to live with his aunt, who wasn't particularly happy with his existence in her house, but she came to love the boy much like her own. He lives with his aunt and little cousin, Kurro to this day.



(Sorry for the large picture, I didn't know it was going to be so big)

« Pros:

1. Intellegent

2. Patient

3. Caring

« Cons:

1. Speaks roughly

2. Sarcastic

3. Secretive

« Profession:


« Non-combat:

1. Musical Instrument (Violin)

2. Sewing

« Passive:

1. Detection

2. Acrobatics

« Combat:

1. Emergency Healing

2. Leather Equipment

« Weapon skill:

1. Two Handed straight sword

« Name

Shiloh Jones

« Username


« Age


« Level


« Overview

  • img-thing

« Pros

1. Adventurous

2. Compassionate

3. Loyal

« Cons

1. Possessive

2. Sarcastic

3. Silly




1. Cooking

2. Familiar Communication


1. Listening

2. Night Vision


1. Battle Healing

2. Parry

Weapon skill

1. One-handed Straight Sword

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"I Never Lose." -Odd


« Name: Axel "Odd (Nickname)" Fahr

« Username: DecpetaBOSS

« Age: 15

« Level: 1

« Overview: Ever since Odd was a child he loved games. Games was all he could think about, Games games games. At a later age he was introduced by some "Friends" to video games. He loved them even more than regular games. These "Friends" called him Odd. Odd didn't mind, so the name stuck. His parents dissaproved and argued with Odd about his obsession. Odd grew distant from them. His family just didn't understand except for his little sister. However his parents were divorced and his mother remarried. Odd ended up living with his mother and his new Step-father. His sister got his father. Odd always was jealous of this and longed to be with his father over his nagging mother. Eventually Odd got his very first Nerve Gear. His sister had saved up for it and got it for him for his birthday. Axel entered his first Nerve Gear game SAO. Then it happened. The incident that trapped 10,000 players inside a game to fight for there lives. Odd will NOT lose...

« Pros:

1. Determined

2. Skillful

3. Reliable

« Cons:

1. Aggressive

2. Can be Reckless

3. Overprotective over the people he cares for.

« Profession:




1. Cooking

2. Fishing


1. Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill)

2. Acrobatics


1. Parry

2. Battle Healing

Weapon skill:

1. One-handed Straight Sword [shield optional] Wants to find dual swords that level up in strength as he levels up, So he wont ever have to worry about a replacement. He( Me :P ) also wants these dual swords to be pretty powerful.

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« Name: Finn Marley

« Username: Colt

« Age: 17

« Level: 1



Personalty: Finn is often seen as timid by his peers, avoiding conversation with other people and being horrible at talking in front of a crowd. However, when he is with a group he trusts, he is much more open, being very protective, thoughtful, and fun. He is very intelligent, often being one of the top 3 in his class. Sometimes he can be very emotional, thinking with his heart more than his brain. Another thing about him is that he is terrible at talking to girls casually, barely being able to look at them. He also despises being weak, and wishes he could do more than he currently can. Finn also has a competitive and determined nature, always wanting to do the best he possibly can, and won't let anything stop him from doing so.

History: Born into a family consisting of a police officer as a father and a doctor as a mother, his parents wanted to keep him safe from everything horrible in the world, sheltering him. Because of this, Finn developed a rather severe form of anxiety, crying at even the slightest hint of something bad happening. This wasn't a problem for most of his life, making a small group of fiends. When he turned 13, he began to be bullied because of his anxiety by a group of girls. His friends quickly abandoned him and joined in on the ridicule. Stressed and frustrated, Finn stopped talking to people and isolated himself. He began to play video games more than he used to, quickly making it his favorite pass time. He found it a refreshing escape from the stressful activity that was life.

He hated the feeling of not being able to deal with his problems, and at the age of 15 was able to will himself stronger, no longer crying at everything. He made a few friends in an attempt to break out of his shell, though he still plays video games by himself rather than hanging out with them. Of course, when Sword Art Online was released to the public, he immediately picked it up, seeing it as a new world he could live in.

Familiar: Dax. He's extremely hyper and always likes to play around.


« Pros:

1. Planner

2. Hard working

3. Fairness

« Cons:

1. Timid

2. Overemotional

3. Jealous

« Profession: Merchant (sells specifically medicine)

« Non-combat:

1. Familiar communication

2. Medicine mixing

« Passive:

1. Hiding

2. Night vision

« Combat:

1. Battle healing

2. Light metal equipment

« Weapon skill:

1. One handed assault spear w/ shield

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« Name:

Kaoru Ichinose

« Username:


« Age:


« Level:


« Overview:



In the real world, Kaoru Ichinose is a computer-addicted high school student with no interest in the outside world at all. He attempts to wake up, go to school, then go home where he sits in his dark room playing video games. His cold personality and reclusiveness, make it hard for him to make friends in-game. It all really stems from the hatred he experienced from his father. The father figure in his life was strict, high strung, and abusive. Spending most of his days drunk and in front of the TV. Ordering Kaoru to do things for him. Eventually when his father attacked his mother, Kaoru stepped in to attack his father with a nearby kitchen knife. As awful as it sounds, the police determined it as an act of self defense, and under Japan's child defense laws, Kaoru was in no means, in the wrong.

Killing his father left a severe mark on him. He would not talk to his mother anymore, nor did his life get any better. He tried to use his time to play games, abuse drugs like his father, and sleep with other males. He considered himself homosexual, and without love from anyone. His escape came through sword art online. He had an email come through to him, inviting him to a beta test. This was the new technology and finally a new place where he could enjoy himself. And hopefully get away from the cruel world that he experienced.

When he had first joined the beta test, he had high hopes of getting as far as possible, pushing anyone who stands in his way, out of the way. Along the way, he joined a guild that was likely precarious. Knowing it's leadership was destined to fall eventually, he started to come up with a different theme for the guild. Becoming widely-known information brokers in the game. Even strange secret knowledge, that did or did not even exist.

Rumors talk of strange, cyber entities that Endrance himself conjured up within the guild, helping gain information and the trust of over 15 other secretive followers. "The Illuminated order of the Mysteriis" was the name of the infamous guild and only existed in hushed rumors. As the news of the game had arised on the first day of opening, Endrance felt that this was a stepping stone to gaining influence in the guild. Knowing the information of a boss on a nearby floor, Endrance traced the boss' moves and kept track of it in an information book. Then he gave it to the leader of the guild, knowing that the leader would face it himself and with some other men.

Little did the leader know that this information was indeed false. Forged by Endrance himself, and not being able to afford his icon turning orange, The leader rushed in to attack, dying at the scene. Endrance had karma attack him also, The vice-commander was a beloved friend, and rumored lover of Endrance. He also went in with false information. Endrance had planned to rebuild the guild by himself, but with some members that survived the battle, turned on him. Therefore, Endrance left the guild in shame and turned his level back to 1. Trying to start anew.


He tends to be cold and quiet, only finding solace in animals or fighting. Because of his emotional wounds, he tends to be distrusting and guides himself where others can't find him. Because of his drug addiction he has gained a few personality symptoms that follow along with his personality in-game. such as his paranoia or his states of manic when he cannot feed his addiction, Considering he is stuck in the game. Because of his shady dealings, he knows how to be diplomatical.

With the death of his father, it's left him extremely scarred, usually moving him into depression. He uses drugs to keep himself in a high so he doesn't fall back down into the state he usually goes through, and psychologically, not to fall back to where his father was. He tries to keep himself up and running but can only last a few days in the game without having certain drug drawbacks. Either way, his normal personality without his high, would be depressed, brooding, and insensitive to everything around him.

He comes off as very cruel but can't help what can't be fixed.

« Pros:

1. Poised

2. Intimate

3. Calm

« Cons:

1. Detached

2. Obsessive

3. Cruel

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1. Musical instrument

2. Tools appraisal

« Passive:

1. Acrobatics

2. Detection

« Combat:

1. Parry

2. Light Metal Equipment

« Weapon skill:

1. One Handed Rapier

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/512531_zps39554c61.jpg.66ac52d7a82761075b1a4d9d471b33a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/512531_zps39554c61.jpg.66ac52d7a82761075b1a4d9d471b33a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Gιve мe α вreαĸ: Jυѕт вecαυѕe I looĸ cυтe αnd нαrмleѕѕ, doeѕn'т мeαn I won'т вυѕт yoυ υp..."


« Name: Komino Korin

« Username: Kelik

« Age: 13

« Level: 1

« Overview: In the year 2022, gamers had lined up on launch day for Sword Art Online, a hotly-anticipated MMORPG that lets players connect to an immersive virtual reality world with special helmets called Nerve Gear.

Komino Korin, the age of thirteen has desired to link himself into this world after waiting several hours in line like many others to be one of the first to gain ownership of the game.

Young and hot-headed in many ways as expected from someone his age, Komino is surprisingly intelligent for his age, and has resulted in being a couple of years ahead of his average class, and as a choice given to him because of it, he has been given the next year of school time off, as an "extended vacation for academic excellence", and he decided that there was no better way to spend that time then in the newly perfected realm of gaming..

But soon, Komino and Sword Art Online's 10,000 other players discover that not only are they unable to log out, but the only way they can return to their physical bodies is by beating the 100-level tower's final boss. Death in the game means death in the real world, and thus making SAO more than your average game, as was announced by the game's founder and CEO of the Nerve Gear product himself.

Komino was not really afraid of anyone trying to remove his Nerve Gear in the real world, as anyone in his family was too "submissive" to NOT believe what the man was saying when he announced it to the outside world, and had faith in his capabilities as a gamer to make it through this game and get out alive.

After several days of getting settled into the now fearful world, Komino had long since heard of the "Beaters"; players who were not only Beta testers for SAO, but as well were considered "cheaters" because of their prior knowledge of the game and being aware of aspects of the game that no other player did. Komino was determined to find someone who was like this, and convince them to work with him at getting through this game.

« Pros:

1. Adventurous

2. Determined

3. Intelligent

« Cons:

1. Hotheaded

2. Impatient

3. Impulsive

« Profession: Blacksmith


« Non-combat:

1. Equipment Appraisal

2. Familiar Recover

« Passive:

1. Acrobatics

2. Sprint

« Combat:

1. Parry

2. Emergency Recovery

« Weapon Skill:

1. One-handed straight Sword



  • 512531_zps39554c61.jpg
    61.7 KB · Views: 71
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: Jean Surpimese

« Username

: LovelyBrigade

« Age

: 17

« Level

: 1

« Overview






Jean is highly sarcastic, and can be stuck up at times, he enjoys leisure activities, and likes anything to do with medicinal practice. He is highly analytical, and loves to observe his surroundings. Although he's not the best when it comes to fighting, he gets by because it's what he must do to survive.

When he's pushed to the limit he usually breaks through.


Jean was born in metropolitan Paris, and as a child grew up as "another face in the crowd" usually being ignored by most people, so that's why he spent many hours online, somewhere where most people did notice him. One day one of his online friends told him about a game that let the players IN the world, instead of playing with a mouse and keyboard, this intrigued him enough to go and beg his parents for the money to purchase the equipment, and game itself.

Once he acquired the game, and equipment he was over joyed with excitement, he couldn't wait to flush out all the bad thoughts in real life, and replace then with happier ones.

« Pros



. Honourable


. Knowledgeable


. Loyal

« Cons



. Sarcastic


. Clingy


. Arrogant






Medicine Man (Alchemist)





. Medicine mixing


. Cooking





. Listening


. Hiding





. Emergency recovery


. Meditation


Weapon skill



. One Handed Rapier
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« Name: Kiki Ingstrum

« Username: Kingstrum

« Age: 18

« Level: 1

« Overview:



As a kid, she was energetic, alert, and curious. Always trying new things and looking to see what she could learn. That all changed when she moved from her homeland. She became withdrawn, sluggish, and despondently drifted through life from one day to the next. However, her personality has gone over a complete makeover. Kiki is now a determined soul, unafraid of challenges that come her way, and feels she's powerful enough to take anything head on.


Kiki was one that never quite got along with anybody. Sure, there were a few people she could call and talk to whenever she was down, but no one who ever cared to know the real her. Moving here from Germany as a child certainly didn't help either. Learning the language, getting used to the customs, and always being the odd one out drove her into deep depression. Her parents were at their wits' end and none of the "professionals" she went to see were any help. With each passing day, Kiki became more and more dejected until one day, while scouring the internet, she came across a story about a young child prodigy named Komino Korin. Excelling in every single one of his studies and years wiser than anyone else his age. "If he can do it, why can't I?" So then it began. Kiki placed all her energy into bettering herself and found that courage to move forward and determination to stick to it really did change things. Now 18, living on her own, and finally at peace, Kiki decided to take a well-deserved break from another grueling class of Capoeira, and thought it was the perfect opportunity to try this new game called "SAO". Quite a few blogs are calling it the "Game Of The Century", so why not see what all the fuss is about?

« Pros:


2. Fearless

3. Determined

« Cons:

1. Arrogant

2. Intolerant

3. Inflexible

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1. Purchase Negotiation

2. Metal Equipment Repairing

« Passive:

1. Listening

2. X-Ray Vision

« Combat:

1. Parry

2. Howl

« Weapon skill:

1. Martial Arts
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« Name:Fable Haplins

« Username:BrutalHeart

« Age:17

« Level:1

« Overview


Fable grew up in a very unstable living situation. Growing up, both her parents were in two separate prisons for murder of the first degree. Her mom had schizophrenia sadly and her father was just a plain lunatic that would coax her mother into doing things with the help of her mental disorder. The couple lead on a normal life on the surface, they actually looked like the typical all America pair. But at night the two would capture and murder people for the fun of it. Luckily for the general public, both were captured eventually and put away for a very long time. Growing up knowing her parents were like this scared Fable emotionally but her grandparents were always there for support,love and care. But whenever fable went to visit her parents at there prisons, she realized in her heart that she was somehow like them in someway. She realized she was just as sadistic and blood thirsty as they were, and nothing could change that. She vowed she'd never go on a murderous rampage as they did in the real world, but on sword art online that was a whole new ball game. She could be whoever she wanted on there, and decided she would release her deadly persona on there.

Personality:Fable is a very cheerful , energetic, hyper type of lass. She's always on the move or in some type of rush. You'll never see her without a smile on her face, and she very seldom gets depressed.She loves to entertain people and make them smile with her flute that she carries around. She loves to laugh a lot,it's like a hobby of hers. She'll laugh at just about anything and everything...even while she's killing. This is where her sadistic side tends to come in. She loves to laugh and smile while hunting and even murdering someone or something. She gains a sort of rush and loses bits and pieces of the sanity that she once had.

« Pros:

1.•Sense of Humor



« Cons:

1. Sadistic



« Profession:•Performer

« Non-combat:

1.•Musical Instrument


« Passive:



« Combat:

1.•Light Metal Equipment

2.•Leather Equipment

« Weapon skill:

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Reserving a male slot, making my character now. 

« Name:

Jax Corrigan

« Username


« Age


« Level


« Overview

An extrovert in the truest sense, Primo is anything but laid back. He has a tendency to hop into leadership roles, always ready to get things done. He always is focused on the 'big picture', so he is often inclined to push whomever he is grouped up with toward that goal. Playing alone is something that he finds weary; often, he won't bother doing anything without having people around, because being alone is something he finds immensely boring. Primo is the kind of guy to run into situations without thinking of the consequences, which often translates into him charging into fights. Despite this, he maintains an exceptional level of strategic prowess in combat situations, and easily adapts when it is necessary. He is enthusiastic and animated, speaking as well as gesturing with his hands in various ways to get his point across. Finally, he's assertive; aggressive by nature, he's not afraid to speak out or act out to get a point across.

« Pros:

1. A commanding sense of presence.

2. Energetic and enthusiastic.

3. Personable and welcoming.

« Cons:

1. Sometimes rushes into battle without thinking.

2. Often acts without considering the consequences.

3. Can be hard-headed at times.




« Non-combat:

1. Musical Instrument

2. Cooking

« Passive:

1. Sprint

2. Acrobatics

« Combat:

1. Parry

2. Meditation

« Weapon skill:

1. Katana

I am amazed to see so many wonderfully structured characters, as well such a well-rounded diversity between them all, yet just enough to make things interesting should any pare come together.. I am most certainly looking forward to things unfolding!

Currently, I am working toward structuring an effective system for both methods to easily keeping everyone's stats up-to-date, and not have to do so all too often to where it is a tedious chore, as well arranging key plot points that shall eventually come to pass sooner or later.

For now, if everyone is anxious to get started, then please, do not feel it necessary to wait for my go-ahead to begin, or for me to structure an opening scene. I encourage everyone to ignore any concept of this story revolving around my own ideas. I would prefer that everyone throw in their own ideas and scenes aimed toward plot development.

Short and Sweet version: Go ahead and start without me!~

« Name: Shiro Kiyomori

« Username: Shiro

« Age: 16

« Level: 1

« Overview:


Shiro was always the sort of kid to rush ahead and do things before anybody else could, even if this meant his plan wasn't exactly the best one. This got him in trouble a lot, as can be foretold, so he was always scolded by family and other adults for doing such foolish things. He didn't see what was wrong with it, really. So he thought differently. So he most of the time never really succeeded at these things. So what? He didn't really care. He was always being scolded, so he couldn't really be himself or really connect with anybody. When virtual reality, and Sword Art Online, came out, he found it as an opportunity to help other players with his plans, and maybe they could work. Maybe he could actually make some friends? For these reasons, he decided to play Sword Art Online, and he also decided to just keep his first name as his username.


Shiro is impatient and compulsive. If there's a contest or something of the sort, he always rushes in without thinking, making up his plan as he goes along. This often lands him either in trouble or just not as the winner. He is a pretty funny guy if you have a chat with him, and when he wants to do something, he is determined enough to not stop at anything less than victory - however, this also doubles as being stubborn.



« Pros:

1. Adventrous

2. Alert

3. Determined

« Cons:

1. Compulsive

2. Impatient

3. Stubborn

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1. Sales negotiation

2. Metal equipment repair

« Passive:

1. Detection

2. Night-Vision

« Combat:

1. Parry

2. Leather Equipment

« Weapon skill:

1. One-handed rapiers


« Name
: Leopold Garrison

« Username: Lyon

« Age: 15

« Level: 1

« Overview: Born to a rich yet modest family, he is very arrogant at times, yet means well. As a child, he always loved video games; he would strive to be the best at them. He had very few friends, but this, he was okay with. The friends he did have were the most loyal, and supported everything young Leopold would do. But because they supported all he would do, and never criticized nor questioned him, he is as stubborn as can be. He plays Sword Art Online because of how 'boring' he believes real life to be.

« Pros:

1. Bravery

2. Self-confident

3. Trustworthy

« Cons:

1. Vengeful

2. Arrogant

3. Aggressive

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1. Light Metal Armor Forging

2. Blunt Weapon Forging

« Passive:

1. Sprint

2. Searching

« Combat:

1. Light Metal Equipment

2. Battle Healing

« Weapon skill:

1. One-handed War Hammer

« Name: Marco Retoble

« Username: DaTinMan

« Age: 24

« Level: 1

« Overview: A member of Git Gud Inc. (a self-proclaimed "crew of expert streamers and gaming enthusiasts" who have gotten some sort of recognition for their entertaining livestreams, lets plays, and honest reviews.) In yet another method of viral marketing/ online shilling they and other "e-celebs" were part of the lucky few to receive an invitation for the game.

However once the news of them being trapped and having to slog through the dungeons wasn't too bad. However needless to say with the news of them dying for real if they die in game like in a certain movie did shake him up quite a bit. Now armed with nothing but a smile, masculine wiles, and loads of gaming experience. He now attempts to fight and survive through this ordeal while accruing massive views.

Appearance: In game his character has taken the appearance of a rather large black man with a poofy afro. With a generic starting shirt that's a light blue and white pants with belt that has a gold color buckle.

« Pros:

1. Intelligent

2. Creative

3. Amusing

« Cons:

1. Cunning

2. Detached

3. Sarcastic

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

•Thrust Weapon Forging

•Heavy Metal Armor Forging

« Passive:

1. Searching

2. Acrobatics

« Combat:

1. Howl

2. Heavy armor

« Weapon skill:

1. Curved blade hoping to dual wield and or learn spears
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« Name: Hugh Richards

« Username: RichArtOnline

« Age: 23

« Level: 1

« Overview: In real life, Hugh was a bit of a loser. After high school, he did nothing but sit in his mother's basement, drinking Mountain Dew, eating Doritos, and playing video games.Apart from a few friends on Steam, Hugh really didn't socialize with anyone.

He didn't actually become a public face, until he began to collect his Steam friends, grouping them into a crew of expert LPers and game enthusiasts which he dubbed "Git Gud Inc". With GGI, Hugh amassed a small bit of internet fame. With his friends, he pre-ordered the game and woke up extra early to get it.

« Pros:

1. Strong

2. Resourceful

3. Productive

« Cons:

1. Cynical

2. Vengeful

3. Machiavellian

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1.Metal Equipment Repairing

2.Metal Refining

« Passive:

1. Listening

2. Extend Weight Limit

« Combat:

1. Heavy Metal Equipment


« Weapon skill:

1. Two-Handed Straight Sword
« Name: Himura, Ryu (He insists on calling himself by the surname first then the given. His birth name is David Marshall)

« Username: KicksterFour

« Age: 24

« Level: 1

« Overview:


In real life Ryu is a Japanophile (despite never being there, unable to accurately speak the language, and the only real "cultural learning interactions" with Japan being from various cartoons he’d watch late at night, mostly harem and ecchi.) In fact, his love for Japan was so great he actually changed his name to Ryu Himura, and thinks he is a misunderstood Anime Hero, when in reality he’s a real dork. His other love is video games, especially Japanese video games.

While playing on his Steam Account, he managed to find the organization “Git Gud Inc.” which he was able to join and meet other kindred spirits. He is one of the members of "Git Gud Inc" that is currently in the game streaming.

« Pros:

1. Faithful

2. Imaginative

3. Dynamic

« Cons:

1. Cunning

2. Self Indulgent

3. Tactless

« Profession: Alchemist

« Non-combat:

1. Medicine Mixing

2. Fishing

« Passive:

1. Hiding

2. Night Vision

« Combat:

1. Battle Healing

2. Emergency Recovery

« Weapon skill: Martial Arts
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Name: David Zelozi

Username: MasterMoney54

Age: 22

Level: 1



David is a long time gamer, you could say that gaming is his life. Hes a long time member of GetGud inc, a group of video game streamers and enthusiasts. Dave and his friends got the game through there spots as psudo-famous internet celebrities, although David had already preordered his copy of the game first day, unaware that he was getting the game for free.

Dave actually streamed games before he joined GetGud, but with a fraction of the popularity. He was adopted into GetGud fairly late, and sometimes he feels a bit isolated from his streaming peers.


1. Charismatic

2. Resourceful

3. Trustworthy


1. Greedy

2. Materialistic

3. Miserly

Profession: Merchant

Noncombat skills

1.Sales Negotiation

2.Equipment Appraisal



2.X ray vision


1. Parry

2. Battle healing


« Name:

Ryan Green

« Username:


« Age: 19

« Level: 1

« Overview:

Ryan is the youngest member of the gaming collective known as "Git Gud Inc.", and he carries a deep, heartfelt respect for his fellow Streamers and LPers, considering them to be some of his closest friends. Generally speaking, Ryan is Git Gud's go-to guru on any game involving resource management or market mechanics due to his love of economics. As such, it's no surprise that the first thing he decided to do upon starting SAO was to start a shop with his fellow players in hopes of making, as he puts it, "loads of sweet, sweet free-market dosh."


« Pros:

1. Efficient

2. Intelligent

3. Resourceful

« Cons:

1. Greedy

2. Materialistic

3. Cunning

« Profession:



« Non-combat:

1.Tools Appraisal

2.Purchase Negotiation

« Passive:


2.Extended Weight Limit

« Combat:

1. Emergency Recovery

2. Parry

« Weapon skill:

1. Blade Throwing

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