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  1. Starset

    @Magick dude same. Or like if you were drinking Smirnoff you had to be some crazy ass Russian...

    @Magick dude same. Or like if you were drinking Smirnoff you had to be some crazy ass Russian dude named smirnoff
  2. Starset

    Insert Drunk Ramblings Here

    Insert Drunk Ramblings Here
  3. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    "I won't be complaining about cavities silly, you know I'm crazy about good hygiene!" Mizu replied. It was true, if Mizu didn't brush, floss, and use fluoride mouthwash after every meal and snack she felt disgusting. Her parents had to create a seperate section in the budget for her hygiene...
  4. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    Mizu listened to him speak, it was....nice. Jayden always had a way with words, and therefore having a conversation with him was always relaxing. She noticed him looking out the window and followed suit. It was a gorgeous day outside, sunny and warm. "Well your parents probably just want to...
  5. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    Mizu blushed intensely when he called her princess, and immediately looked away. "What? No, um, it's fine." She looked back up at him and smiled, still blushing slightly, and leaned back on the comfy red chair, crossing her hands on the table. "It's just been a bit of a long day between...
  6. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    (Ugh sorry I'll try to be more detailed. Still a little rusty on rp'ing, it's been a year since I've rp'ed at all, haha.)
  7. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    Mizu gave the other man his vanilla coffee and apologized profusely for the wait before beginning to make Jayden's black tea. She grabbed the cake rolls as the tea steeped and brought them over to Jayden. "Yeah, I have some time to chat. My manager is out and you're the only other customer...
  8. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    Mizu was making some vanilla coffee when she heard a customer walk in. "Hello, welcome to the Modan Cafe!" She put on the generic customer smile and turned around, before realizing it was Jayden. "Oh, Jayden! I didn't realize it was you, sorry!" Mizu blushed slightly and twirled her hair...
  9. Starset

    One x One The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    @Starset, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  10. Starset

    One x One The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    @Starset, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  11. Starset

    The Cafe After School (Starset and ForsakenWings)

    Name: Mizu Gender: Female Occupation : Working at the Modan Cafe Appearance Personality: Shy, cares for her friends, and is a very diligent, hard worker...
  12. Starset

    ♪ Time is Running Out ♫ ~

    Haha, no, it's fine, I just wanted to make sure you didn't accidently post this in the wrong section. (I've done it before.) This sounds very interesting, and I dont have anyone else in mind, so if you'd like it to just be a 1x1, I'm fine with that. ^-^
  13. Starset

    A Strange Request! (Looking for 1x1 partners)

    I need experience role playing as a female character, so I'm totally up for this! Do you want to do the RP in a pm or thread? Just link me what ever you prefer. Im on spring break so I can RP for a while tonight.
  14. Starset

    ♪ Time is Running Out ♫ ~

    I'm interested in being one of the militants, but shouldn't this be in the group interest checks? This RP doesn't seem like something 2 people could cover.
  15. Starset

    Fandom Cod Zombies RP

    Cool! But if I were you, I wouldn't waste my time. I don't think too many people here are fans of it, and we would've needed three. Thanks for being willing to put forth the effort though! I appreciate it :)
  16. Starset

    Fandom Cod Zombies RP

    I never should've trusted you Richtofen....Never. 3 other people are needed for this RP, and you'll need a basic understanding of the CoD Zombies universe to participate. Richtofen: myself Dempsey: Nikolai: Takeo: Summary: "Field Report, the kraut screwed with something in the...
  17. Starset

    Music Who Are Your Favorite Bands?

    @Eidolon they experimented in 2012-2013 with electronic (more pop-like) music but their fans hated it, so now they're doing a mix of electronic and grunge in their music. In my opinion, it's not as good as their old stuff, but it's still a good listen. Their newest album (the electronicore...
  18. Starset

    TV & Film Great Speeches From Film

    The famous speech from Independence Day. Oh and the Henry the V speech before that huge battle was pretty good, if you're into shakespearean language.
  19. Starset

    Seeking Long Term Partners :) {always open}

    I'm not too sure how the whole PM thing works on here, cause I can't send any yet since my account hasn't been up for 24 hours, right? Unless you were just sending me a link to the thread in the PM or something. But yeah go ahead and send it if you were aware of all that and i'm just reiterating...
  20. Starset

    Seeking Long Term Partners :) {always open}

    Hey there, Starset here! Much like you (were, are? I didn't check the date on your original post, haha.) I'm new to this site but have several years of experience roleplaying. I really enjoy the idea of a slow romance build up for Teacher x Student. (With you playing the female student, like...