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  1. PoseidonSpawn

    Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]

    "Foo, that was pretty disappointing, wasn't it Kitch?" Logan said with a rather let-down sigh. He turned and saw the Professor along with Dawn staring at him, and suddenly he grew hot, oh gods how he hated to be stared at. He quickly rushed over, his head down, Kitch following him with a rather...
  2. PoseidonSpawn

    Fandom [Stars of Sinnoh]

    His entrance wasn't a grand one, far from it in fact. The long-legged boy simply took a step from the boat he had arrived on, breathing out a sigh of relief. Much unlike Kitch, who didn't seem to mind the ocean at all, he grew rather tired of the choppy water and the throwing of the boat from...
  3. PoseidonSpawn

    [Stars of Sinnoh] OOC Thread

    Any certain way I might enter with Logan?
  4. PoseidonSpawn

    [Stars of Sinnoh] OOC Thread

    Hmm? Oh, hello. Sorry about the unfinished character, I'm just extremely tired right now. I'll get around to finishing him tomorrow evening.
  5. PoseidonSpawn

    [Stars of Sinnoh] Character Sheets

    Finished, I think. Logan Jeckel General Information Name: Logan Sneer Jeckel Age: 16 Gender: Male Hometown: Goldenrod city -- Johto Region Logan, being from a city like Goldenrod, didn't get to start training with Pokemon until recently. He started his journey because he...
  6. PoseidonSpawn

    Land of Destiny

    Perhaps I could be a prince? -- Making a character either way, just thought I'd ask before just assuming the role.