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  1. Throwagay RP

    Looking for a mate

    I looked up slowly, noticing just how attractive this man was. Quickly pushing those thoughts out of my mind, i accepted your hand and was immediately felt a shock through my body, but decided it was probably static electricity. I felt all tingly until the man had finished helping me up, and the...
  2. Throwagay RP


    Romance :D
  3. Throwagay RP


    I love politics, singing, working out, and some other things. Favorite books and movies are My Neighbor Totoro and A Fighting Chance and The Hidden Reality. I like Werewolf RP usually :D
  4. Throwagay RP

    Looking for a mate

    I ran as fast as I could, two football players were chasing me but deep down I knew I couldn't outrun them. Speeding around the side of the high school, I trapped and fell, spawling myself on the ground and scraping my knee. "Help!" I screamed but I knew it was futile. The only people around...
  5. Throwagay RP

    Looking for a mate

    I woke up feeling refreshed but in pain, a few jocks had managed to catch me alone yesterday and had done their worst. My bruises were giant and deep purple, a striking contrast to my relatively pale skin, and my body was sore. I hurt and ached all over. Somehow, I still had a good feeling. I...
  6. Throwagay RP

    Gay romance?

    This is my character Character Name: Joshua Species: Human (Weak) Gender: Male Age: 18 Description: Joshua is a short and small, weak, gay senior. He's bullied but has a few close friends. Kind and lovable, all he wants is someone to take care of him and bit break his heart. He can't...
  7. Throwagay RP

    Gay romance?

    Found it! This is my character Character Name: Joshua Species: Human (Weak) Gender: Male Age: 18 Description: Joshua is a short and small, weak, gay senior. He's bullied but has a few close friends. Kind and lovable, all he wants is someone to take care of him and bit break his...
  8. Throwagay RP

    Gay romance?

    I'd like to do a werewolf x human, ill go dig up the full thing but im on my phone so it may be a sec
  9. Throwagay RP

    Gay romance?

  10. Throwagay RP

    Gay romance?

    Will sell soul for a gay romance rp partner :D I have a specific plot in mind if anyone's interested!
  11. Throwagay RP

    The new Discord system sucks

    You guys should make an guide post with this in it ;-; I wish I had known about this, thank you for showing it to me!
  12. Throwagay RP

    The new Discord system sucks

    I'd settle for you guys just making up your minds on whether you need to have a 10 post verified account to use the chat or not, you claim one thing in the rule explanation for new users but it isn't how it actually is ( :( ) If you guys changed the rule, you probably should at least edit the 10...
  13. Throwagay RP

    The new Discord system sucks

    Honestly, if I'd known this site was this new user-unfriendly I never would have chose it to try to find an RP partner on, and that's probably not a great way to attract users to your website.
  14. Throwagay RP

    The new Discord system sucks

    I made an account on here to try to have a fluffy romance RP like a month ago. After about a week of logging in, I figured nothing was going to come of it and kinda gave up. (Someone somehow found it 2 weeks after it was posted, but I was gone by then.) Yesterday, I was wishing to RP because I...
  15. Throwagay RP

    Music Are you able to play an instrument?

    I sing C:
  16. Throwagay RP


    I want to be able to talk in the discord chat ;-; and my rp is ded because no one showed up till 2 weeks after i posted it. So I'm gonna say hi here (^U^) I want to get back into RP as I really miss it.
  17. Throwagay RP

    One x One Alpha x Human (Gay)

    Sorry I only cxhecked on this thread for a week before giving up but I'd love to rp if you're still here!
  18. Throwagay RP

    One x One Alpha x Human (Gay)

    I'll be playing Joshua
  19. Throwagay RP

    One x One Alpha x Human (Gay)

    @Throwagay RP, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  20. Throwagay RP

    One x One Alpha x Human (Gay)

    @Throwagay RP, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.