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The new Discord system sucks

Throwagay RP

I made an account on here to try to have a fluffy romance RP like a month ago. After about a week of logging in, I figured nothing was going to come of it and kinda gave up. (Someone somehow found it 2 weeks after it was posted, but I was gone by then.) Yesterday, I was wishing to RP because I love to RP but since my old RP partner ditched me I haven't had anyone to RP with. I looked for a chat, remembering what I thought were my failures here, and this site's Discord chat came up. I talked in there a bit but it was late and I didn't find anyone- but I came back today only to discover I can't talk. I figured out how to link my account and still couldn't talk, because despite the 10 Post/24 Hour rule thread saying that chat access is not restricted, it is. I messaged an admin saying that this sucked because I could talk last night and he told me to go make an introduction because people reply to that quickly and I could rack up 10 posts quickly. He said while I waited for someone, I should go comment on a discussion, those could help too. The discussion isn't moving and 45 minutes later no one has replied to my introductory post, but all the new ones have :C I just wanna find someone to RP with which is why I want to use the chat and I should even be able to according to your own rules but you guys changed it so I can't and that sucks. The idea that there's any spambot in the world that will manage to link a discord ID and an RpN account is absolutely preposterous unless someone coded it specifically for this site (and why would you want to small rp board in particular??). Anyway, I mainly just wrote this post to get closer to the 10 posts I need, but I'm just sayin' if anyone is listening: this new rules is dumb and even not what you guys yourself said. Just saying.
Honestly, if I'd known this site was this new user-unfriendly I never would have chose it to try to find an RP partner on, and that's probably not a great way to attract users to your website.
I'm sorry to see you've had a bad experience! I'm not sure there is anything I can do to rectify your problems though because I feel you just have general dislike for the site in general, which is not something I can rectify by waving a magic wand, sadly. However, if there is something I can help you with, please don't hesitate reaching out to me.
Mordecai said:
I'm sorry to see you've had a bad experience! I'm not sure there is anything I can do to rectify your problems though because I feel you just have general dislike for the site in general, which is not something I can rectify by waving a magic wand, sadly. However, if there is something I can help you with, please don't hesitate reaching out to me.
I'd settle for you guys just making up your minds on whether you need to have a 10 post verified account to use the chat or not, you claim one thing in the rule explanation for new users but it isn't how it actually is ( :( ) If you guys changed the rule, you probably should at least edit the 10 post rule post to reflect that. I don't dislike the site as a whole, I'm sure I've just had a bad experience, but you guys should really not require 10 posts to talk in Discord- it's just silly and will prevent new users from entering the community.
I'm sorry you haven't had a good experience. Most users don't find the 10-post rule that restrictive; I've seen people meet the requirements just by posting interest checks or posting on someone else's interest checks, or doing the same with introductions. Perhaps you'd like to try posting an interest check? It sounds like you're interested in 1x1; the interest check section for those is found here.
I'll make sure to discuss it with the other staff and clarify the rule for the sake of making it easier for new users. (: The new Discord integration was just implemented... oh... about three hours ago so there may be some lack of communication, I agree. Thank you for bringing your confusion to our attention and I hope you have a better experience on RpNation from here on out. I see you have access to Discord now, so I do hope things improve and you find all the roleplays you've been hoping for. ^_^ As always, please feel free to Private Message me or tag me if you have additional questions or concerns.
Kaerri said:
I'm sorry you haven't had a good experience. Most users don't find the 10-post rule that restrictive; I've seen people meet the requirements just by posting interest checks or posting on someone else's interest checks, or doing the same with introductions. Perhaps you'd like to try posting an interest check? It sounds like you're interested in 1x1; the interest check section for those is found here.
You guys should make an guide post with this in it ;-; I wish I had known about this, thank you for showing it to me!
Some extra info! I had more typed originally, but keeping it would've been redundant because it's just been said or solved while I was busy typing this out, lol.

Discord isn't meant to be for roleplaying or the main way of advertising your rp/finding players- it's kind of like a fun extra.

Like Kaerri said, 1x1s and it's interest checks is what you're looking for. That section happens to be really big on romance.

Usually people make interest checks before putting the bigger effort into making the entire rp so they can see how many people might want to join, and get some feedback. People looking for a new rp usually look in the interest checks rather than looking at pre-existing rps, because they're more likely to find something that hasn't already started and is therefore easy to jump into. So if you just post an rp without an interest check it'll probably be a lot harder to get people to join. It's not a rule or anything, but how the community just turned out to work.

I hope your future experiences are better. :)

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