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  1. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Thanks," Sky smiled brightly. "I don't think I'll ever turn down something to do these days," she said.
  2. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Me too," Sky smiled, weakly hugging her back.
  3. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Sky nodded eagerly. "I feel much better now," she said. "I still don't know how I got sick. All of a sudden I just woke up in the bed upstairs."
  4. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Sky nodded, getting up with her empty bowl in hand. "Yep," she smiled, walking over to the sink and helping her clean up.
  5. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Sky glanced up from her soup, already halfway empty. Even though she was talking it slow, it was going fast.
  6. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead Sign-Up

  7. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Darren stirred awake as she left the room. After a couple sleepless nights staying up with Sky, he was wiped. Sky smiled, still slowly making her way to the bottom of the bowl.
  8. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Thanks," Sky smiled, her stomach growling hungrily. She took small bites, not wanting to overdue it. "So is everyone else doing okay?" she asked.
  9. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Please," Sky smiled, her stomach still hollow. The pretzels were good but she really needed something of substance.
  10. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Sky smiled, hugging her back weakly.
  11. AlleyKat666

    Nephilim Academy

    Sky frowned, a bit confused. Her head was pounding dully, but she felt a bit better. She got up and looked around. She remembered passing out after healing her wings, but that was about it.
  12. AlleyKat666

    Nephilim Academy

    Sky woke up slowly and looked around.
  13. AlleyKat666

    Nephilim Academy

    (Can I get a summary? I can't find where I last posted and for some reason I wasn't getting notifications.)
  14. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Better," Sky smiled, turning to face Jamie. "Much better."
  15. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Sky jerked awake. She must have fallen asleep again. She got out of bed, looking at her sleeping brother on the floor. She reminded herself to let him have the bed that night. She went downstairs, feeling her stomach was empty and hollow after the past few days of nothing but puking. She...
  16. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    Jaycee nodded. "Probably," she shrugged.
  17. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    "Morning," Jaycee said, getting up and stretching out her back. She immediately began packing her stuff up.
  18. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    (Okay, thanks. LEt's skip to morning.) Jaycee awoke groggily.
  19. AlleyKat666

    The Walking Dead RP

    (Really? I leave for the day and come back to two pages? xD Recap?)
  20. AlleyKat666

    Hogwart's Next Generation.

    "It's quick," Jaycee promised, taking a sip of her orange juice. "We'll describe it in great detail!" Michael laughed. Sky laughed, shaking her head.