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  1. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    “I don’t know yet, we just need to get out of the castle,” Joiah said, pulling her out the door to the library. There were guards patrolling every corner of the castle. Swords were drawn and arrows were notched, all of them ready to end his life and anyone that was willing to help him. Including...
  2. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Joiah didn’t have time to answer as he fought and parried with the soldiers. He remembered the sword training his father had insisted he receive as a child and he was more than grateful now. As he cut down the last soldier, he ran over to the girl. “Much obliged. Would you mind if answered...
  3. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Joiah was too shocked to react. The guards grabbed him and started pulling him toward the jail cells. The last thing Joiah saw before they dragged him away was his brother studying his father’s medallion with a smirk on his face. “I didn’t kill him! You have to believe me!” Joiah shouted...
  4. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    “Dying? Are you sure?” Joiah asked his heart racing. “Painfully sure. I only wish to talk to my sons before I join your mother across the great sea,” the king whispered. The brothers were deathly silent, each one of them holding their fathers cold hands. This couldn’t be happening. Not...
  5. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Joiah followed one of his servants to his father’s chambers. His father, King Gian, was lying in bed. The medallion the girl had described was firmly rested around his neck. Gian was breathing heavily and his brow was heavy with sweat. His golden hair and beard had grown long and unruly and his...
  6. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Could she possibly mean his father’s medallion? That was an exact description of the medallion his father had worn around his neck as long as Joiah had known him. The thing was merely a trinket, at least as far as he had ever known. But in case there was more to it, he knew he couldn’t tell her...
  7. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    The castle was magnificent. Large towers outlined the side of its borders and marvelous flags whipped back and forth with the wind. It was the largest castle in all of Ylsia and it held to that reputation. It was large enough to make any man feel small, and anyone inside feel protected. It was...
  8. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Maybe it was something in her eye, but she didn’t seem crazy. She just seemed truly lost. “The only library we have is in my father’s castle. I’m sure you could come along with us,” he said. “Sir I think that is highly irregular,” the servant objected. “She’s alright, she’s with me. You’re...
  9. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Okay, so she was a nutter. That’s the only possible explanation, unless she playing a trick on him. Either way, he was growing weary of playing along. “Alright, I think San Francisco might be down that way,” he said, pointing down an alley. As he turned around to walk away, he saw two of his...
  10. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    She was a strange girl that’s for sure. If she was a spy she was a bloody terrible one, drawing attention to herself like this was insane. He wasn’t exactly sure what her angle was, but he decided to play along. “Haven’t you heard? It is a fantastic country, with a top notch prince from what I...
  11. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    She looked a little more than lost. She looked completely out of place, and entirely confused. Joiah was curious if this girl was from another country, if so there was a possibility she was sent to spy on them. Usually this was something he let his brother worry about, but there was something...
  12. Ratatattack

    The Haunted Mansion [Inactive]

    “Like, what the hell do we do?” Asked Julian, refusing to walk down the stairs. He had no idea how to even tell the other guests, who to trust and who not to trust. He didn’t even think he could trust the two people below him. He braced himself to run if either of them made a move.
  13. Ratatattack

    Through Time [Inactive]

    He was wearing a beggar’s cap, and dusty old clothes he had bought from a vender. He had covered his face in dirt and removed his royal rings. But he stole bore the look of a prince, despite how hard he tried. He hoped that as he walked the streets of the festival, no one would notice him. He...
  14. Ratatattack

    The Haunted Mansion [Inactive]

    Julian had been exploring the house when the man had rushed past him downstairs. Julian ignored him for the most part and returned to his exploring. The paintings were odd, obscure things. Not to Julian’s taste at all, he definitely would have decorated this place a lot differently. He could...
  15. Ratatattack

    The Haunted Mansion

    Name: Julian Namo Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Not a big fan of people in general. Likes to keep to himself and focus on his book that he is writing. Tries to joke and around and doesn’t take serious situations seriously. He can be incredibly sarcastic and obnoxious to people he...
  16. Ratatattack

    Malice [Inactive]

    Rainan caught himself laughing at this girls question. He had also been wondering what was going on but she had asked it so eloquently. He had barely even begun to take in the horror around him, and he was already overwhelmed. It was good to get a laugh in at least. But his attention went back...
  17. Ratatattack

    Malice [Inactive]

    The necklace caught Rainan’s eye immediately. The maddening strangeness hanging around this boys neck caused Rainan to forget momentarily the danger he was in. But his distrust of this person grew immediately, and he was feeling more and more nervous the more people showed up. It was like these...
  18. Ratatattack

    Malice [Inactive]

    “Here, let me take a look at that,” muttered Rainan, taking her hand. They were torn pretty badly, and he knew that it had to hurt. The bits of metal had lacerated the knuckle on her hand. He reached into his pocket and found some gauze. He had thought to bring it in case his sister was here...
  19. Ratatattack

    Malice [Inactive]

    Rainan chased after Hannah, following the sounds. One of the chitters ran along the wall beside as he thrust his weapon toward it. The creature caught the metal between the eyes and collapsed to the ground with a resounding clang. Rainan stared around the corner to see if any newcomers had...
  20. Ratatattack

    Malice [Inactive]

    There was something about him that made Rainan uneasy. Maybe it was a resemblance to a boy in high school that had tortured him. Or maybe it was the level of comfort this man seemed to have in this hell. Rainan remained calm but silently gripped his weapon a little tighter. He stared the man...