Through Time [Inactive]


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Through Time - Private 1x1 rp between Ratatattack & Evina

By accident a girl from the present travels back to the medival times. At first she wanders around extremely confused in the kingdom she arrived at. The people looks at her, as she is hard to miss in her modern clothes.
Then she meets the heir to the throne who offers to help her out in exchange for her help with a problem of his.
Lydia Porter had never really been the popular girl in class, but she wasn’t at the bottom either. She was just normal, like any other 19-going-on-20 girl. She had yet to learn that everything she knew would be out of her reach very soon.

Lydia and her friends were now on their way to the local museum. They had gotten an assignment in school and therefore had to visit the museum to gather information. An hour or so had passed as they looked for a fitting object to be the main focus in their project. They agreed that splitting up would be the fastest way to gather information about most of the objects there.

Lydia wandered around until she saw a necklace hanging on the wall. She looked at the description of the object. It said that this necklace was once believed to be able to control time itself. Curious, Lydia reached out and as she touched it, she felt a spark of electricity course through her body, causing her to black out.

Hours later, it seemed, she came to. She opened her eyes and sat up. Her head was pounding and it felt like her surroundings were spinning. For a while she just sat there, trying to calm her head.

Finally she felt better and got up off the ground. Only now did she notice that she wasn't in the museum anymore, but in a grassy field. "Where am I?" She whispered to herself, confused.

Lydia wandered around, trying to find something familiar, but there was nothing she knew. Then she spotted a city and hope sparked within her. Maybe someone there could tell her what was going on?

As she arrived in the city, she felt only more confused. Everything looked... Medieval or something. Was there a festival going on? That would surely explain it. But no one seemed to be celebrating. They were just going about their normal lives, it seemed.

She approached one of the villagers. "Excuse me, what's going on here? Are you preparing a festival?" She asked, but the woman only looked at her as if Lydia were crazy.

"Child, why are you wearing such revealing clothes?" The woman sounded disgusted.

"It's just my school uniform..." Lydia looked down at herself. A skirt and a button-up shirt were normal, weren't they?
He was wearing a beggar’s cap, and dusty old clothes he had bought from a vender. He had covered his face in dirt and removed his royal rings. But he stole bore the look of a prince, despite how hard he tried. He hoped that as he walked the streets of the festival, no one would notice him. He breathing heavily, a couple of strong willed young gentlemen were standing across from him. They were in a darkened alley, their lips bloody and their fists cut and scraped. He was Prince Joiah, and he had only been out in the street for ten minutes before getting in a fight.

His red hair was usually brushed back in a pony-tail was tangled and disheveled in his face. His small red small mustache and goatee were red with blood from his busted lip. He had been trained in the art of combat by his father men, but he was still having a difficult time handling fighting three men at once.

“You got anything left?” One of them asked.

Joiah turned up to them, a small smile creeping up his face,

“Do you?” He asked.

They all started to laugh, which made them unprepared for Joiah’s quickness. The rushed the first one, catching his jaw with his elbow. The second was knocked over with a quick kick to the abdomen while the last one caught Joiah’s left fist and slammed to the ground.

Joiah walked out of the alley and back into the festival, wiping the blood from his mouth and attempting to join the festivities. He had always watched the festival from his room in the castle, and had longed to join it. He hadn’t expected to get mugged by those thugs’ minutes into his adventure. Little did it matter, he was still here and they were lying on their backs in a darkened alley.

Across the way, Joiah noticed a girl walking around the festival sporadically. She was wearing the oddest garments and looked as if she had no idea where she was going.

“You look lost,” he said, joining her.
Lydia wandered on, further into the city. A few minutes later she reached what looked like the center of it. Here she heard laughter everywhere. So there really was a festival going on? *Thank god, then I'm not going crazy. Maybe there's just a medieval theme?* she thought, sighing in relief. Her lips turned upwards in a smile as she started to enjoy the happy atmosphere. People were still giving her weird looks, though. And whenever she smiled and said hi to the people she met they would shy away from her.

The more of the city she saw the more doubtful she got. Would anyone really go through this much trouble for a festival? On the outskirts of the city, people didn’t even seem to enjoy any of it. That’s when she decided that now would be a good time to find out exactly where she was. But every time she tried to talk to someone the same thing happened as before; they would just shy away from her.

*What am I going to do? I have to get back home…*

That’s when a young man joined her. One look at him told her that he had been in a fight of some sort. Disheveled hair and dried blood on his face, though not so much that you would notice from farther away. He had probably tried to wipe it all away.

“I am lost.” She replied in a despondent manner. “I don’t suppose you could tell me where I am?” Why was he even talking to her? Everyone else seemed to not want anything to do with her.
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She looked a little more than lost. She looked completely out of place, and entirely confused. Joiah was curious if this girl was from another country, if so there was a possibility she was sent to spy on them. Usually this was something he let his brother worry about, but there was something about the girl that intrigued him.

“What do you mean? You’re in Ramanon, capitol city of Ylsia. Surely you jest,” he said.
"Ylsia? What, is that a country?" she asked, confused. She knew just about all the countries on earth and she had never heard about Ylsia, not in any of her classes in school nor in any book. That couldn't be right. "Where is it? In Africa? Asia?" She asked. Maybe she'd just missed it. Everything else would just be crazy. Impossible, really. Well, the fact that she was even here should be impossible.
She was a strange girl that’s for sure. If she was a spy she was a bloody terrible one, drawing attention to herself like this was insane. He wasn’t exactly sure what her angle was, but he decided to play along.

“Haven’t you heard? It is a fantastic country, with a top notch prince from what I hear. Where are you from, if not here?” He asked.

If she was a nutter, at least he could amuse himself by playing along.
"I'm from San Francisco, America." she replied. She seriously hoped he had heard about it. Otherwise she really was going crazy. Or maybe just having a really vivid dream... or nightmare...

"Wait, there's a prince? I suppose there's a grand castle too then?" She said sarcastically. She still didn't quite believe what was happening and so far she hadn't seen any castles. Of course, she hadn't looked for one, but still.
Okay, so she was a nutter. That’s the only possible explanation, unless she playing a trick on him. Either way, he was growing weary of playing along.

“Alright, I think San Francisco might be down that way,” he said, pointing down an alley.

As he turned around to walk away, he saw two of his servants facing him.

“Your highness, you’re needed at the castle. It’s your father, he’s taken a turn for the worse,” one of them said.
She raised an eyebrow at the direction he was pointing. A city is not just "down that way". Especially not down a narrow alley. She decided that he probably thought she wasn't right in the head. What was she supposed to do now? No one would believe her.

She heard what the two men told him, making her gape at the guy she had been talking to. He was the prince? He certainly didn't look like one. Everything around her would be going too far for just a themed week of some kind. Maybe this was actually real and in some weird way she had ended up in the middle of it.

Then something accured to her. The medallion from the museum. She had touched it just before passing out. *What did the description say again? Something about controlling time...* That settled it. She would have to find the medallion. Maybe it worked the other way around.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but before you leave, could you point me to the nearest library?"
Maybe it was something in her eye, but she didn’t seem crazy. She just seemed truly lost.

“The only library we have is in my father’s castle. I’m sure you could come along with us,” he said.

“Sir I think that is highly irregular,” the servant objected.

“She’s alright, she’s with me. You’re not going to steal our precious secrets are you?” Joiah asked with a broad grin.
*Well, that's not very practical.* she thought. Why not let everyone have access to it? She shrugged it off. It wasn't her business, after all. She wouldn't be there long enough to have to get comfortable with how things worked.

"Umm, uh, no?" she replied. "I have no need for your secrets."

She followed them to the castle - the castle that was actually there. She was surprised to say the least.
The castle was magnificent. Large towers outlined the side of its borders and marvelous flags whipped back and forth with the wind. It was the largest castle in all of Ylsia and it held to that reputation. It was large enough to make any man feel small, and anyone inside feel protected. It was as noble as it was ancient. Its walls had protected against the barbarian wars for their forefathers. Now it was home to Joiah and his family. His father King Hasd had ruled for years, although his age and health were diminished. Joiah had spent his childhood behind those walls; years he regretted. Soldiers pressed their hands to their ears to hear Joiah’s servant shout their names.

“What is your name by chance?” Asked Joiah to the girl.
"Lydia. What's yours?" she asked, wondering if it would be weird for her to ask that, since he was the prince. Most people here probably knew his name even though they might never meet him personally. That's how it was in the real world, anyway. Err, in her world.

"By the way, I'm looking for a medallion with an hourglass and a scythe on it. Have you ever seen it?" She figured she might as well ask about it. It would save her a lot of reading if he knew something about it.
Could she possibly mean his father’s medallion? That was an exact description of the medallion his father had worn around his neck as long as Joiah had known him. The thing was merely a trinket, at least as far as he had ever known. But in case there was more to it, he knew he couldn’t tell her quite yet.

“I haven’t a clue. But you are more than welcome to search the library. My servant, Claude, will lead you there. Now if you will excuse me, I am needed,” Joiah said, sending her off with the servant.

He wondered exactly why he had been called to the castle, what could it be this time?
“Thank you so much.” She wondered if she would have still been wandering aimlessly around the city if she hadn’t met this guy, err, prince. She said her goodbyes and followed his servant, Claude, to the library.

When they got there, she stared just as much as when she had seen the castle. It was bigger than most of the libraries she had ever been at. But then again, it had to be if it were the only library in the whole city.

Then it hit her that she had to search through it all and with no computer to help her. This would definitely take a while. She drew a breath and got to work. She figured the book she needed would have something to do with either jewelry or history of some kind.
Joiah followed one of his servants to his father’s chambers. His father, King Gian, was lying in bed. The medallion the girl had described was firmly rested around his neck. Gian was breathing heavily and his brow was heavy with sweat. His golden hair and beard had grown long and unruly and his fingernails remained untrimmed.

“There you are boy,” he wheezed, extending a hand out to Joiah.

“I’m here father,” Joiah replied, taking his hand.

His father had been for the last few years. Joiah’s older brother Hanad had been keeping his father’s affairs in order and running the kingdom. No one outside the city walls knew of his father’s condition or that Hanad had been running the kingdom.

“Where is your brother?” Gian asked frantically.

As if called, Hanad stormed through the doors. His long hair neatly fell at his shoulders and his clothes were purple and regal as if to contradict Joiah’s tattered clothes.

“What on heavens happened to you? You look like one of the peasant rats that scurry around our castle,” Hanad asked.

Joiah had almost forgotten that he had disguised himself as a beggar to join in the village festival without being noticed. He had also forgotten about the bruises he had received from the village thugs. \

“And you like a pompous fool. Though there little difference than your usual look,” Joiah spat back.

“Forget your squabbles and listen to me my boys,” Gian wheezed, “I’m dying.”


Meanwhile, Claude had been spying on the girl browsing through the library. How could Joiah be so foolish as to let this girl look through their library? It was obvious at times how little Joiah cared for the kingdom. He was glad that Hanad’s plan was working. Soon the king and his foolish son would be dead and Hanad would have the kingdom and the medallion. Now he had to be rid of this pesky girl.
After half an hour Lydia still hadn’t found anything worth taking a second look at. How was she supposed to find what she was looking for when there were so many books? She kept looking, though. She didn’t belong here. She had to get home and the only way to do that was with the medallion. That knowledge wouldn’t do her much good unless she could find it.

She took a deep breath and searched through the next bookcase. Some of the books on these shelves were actually quite interesting with all the information about the kingdom and the royal family. That’s when she noticed it. A picture of a former king wearing the medallion around his neck. She’d found it! At least, traces of it. She flipped through the pages of the book and found that all the former kings had worn it. Maybe the present one had it now?

Lydia closed the book, took it with her out of the library and went back to the main hall. She would wait here until the prince came through here again. If she tried to find him in the castle, she would probably end up getting lost.
“Dying? Are you sure?” Joiah asked his heart racing.

“Painfully sure. I only wish to talk to my sons before I join your mother across the great sea,” the king whispered.

The brothers were deathly silent, each one of them holding their fathers cold hands.

This couldn’t be happening. Not now, not ever. Joiah needed his father, as did the kingdom. Tensions were high with the bordering kingdoms and they needed a strong leader. Someone wise and someone who can lead them through the fire.

“Joiah, I need you to take the crown when I fade,” Gian said, squeezing his hand.

“What?!” shouted Hanad, “I am the eldest! I should be the one on the throne!”

“He’s right, “Joiah said, “I am no more fit to rule the kingdom than one of the villagers!”

Gian smiled, “That is why you must rule. Hanad, you may be the eldest but you have not earned the crown. You have been cruel, and you have been unwise. It is not too late to redeem yourself but you have lots the kingdom and my blessing. Joiah you must take the medallion. Someday will understand the power behind it.”

Hanad lowered his head, tears pouring from his eyes. Joiah could barely breath, he wasn’t ready for this! He felt the urge to run.

“He’s gone Joiah.” Hanad said, his finger feeling his father’s pulse.

Before he had time to react he felt a blade against his neck. Hanad had the medallion firmly grasped in his fist, and his sword inches from killing Joiah.

“Long has fathered favored you. Long has he looked down on me. But this fate is too cruel. He cursed me with your existence and now you have stolen the only thing that mattered to me. My kingdom,” Hanad said, pressing the sword closer to Joiah.

“Listen-“Joiah said softly.

“No! You listen to me! Your time here is done brother. Guards! My brother has killed the king! Arrest him!” Hanad shouted.


Claude unsheathed his sword and walked closer to the girl. It would be quick; he would slit her throat before she had a chance to scream for help. It was her own fault for being so nosy. But before he had the chance, he lost his footing on a loose book. The sword fell from his hands and landed by the girl’s foot as he fell to the ground.
As she waited she suddenly heard yelling from somewhere in the castle. What was going on? She remembered that when the prince's servants had come to get him in the town, they mentioned that his father had taken a turn for the worse. Maybe that was it; maybe his father had taken his last breath. Even though she had just met the prince, she felt bad for him. Losing a family member was never easy. She would know.

Lydia turned around when she heard a dull thud followed by a clanking sound, like metal hitting the floor. The servant who showed her to the library was lying on the floor and the clanking sound had come from a sword that had landed by her feet. Her eyes widened. *What the hell?!* she yelled in her head. Did he just... try to kill her..?

She took a few steps backwards, scared for her life. Why would he kill her? She hadn't done anything wrong. At least not anything she was aware of. Looking at the sword to the servant, Claude, and back to the sword again, she quickly picked it up by the handle. No way was she letting that crazy man get a hold of the sword again. She had no idea how to use a sword, but her life depended on it; she would have to make do with swinging it around if he came at her.

*What am I doing? I should be running!* Without caring if she got lost in the castle she ran down the many halls, away from Claude.
Joiah was too shocked to react. The guards grabbed him and started pulling him toward the jail cells. The last thing Joiah saw before they dragged him away was his brother studying his father’s medallion with a smirk on his face.

“I didn’t kill him! You have to believe me!” Joiah shouted.

But it wouldn’t do any good. Hanad most likely had the guards under pay, and convincing anyone of his innocence was as likely as his brother changing his mind. He knew he had to react quickly, once he was in the cell he wouldn’t be able to get out.

So when they reached the staircase, he jumped back quickly with all of his strength. The first guard fell head first down the stair case. Joiah was able to use that surprise to break their grip on his arms. The second guard unsheathed his sword but he was too late. Joiah had already begun running down the hallway.

Luckily he knew the castle well and quickly lost the soldier in its bellows. As he rounded a corner, he saw a girl on the far end holding a sword. She looked frightened and confused. He was sure he looked the same.

“Wait, you’re the girl I met from earlier!” He said running up to her.

Before she had a chance to respond a couple of guards rounded the corner holding swords in one hand and torches in the other.

“Quick, toss me the sword!” Joiah shouted at the girl.
Lydia ran down the halls as fast as she could, her heart beat increasing every time she went around a corner. What was wrong with this place?! She couldn't understand why anyone would try to kill her. For a moment she wondered if the prince had given the order to kill her. He didn't look like someone who would do that, but what did she know? Maybe things were different here? She felt like screaming; how the hell did she end up in a situation like this? She was just a student, for crying out loud!

She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw someone running towards her. As the person got closer she recognized him as the prince. What was he running for? His expression told her he was feeling almost the same as her. What did he have to be confused about? Or even frightened of? People like him, royalty, should have a near perfect life...

When the guards came into view her eyes went wide; had they come for her too?

In her current state of shock and fear she almost didn't hear the prince's words. She figured he would make better use of the sword than she ever could, so she quickly handed it over to him.

"What's going on?" she whispered bewildered to herself as she backed away from the armed guards.
Joiah didn’t have time to answer as he fought and parried with the soldiers. He remembered the sword training his father had insisted he receive as a child and he was more than grateful now. As he cut down the last soldier, he ran over to the girl.

“Much obliged. Would you mind if answered your question at a later date? For now, will you come with me, it’s no longer safe at the castle,” he said, extending his hand to her.
Lydia watched him fight against the soldiers as she stepped away little by little, afraid that she might get caught up in it. To think that she was worried about a school project a few hours ago...

"Y-yeah." By now she knew she could trust him, which allowed her to reach her hand forward, taking his. "Where can we go then?"
“I don’t know yet, we just need to get out of the castle,” Joiah said, pulling her out the door to the library. There were guards patrolling every corner of the castle. Swords were drawn and arrows were notched, all of them ready to end his life and anyone that was willing to help him. Including this girl by his side. But for now they would just have to focus on escaping, whatever the cost. They ran down the corridors, ducking behind crates and hiding in the dark while the guards searched for them.

“Do you have a place we can hide out?” Asked Joiah.
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