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  1. RickseriaStar

    Wow its been awhile since i was last here, geez. Working on restarting rps with different...

    Wow its been awhile since i was last here, geez. Working on restarting rps with different characters cuz my original wasnt very notable...
  2. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    He eventually returns to the office...with a tardy slip in hand. "Curse my poor sense of direction..."he mutters. "My first few classes and I was late to all of them....this map is so confusing. I wish I could find a teacher to help me..."he sighed and sat down in one of the chairs, awaiting...
  3. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    He watches the other students in the room, observing them and their habits, noting them in his mind. He sees the outcasts as well as the popular students, and wonders if any of them would accept him. His fear of interaction prevents him from asking.
  4. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    He continues to watch the other students who have partners dance. He is too nervous to talk to anyone. After deciding that he won't find a partner, he makes his way to the edge again, keeping an eye out for the teacher, so he doesn't get in trouble.
  5. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    After escaping the teacher's grasp, Maxais looks around at the group of students. He never had to talk to girls before, unless having to tell them he was unavailable at his old school. His shy nature and secluded childhood make it hard for him to interact with other people, especially of the...
  6. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    He panics when he is picked up by the teacher. "Ah! Put me down!"he cries, trying to worm his way out of your grip. "I...I can't dance....and I don't know anyone.... This is my first day," he says shakily.
  7. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    He stands at the edge, observing the other students, but not saying anything to anyone. He quietly thinks to himself. "So many interesting people....."he mutters.
  8. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    " that Latin? You are'd wager Italy, yes? And from your style of dress I could assume of Roman descent, yes?" He says, using his powerful intellect. "Oh! I'm going to be late. I hope I can find the classroom in time..." He says, quickly grabbing his stuff before hurriedly...
  9. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    "Fire. We are the most well known. Though the people back in Japan only saw my family and I as monsters. They are superstitious folks...I wish I could have been friends with them... I wish I could've had any friends...."he mumbles the last part quietly, hoping you wouldn't hear that. "Where are...
  10. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    "I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Caricon. I am a Guardian of Fire, though most know us as dragons." He says. "But we prefer to call ourselves Guardians, to be rid of the negative stereotypes associated with the term "dragon"."
  11. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

    After a long flight and drive to the school campus, he finally arrives. Being a shy person, he does his best not to attract any unwanted attention while he locates his first class. But it's hard to remain unnoticed when you are new to a school.
  12. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

    So do i. Ill be joining the actual rp now. This is gonna be fun~
  13. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    "Oh. I see. Thank you anyway." He said, standing up. He politely bows, a custom in the rural mountains of Japan. "My name is Maxais Inazuma. It is a pleasure to meet you, sir. I wish you luck. I hope you get the job..."he said softly, with a very polite tone of voice. Kindness and politeness are...
  14. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

    Thank you very much. Im glad you find my character interesting. Originality and character designing are some things i pride myself at being good at.
  15. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    (Male) He turned and nodded. "It's my first day here...I'm having a bit of trouble finding things..." He said, fumbling with his uniform top. It's pretty obvious from the nervous look on my face that I am worried and frightened. "My first day..."he mumbles quietly to himself.
  16. RickseriaStar

    Collins Academy

    After wandering around a bit, he wonders if he is destined to fail. "Why is this place so large...? I can't seem to find anything..." He sighed, finally entering the main office, hoping to get some assistance.
  17. RickseriaStar

    The Academy of Secrets

  18. RickseriaStar

    The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

    After a grueling several hour drive, he finally arrives at the school, hoping that it will be the perfect place for him to attend. "I hope that it'll work out this time..."he mumbled softly to himself, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention. He feared what older students would do to a...
  19. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

  20. RickseriaStar

    Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

    Yup. Id hate to scare people away cuz of something stupid lol.