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  1. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck Heiko jumped and wriggled, trying to free himself of the thorns, but to no avail. The thorns were working closer to his neck. "No good, too many. Damn I was stupid." "You alwaysssss are." "We'll have to burn it down..." The snake-tail turned, hearing heavy footsteps...
  2. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Yeah I don't mind @Hisan
  3. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck The forest felt so alive - he could feel its pulse on the pads of his feet. This place was dangerous. What happened here? So many scents, left Heiko reeling. Hard to think. Two familiar, probably in danger. Wanted to help but he didn't know which path to take. What was...
  4. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck Heiko left the dorm building, only wearing an old pair of jeans - he didn't like to ruin his nice clothes when he went out for his runs. He started by walking slowly towards the forest. As he picked up speed his form began to change. His legs became like that of lion as he...
  5. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck "The guy sucks at parties! I don't invite him anymore!" Heiko rebutted. He left his perch on the window seal and poured himself another cup. As he took a sip he began to hear talks of dreams - sometimes he hated his heightened hearing. To give their conversation a little...
  6. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck As Heiko went in to take a sip of his tea there was a large thud that came from above. It didn't shake him but it certainly gave him a shiver. He almost spilled his tea. Almost. Heiko peeked his head out of the window and shouted, "Hey you alright up there? Nobody else...
  7. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck Heiko looked out across the vast dark space of the night and saw another resting on their window - the one who had been watching him and Laurence when they were looking for the nurse. He hadn't exchanged names with her, or that girl lying next to the soon-to-be-dead boy. She...
  8. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck (OOC: Sorry for the late response just moved into a new place and got everything set up - yey adult life stuffs) Heiko finally found his dorm. It was meant for two but only he was there. He dropped his duffle bag on top of his bed and proceeded to take off his shirt -...
  9. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

  10. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck "Attacked? By what?" He asked. That an attack would come so soon in the school year proved to be interesting. This news was somewhat foreboding for Heiko, it seemed to confirm for him that his luck only ever becomes worse. "How fast are we talking here? I'm game." Heiko...
  11. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck "Is that so...?" Heiko looked away, as if his mind was drifting elsewhere. "Any idea how your roommate got so sick?" He asked. Heiko wasn't normally one for prying so much into other peoples lives, but he figured that it was good way to ease Laurence's worries. "I hope...
  12. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck "Huh..." he muttered, looking back ahead. "That's cool. Knew a lot of demons where I came from. Most are either bastards or good people, not a lot in between - though I really can't judge." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Those your friends back there?"
  13. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck "You know... Your deal. I thought everybody had somethin' goin' on here, it's why I came..." Heiko looked at the boy, man he was timid, was he always like this? After a bit of silence he could see the message was not clear. "I mean, take me for instance, I'm a ... I'm an...
  14. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck Heiko kept starring at the young man, he could feel how uncomfortable he was next to him. It's not an uncommon occurrence for Heiko unfortunately. "I should probably try and play nice, it's my first day here and I shouldn't look for enemies... That always comes naturally...
  15. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck Heiko looked over at Laurence, squinting his eyes at him as if he was trying to figure him out at a glance, "... Hi." Man he did not plan on getting into something like this on his first day. Didn't seem too bad so far, but with his luck... Things always seem to go south...
  16. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    [CENTER] Heiko Beck "... Uh, about that..." Heiko muttered underneath his breathe. He took a drag of his cigarette and looked to the side, actively avoiding eye contact with the girl. "... I kind of skipped that whole thing." He muttered as he exhaled. Heiko made a conscious decision...
  17. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    (OOC: Yeah, sure @Trust ) Heiko Beck Heiko was in the midst of lighting another cigarette when he heard a cry for help spilling forth from a nearby corridor. "H-help!? I am not a doctor but i think my friend has a fever!" He looked over to the direction of the voice, his face slowly...
  18. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    Heiko Beck A charcoal filter cigarette put out on the cobble streets of the academy. Heiko tapped his foot against his leg to shake off the ash that stuck to the sole of his boot. Smoke escaped his pale lips and nostrils like dragon's breathe. "Jesus this place is huge." How did anybody...
  19. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    @FluffyMarshmallow Is it day or night currently in the RP?
  20. Godjunpa

    Fantasy Supernatual Academy

    @FluffyMarshmallow Thanks!