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  • Users: Evina
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  1. Evina

    Done with everything school related, now ready to RP on full speed again !!! :D

    Done with everything school related, now ready to RP on full speed again !!! :D
  2. Evina

    Through Time [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. Evina

    Exams are coming up, so if I don't reply within a day you know why ^^

    Exams are coming up, so if I don't reply within a day you know why ^^
  4. Evina

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Lydia watched him fight against the soldiers as she stepped away little by little, afraid that she might get caught up in it. To think that she was worried about a school project a few hours ago... "Y-yeah." By now she knew she could trust him, which allowed her to reach her hand forward...
  5. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    Iliana sighed, deciding to trust him on this. “I promise I won’t tell anyone. And if someone should oversee or overhear anything by accident I’ll make sure they think I have another one of my supernatural umm… nerd moments.” When Alex knocked on the door Iliana was lying in the bed with her...
  6. Evina

    Through Time [Inactive]

    Lydia ran down the halls as fast as she could, her heart beat increasing every time she went around a corner. What was wrong with this place?! She couldn't understand why anyone would try to kill her. For a moment she wondered if the prince had given the order to kill her. He didn't look like...
  7. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    But no one knew about her except Alex… She had promised not to tell anyone and she was planning on keeping that promise. Her curiosity was piqued by his words; she knew what a normal human man would hide in his bedroom, but what would a vampire hide? She sighed. She knew she had to respect his...
  8. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    Huh, so blood was really the only thing they needed... For a moment, she wondered how the blood tasted to them. Did it taste the same, like iron? Or did it taste delicious in some way? "Oh, thank you." she said, handing him the bags. Iliana followed him to the room that was now, apparently...
  9. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Ah, så han var ude efter noget specifikt. Det måtte være et citat fra noget. "Først og fremmest trænger jeg til en udfordring. For det andet... Hvad er jobbet helt præcist?"
  10. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Til at begynde med forstod hun ikke, hvad han mente, men så gik det op for hende, at han ville have hende til at færdiggøre sætningen. Hun var dog ikke sikker på om han ville have hende til at sige noget bestemt, men for hende selv var det klart. "Frihed." svarede hun til sidst. (Du har...
  11. Evina

    Through Time [Inactive]

    ...who showed her to the library was lying on the floor and the clanking sound had come from a sword that had landed by her feet. Her eyes widened. *What the hell?!* she yelled in her head. Did he just... try to kill her..? She took a few steps backwards, scared for her life. Why would he kill...
  12. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    Iliana really didn't understand. Why did she need protection? What had she done wrong? Wouldn't it be just as easy to keep all of this a secret? If no one knew that she knew about vampires, there would be no danger, right? Once they were at his place and she had gotten a look around she found...
  13. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Uden et ord satte Amalie sin taske på gulvet og gravede sin blok frem mellem alle skole bøgerne. "Her." sagde hun og rakte blokken til ham. Blokken indeholdt mange forskellige slags tegninger. Ansigter, hele personer og små en-sides tegneserier. (Ofte. Men det er på andre hjemmesider, der...
  14. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Amalie smilede ganske let til ham, da sangen sluttede. "Hej. Øhm, jeg så plakaten du satte op og jeg ser mig selv som en god tegner eller generelt en kreativ person." Hun blev stående, hvor hun var. Hun havde aldrig været tryg ved nærhed på grund af hendes generthed. "Hvad handler det her om...
  15. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Så snart hun åbnede døren ramte tonerne hendes ører. Hun så hen mod pianoet og så ham der satte plakaten op i gangen sidde og spille med lukkede øjne. Hun nænnede ikke at forstyrre ham, da han så ud til at nyde at spille. Hun stod i et stykke tid og observerede ham. Selvom hun ikke kendte...
  16. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Nederst på siden stod der at man kunne henvende sig i musik lokalet efter skole. Hm, kun et par timer mere og hun ville få at vide, hvad det handlede om. Det skadede jo ikke at møde op; hun kunne altid gå igen, hvis det ikke var noget for hende. Hun gik tilbage til bordet hun havde sin ting...
  17. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    ...havde noget at gøre med at han søgte kreative folk. Da han gik væk fra plakaten, rejste Amalie sig fra sin plads og gik hen for at læse nærmere. Tilsyneladende søgte han efter folk med evnen til at tegne og lignende. *Det lyder ikke helt slemt* tænkte hun og overvejede hvad det skulle...
  18. Evina

    Studio [Inactive]

    Navn: Amalie Nielsen Alder: 18 Personlighed: Amalie er en stille pige, der holder sig mest for sig selv. Hun kan være en smule nærtagende, dog holder hun sine meninger for sig selv på det punkt. Hun føler sig akavet blandt andre mennesker; ved aldrig rigtig hvad hun skal sige. Baggrund...
  19. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    “Alright, fine.” She gave up on arguing and went to pack the most necessary of her things; a few sets of clothes, toiletries and her school things. While packing she wondered how long he was going to keep her from her apartment and where he was even going to take her. Shortly after, she came...
  20. Evina

    Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

    Iliana flinched at his voice. "Well, you haven't exactly been hiding what you are very well. How is that my fault?" She honestly didn't get it. It's not like she planned on using any of the information to her advantage. She had promised him to keep his secret, after all. "And what's so wrong...