Inhuman Among Humans {Evina and VampireByte}

The vampire grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. "Let's just say I get violently ill. Much like you would if you got food poisoning..." Alex trailed off with a sigh. "Here. I'll take you things to your room for you." The vampire offered, still holding onto the book that Iliana had gotten at the library.
Huh, so blood was really the only thing they needed... For a moment, she wondered how the blood tasted to them. Did it taste the same, like iron? Or did it taste delicious in some way?

"Oh, thank you." she said, handing him the bags.

Iliana followed him to the room that was now, apparently, hers. "I still don't understand why you're doing all of this. Why you saved me and why you're now protecting me. Or what you're even protecting of from..."
The vampire was silent as Alex carried the woman's bags, a dark look appearing in his ruby eyes. "Because...Some of my kind...Well, most rather, wouldn't be as...accepting as I am, to you...Honestly, with your ability to see past our Masquerade when all others can't, you are a danger to us...You could...expose us if you wished..."

There was a brooding silence as the two of them reached the bedroom in which Iliana would be staying in. "My own bedroom is directly across from this one. Please, do not go in their without my permission." Alex told her, giving her a warning look.
But no one knew about her except Alex… She had promised not to tell anyone and she was planning on keeping that promise.

Her curiosity was piqued by his words; she knew what a normal human man would hide in his bedroom, but what would a vampire hide? She sighed. She knew she had to respect his privacy. He had been nothing but kind to her, after all. “I won’t.” she promised him.

“So… exactly how long do I have to stay here?” She hadn’t packed much clothes, so hopefully it wouldn’t be that long.
"I'm not sure." Alex admitted honestly. "I'm sorry for having to do this, but I don't exactly have much of a choice. You see, it would only mean a great many bad things cast upon my kind if we were discovered..." The man frowned and absently rubbed his neck.


The next night, the vampire gently knocked on Iliana's bedroom door, carrying a tray with dinner on it for her that he had made. Once given permission to enter, Alex carried the tray of food to her and gave it to her.

"I don't know what you like, so I just took a guess..." Alex told her with a quiet sigh.
Iliana sighed, deciding to trust him on this. “I promise I won’t tell anyone. And if someone should oversee or overhear anything by accident I’ll make sure they think I have another one of my supernatural umm… nerd moments.”

When Alex knocked on the door Iliana was lying in the bed with her books open in front of her as she had a test Monday morning. She uttered a gentle ‘come in’ and looked up when he entered.

“It’s fine. I’m not picky.” She said as she closed her books, sat up and took the tray. “You’re not gonna—“ she quickly shut up, remembering what happened the last time she asked something like that. “Never mind.”
The vampire paused, raising an eyebrow, knowing what the woman was starting to ask, his lips pressing into a hard line. But, saying nothing, Alex simply handed her the tray, glad that Iliana wasn't a picky eater.

But yet, as the girl accepted the meal, Alex didn't leave. Instead, the man watched with his ruby red eyes as the girl consumed the food, an unreadable expression in his eyes, not having remembered the last time he had had any kind of a meal...

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