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  1. Pubcat

    Summer Solace [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Pubcat

    Summer Solace

    @kodakcaj @Livingbetweenstars @Nerdygeekflower @Torck Everyone please take a look at the updated maps!@kodakcaj @Livingbetweenstars @Nerdygeekflower @Torck @Neon Nyan @TheManatee I'll be working this entire weekend, so I wont be able to start the roleplay until Monday. Feel free to roleplay...
  3. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Kane felt butterflies flutter up and down his stomach. What was this peculiar feeling that he'd never experienced before. He didn't want Aiden to let go, who cares if the front desk clerk saw them, it's not like they'd be seeing him again. Still though Kane didn't want Aiden to know exactly how...
  4. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Kane began to laugh along with him, shaking his head a bit. "Well he seems like a cool enough guy, but I can't say I envy you he's quite a talker huh." With a smile he looked into Aidens eyes. "Aw, really you thought of me?" he asked teasingly "that's funny I haven't thought anything about you...
  5. Pubcat

    Summer Solace

    (( of course you can! ))
  6. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Kane furrowed his brows. His expression was perplexed "Tani? You mean goofy Tani from the soccer team. That Tani?" Kane laughed. "How do you know that kid" he asked. He smirked "yeah stop being paranoid" he teased and patted Aiden on the cheek. Little touches here and there. Any sort of contact...
  7. Pubcat

    We need you.

    Come join in on the fun. :) We need more members(That's YOU!)
  8. Pubcat

    Summer Solace

    Name: Nickname (optional): Age (16-19): Gender: Background info: Personality: Apperance (real pictures only NO anime): _____________________________ Name: Yun Roberson Nickname (optional): Yunny Age: 19 Gender: male Background info: Yunny and his younger brother Kade...
  9. Pubcat

    Summer Solace [Inactive]

    Pubcat submitted a new role play: Summer Solace - We've got one last chance. Read more about this role play...
  10. Pubcat

    Looking for some people

    Awesome, I'll set it up.
  11. Pubcat

    Looking for some people

    I want to keep this roleplay very small, just a few people. Here's what I'm thinking. A group of teens are trying to survive in a small town. A group of childhood friends who've grown up together face trails, tribulations, etc. They've got no one but themselves. They are all getting close to...
  12. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Smiling over at the other he asked "you hungry?" Kane held the straps of his pastel yellow backpack tapping two of his fingers while waiting for a response. Aiden agreed and the two walked together toward a convenience store near the school. "Why are you looking around so much?" he laughed...
  13. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    He laughed a bit shaking his head. "How can I focus on the game now?" he teased in a low tone so no one would be able to hear. "Meet me at the gate afterschool." he said talking about the large black iron gates that you had to enter at the entrance of the school. Kane desperately wanted to stay...
  14. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Kane, Tani, and the rest of the team ran up and down the field practicing new moves and maneuvers not yet tried. Hoping this would aid them in winning the big tournament against their rival school in the next town over. Kane could feel a few drops of sweat slide down his forehead as he jogged...
  15. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    The bell rang. Tani noticed Aiden still sitting there staring blankly at the white board with a smile on his face. Tani stood with his books in one hand he snapped his fingers in front of Aidens face. "Snap out of it class is over fool." Tani laughed while shaking his head as he exited the...
  16. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Tani raised his eyebrows, "Why the hell should I help you out?" he smirked. The teacher looked back from the board and shushed the two boys. Tani looked down at his desk and chuckled. The teacher rolled her eyes and turned again to the board. Tani looked over at Aiden. "Fine" he whispered. "It...
  17. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Tani glared, scowling at Aiden. "There are plenty of people wise ass." He shrugged "oh well I've got soccer practice anyway." Tani went back to doodling on the side of his history textbook. Just then Aiden remembered Kane mentioning something this morning about soccer. As it turns out Kane and...
  18. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Tani sat on the left of Aiden he cleared his throat in hopes of getting the boys attention, but he seemed very distracted. "Pstt..." still he hadn't been successful in getting the other to notice him. Tani sighed to himself and kicked Aiden in the side of the leg. "Hey, what the heck?" He said...
  19. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    (( That's too funny. Haha, it happens to be when I finally reply right. Sorry!! I'm glad your friend reads it though! )) Tani continued to blab on, but by now Aiden was a bit more preoccupied with something else. All the while Tani was completely oblivious to notice what was going on right...
  20. Pubcat

    Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

    Tani curled his lip at the remark of his own use of words. "Whatever" he muttered, but was soon sucked back into the conversation when he heard about attractive girls. "No way" he grinned. "Pshh.. yeah right. Maybe she was interested in you at first, but that's only because she hasn't met me...