Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

Kane watched the other, everything was quiet besides the rumbling of the engine, that and the blowing noise of the heater vent. It was taking a lot of restraint on Kanes part. Every inch or his body and mind urging him to throw the boy into the back seat, but he had to control himself. He wasn't dense he knew the boy was flirting with him. At least it's what he'd like to think in fact he was almost one hundred percent convinced of it. Still though he wasn't one hundred percent sure Aiden even liked guys, maybe he was just being friendly. Maybe this was how he was around everyone, and he was drunk. Even he admitted to that earlier at the party. If Kane acted upon what he wanted to do so badly right now things could get ugly. If Aiden protested or was revolted by the idea word could get around quickly of himself being gay and this just wasn't something he was ready to have out in the open just yet. Frustrated by all of these thoughts he put his hands on the wheel and looked toward the road. "Where am I taking you?" He asked almost coldly, his mood changing rather quickly.
Aiden's smile dropped, and he leaned forward in his seat towards Kane. The sudden change of mood made him worried, maybe his joke had gone too far. "Didn't I say I was going wherever you're going?" he asked, he took a deep breath, trying to steady his shaking voice. He really hoped he hadn't blew his chance. Aiden reached out, touching his fingers to Kane's shoulder. "Are you okay? I thought we were having fun, and honestly I was hopi-" he stopped mid sentence, then shook his head.

What was he going to say? That he was hoping that they could do more than just converse? Kane could think he was a creep, although Aiden seriously doubted Kane would mind, I mean come on, what kind of straight guy wears a coral blue v-neck shirt?
Excitment washed over Kane as he felt the others touch on his shoulder. Man if that was enough to get him this worked up imagine how he would feel exploring other things with the boy. Kane just glanced at Aiden's hand then he pulled out onto the road. Kane put on an outstanding poker face, it was always nearly impossible to read him. He was beginning to form a wall with Aiden like he usually did with people he could see himself end up falling madly in love with. This was a defense mechanism he'd formed since he was very young. A way to protect himself from getting hurt.

"I'm fine" he reassured, but his tone gave a different answer. "Well I'm heading home kid it's nearly four in the morning, but you're welcomed to crash at my place." He was hoping with all his might Aiden would take him up on this offer. If he wasn't going to make a move on the other at least he could see his stunning face for the rest of the night.
"Yeah sure, we're heading in the opposite direction of my house any ways," he said, leaning back and buckling his seat belt.

Despite the heater turned on full blast, Aiden was shivering cold. His hands were nearly shaking out of frustration. Why was Kane suddenly so stiff and removed. It seemed so unlike his usual personality. Aiden very much disliked the silence- it gave him time to concentrate on how horrible he felt about the whole situation. It was obviously his fault that Kane was acting this way, and although he wouldn't admit it, Aiden knew he wasn't fine. 
Name: Lewis McLean

Nickname: Lew

Age: 20 (going against the 16-19 rule)

Personality: Lewis is an introverted man, quiet except for when he needs to to talk or be involved in any type of social situation (which he often finds quite physically draining). Despite that, he's actually quite open around Kane. He's usually always seen with a textbook in hand, since studying takes up most of his daily life.

History: Lewis grew up in a wealthy family full of geniuses, him also being one. His mother was a doctor, his father a university professor. He's going to a fancy university all on scholarship.



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Kane noticed out of the corner of his eyes the boys hands trembling, he realised now he must be almost completely sober. That is, because if Aiden was still drunk and full of alcohol no amount of cold could keep him from breaking out in a sweat and now even with the heater pumped up to its max he was shaking. "We're almost there" he assured Aiden. "You and I are about the same size, I should have a change of clothes for you." he grew silent again until pulling into the driveway of an apartment building. It was a little run down, but not somewhere you would be scared to live. Kanes room on the other hand may be another story. He never stayed at home too much in fear of becoming restless or depressed.

Kane shut the car off and looked over. "I've got a roommate, I hope that's alright." He unbuckled and got out of the car and waited for Aiden. Aiden followed. They went up multiple flights of stairs. Kane and his roommate lived on the top floor of the building. Finally arriving at room 1605 Kane pulled his keys from his pocket and put them in the door, giving them a twist before entering. "Come on" he motioned for Aiden to come in and he locked the door behind him. Kane went to the first door past the living room and went in, signaling for Aiden to come in as well. It was his room, a small space with another door leading outside to the roof where Kane often sat to think.
Aiden followed obediently, glancing around the somewhat sparse room. He sat down at the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing the material. He glanced at Kane, licked his lips and uttered, "This is really driving me crazy. Please tell me what's going on in your head. Everything. Or at least what's about me." Aiden kept feeling the textured matress, forcing himself to not regret the words he just said.

Tani Owen

Nickname: n/a

Age: 17

Personality: Tani is a free spirited, fun loving guy who often takes every opportunity he can let loose and have fun. He's not usually careful with his actions. Tani lives life with-out caution. He generally doesn't think too much before saying or doing something which tends to get him in trouble. Tani is good at sports and excels in social situations, but can be a bit awkward at times. Tani can become very depressed when things aren't active or going his way. His mood can change very quickly.

History: Tani was raised by foster parents who brought him up with a stern hand. Tani was often hit by his foster father as a form of discipline, but things could be taken too far at times. Tani loves and appreciates his foster parents, but is on a constant search to find his biological parents.



Plays on the same soccer team as Kane, but doesn't know him all that well. 
Kane looked at the other for a moment chewing on his lower lip he hesitated, then shook his head and turned away, digging in his dresser drawer. "There's nothing, you're thinking too much." he simply said, but there was much more he wanted to say. Now just wasn't the time. In fact he wasn't so sure about the thoughts racing through his mind at this moment as well.

"Here" he tossed Aiden a clean pair of green and grey plaid pajama pants and a white tank-top. Of course the tank top was for his pleasure, the arm holes going down to at least reveal Aiden's ribcage and maybe a bit of his side depending on how short he was.
"I'm just gonna change here," he said, not asking permission before he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it as neatly as he could into a corner. He put on the offered tank top, eyeing the open sides and it went past his ribs by an inch or so. If Kane really is gay, he's gonna have a field trip. Aiden then stripped off his pants just as the door suddenly opened and he hurried into the pajama pants a lot quicker than he was planning.


Lewis opened the door to Kane's room with the intention of knowing how the party had gone. What he saw was only slightly surprising- another boy in his boxers.

"Jesus Christ, Kane, how many times do I have to tell you, please inform me before you bring home one of your boyfriends."

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Kane readily watched as Aiden took off each article of clothing without much of a care if he appeared obvious about the fact. Although Kanes enjoyment soon faded swiftly as he heard the jingling of a knob. Even more so when the voice from the other side of the doorway outed him to his new friend, but Kane just smirked and played it off. "Aiden this is the roommate I was telling you about. You know, the dumb blonde one who lacks the ability to knock." He chuckled as he pulled a pair of basketball shorts out for himself. "Aiden this is Lewis, Lewis, Aiden." he spurted out a half assed attempt at an introduction waving his hand around as he said each name. Then unbuttoning his pants they fell to the floor still damp from the fiasco earlier. He kicked each pant leg off his ankle one at a time and slipped the shorts on over his black calvin klein briefs.

"I may be blonde, but I'm fairly certain my borderline genuis IQ proves I'm not dumb. I'll leave you two to it," he said, lifting his hand in a half hearted good bye wave. He turned around, shutting the door behind him.


Aiden's smile spread across his face as soon as the door was completely shut. His eyes flew to Kane's and he shrugged and said as nonchalantly as possible, "I'm gonna be completely honest and say that I'm really relieved that you're gay."

It felt as though a huge weight was lifted off Aiden's shoulders and even though there was no more alcohol in his system, he felt drunk all over again. This drunk however was better, it was bound not to make him stumble, unless of course Kane decided to suddenly push him back towards the bed, making him trip over his own feet and fall. The thought made his whole body tingle with new-found happiness and he didn't dare even think about pushing the thought away.
Kane bit the inside of his cheek with one eyebrow raised as Lewis nagged. He tapped his foot with both of his hands stuffed in his short pockets nodding as his roommate spoke. Lewis was always like a caring brother figure to Kane, and although Kane loved and appreciated his roommate he also often became frustrated with him. He was just so damn smart there was never pulling one over on him. When he left Kane was once again able to focus his attention on Aiden and he saw the smug smile plastered on his face which made him grin as well. His eyes almost always disappeared when he smiled, but the look was charming. He had brilliant almond shaped eyes due to his heritage of being half Asian.

"Is that right?" Kane strolled over and sat beside Aiden eyeing his bare sides. "Why would that be? Hm, what could make you feel relieved about that." he questioned as he nudged the other and looked over. His dark perfectly curled eyelashed gave off the appearance that he was wearing eyeliner.
Aiden noticed how Kane's eyes shifted to his bare sides so he leaned back on his hands, exposing more skin. "Hmm, well you know it would make it a lot less awkward if I were to just, say, kiss you," he muttered with a shrug, one side of his of mouth pulled up into a playful smirk. "Which I'm really considering doing, by the way," he added, tracing Kane's jaw line and lips with his eyes, thinking of how he'd like to trace the same features with his tongue.
All of Kanes previous suspicions had been true about Aiden being gay, and now he knew. He could take things further. He was even being invited to do so yet he couldn't seem to shake this feeling of not wanting to hasten things. His mind was telling him one thing while another piece of anatomy was urging toward something totally different. Kane exhaled with a sigh as he pushed the thoughts to a dark corner in the back of his mind. He wanted to see more of this guy, he wanted more of a relationship with him that just a one night stand. Although, was it really rushing things if Aiden wanted it too. All these thoughts raced through his mind. One second he would justify and defend the act and the next he would tell himself to just wait. Even if Aiden only wanted a hook-up he'd have to wait. This way Kane thought he would at least get to see him a couple more times. Kane bit his lip closing his eyes as he leaned over sitting with his elbows on his legs. He stood, "come here I want to show you something." he said looking back at Aiden.
Aiden was confused in the moment of silence. He had expected to be kissing a super hot guy right now, but he refused to sigh in disappointment so he stood up, waiting for Kane to show him whatever it was he wanted to show. He leaned back on his heels, then rocked forward and kept the motion going, forcing himself to be patient and not throw Kane onto the floor and climb on top of him. The thought made him smile, oh it definitely made him smile but he wiped the expression off his face, not wanting to seem too excited.
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Kane took Aiden's hand and pulled him. Bringing him to the door that led to the small balcony on the roof right outside his room. Opening the door it was still dark out, but the city below was lit up. Bright lights, and neon signs flashed and blinked, but nothing emulated quite like the stars above that shined bright in contrast to the dark navy sky. The wind blew just enough to create a cool relaxing breeze. It was a bit chilly out, but the air seemed fresh and crisp all the way up here. Kane looked up stuffing his hands into his basketball short pockets. He breathed in the fresh air and looked up at the stars. This felt different. He felt different. Before he would have never though twice about getting into the boys pants. In fact he wouldn't have been able to wait, it would have been as easy as to just jump into the backseat of his car and satisfy his needs, but that thought wasn't an option just yet with Aiden and he couldn't figure out why. His usual personality was the complete opposite.
Aiden's mouth fell open so quickly as soon as he saw the sky that he barely had time to be sad that Kane let go of his hand. "I've never bothered to look at the stars," he admitted, glancing up and then down, comparing the lights from above and the lights from down low. The one's from the city seemed so much more alive, flashing and pulsing. The stars however seemed to give off a glow unlike any other.

Glancing to the side, Aiden's flirty personality came back and he muttered, "You know what would make this so much better? If you were still holding my hand."
Kane snapped out of the daze he seemed to be in upon hearing Aidens silky voice. He smiled and glanced over, then without any hesitation he reached over grasping the others hand. His own long slender fingers interlocking through the spaces of Aidens. With his thumb he rubbed the other boys soft white skin. "I'm glad I met you kid." he said teasingly.

Aiden looked down at their interwoven hands, his smirk turning into a soft smile. He looked back up at Kane, tilting his head slightly. "Why do you call me kid? I'm not that much younger than you," he stated. Not that he didn't like the nickname, in fact he liked it a lot.

Now Aiden wasn't sure what to concentrate on. He wanted to look up at the sky, the lights of the city, he wanted to look at Kane's hand, pressed against his own, but he also wanted to look at Kane's face. He decided to look at their hands, admiring the way that Kane's thumb brushed against his skin so smoothly, and enjoying the feeling the touch gave him.
"What you don't like it?" Kane responded without looking away from the stars. "Too bad" he grinned glancing over at Aiden with a sheepish smile. Kane didn't men anything by calling him that. He knew the age difference wasn't that great, he was only older by a couple of years and it made no difference. Kane only put affection behind the nickname, it was something he didn't plan on stopping anytime soon and the fact that Aiden kept questioning it made it even more of a fact. It was in Kanes nature to play around and pick on the people he cared about. If Kane didn't like someone you would know it.
"No, no I definitely like it," he replied, finally looking up from their hands. "No one's ever actually given me a good nickname, let alone one I liked," he added, shrugging one shoulder.

"Hey, Kane... I don't wanna ruin the mood or anything," I really don't want to ruin the mood, "But how come you got so closed and cold, like in the car."
Looking over as Aiden spoke Kane shook his head a bit. "Don't let those types of people get to you." he said reassuringly. Looking back toward the city he shook his head. "Nothing," he hesitated. "It's just that, well I was nervous I guess." He furrowed his brows and with a sigh said "I wasn't sure if you liked other guys or not." Kane bit the inside of his cheek, a habit he'd formed from a young age. Kane tended to do this when he was anxious or uneasy. "I've never told anyone I was gay." He looked over gazing into Aiden's eyes. "Lewis only knows because he caught me, otherwise I'm not sure if I ever would have admitted it to him either."
Aiden nodded understandingly, and hesitantly said, "I never told anyone either. Actually, I'm really scared that they'll find out and not want to be around me any more." Aiden looked away from Kane's gaze, not wanting him to see the sadness seeping into his eyes. "I don't want to be the loser in high school," he admitted slowly, clenching his free hand into a fist.

(( I have to go to bed, I promised myself that I wouldn't stay up any later than 11:30))
Kane knew exactly how Aiden felt, he also feared the exact same thing. No one likes rejection, or to be outcasted. Kane squeezed the others hand looking over at him. He gave Aiden a reassuring smile. "Let's get some sleep.. It's nearly time for school" he groaned.


Tani noticed Aiden at his locker. He threw his hand up with a bright smile and sprinted over. "Hey what's up. I heard you were at this cool ass party yesterday. Why the hell wasn't I invited!?" Tani pushed Aiden's shoulder making him bump into the flat colored burgundy locker.
Aiden had been in a good mood since this morning, not even the lack of sleep last night could ruin his happiness. Escpecially not since he fell asleep and woke up beside Kane. He was wearing the same jeans as yesterday, but managed to borrow a blue button down shirt from Kane.

Aiden grinned at his friend and joked, "You didn't get invited cause you say lame things like cool ass." He pushed Tani back, grabbed his books for his first class and closed his locker and turned around to look at his friend. "It was sick though, I passed out in the pool and I swear, there was the hottest chick there. She definitely wanted in my pants." The chick he mentioned was of course Kane, but gender swaped for straight acting purposes.
Tani curled his lip at the remark of his own use of words. "Whatever" he muttered, but was soon sucked back into the conversation when he heard about attractive girls. "No way" he grinned. "Pshh.. yeah right. Maybe she was interested in you at first, but that's only because she hasn't met me yet." He said confidently. "Are you hanging out with her again?" he asked curiously. "Does she have a friend??" Tani barely took a breath before spurting out each sentence.

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