Dangerous Habits [Inactive]

((My friend asked me a few days ago what I was reading, and I showed her the roleplay and now she can't stop reading it, she's always excited when someone replies. In hopes for a good April Fools joke a minute ago I told her you replied and she went to check it and then you actually did reply so the joke went down the drain :( ))

Aiden hadn't expected Tani to ask that many questions about the fake girl, so he shrugged, thinking off the top of his head, "Well, you're never going to meet her or her friends cause she doesn't go to this school. She's 19. And I'm hoping to see her again soon, but I don't know when."

The two boys walked to class and Aiden was so busy trying to figure out how he was going to continue the lies he barely noticed that he was about to walk by Kane. He reached his hand down just in time, fingers brushing against the back of Kane's soft hand.
(( That's too funny. Haha, it happens to be when I finally reply right. Sorry!! I'm glad your friend reads it though! ))

Tani continued to blab on, but by now Aiden was a bit more preoccupied with something else. All the while Tani was completely oblivious to notice what was going on right beside him. Kane spotted Aiden from way before, and watched the entire time Aiden walked down the hall toward him. He wanted so bad just to pull him aside. Leaving him this morning seemed like an impossible task. Kane was thrilled to see Aiden sport his shirt, it thrilled him. What could be more attractive he thought to himself.

Kane felt Aiden's touch which gave him chills. He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Kane managed to get a light hold of Aiden's pointer finger before letting go and glancing back with a smile.
Aiden's heart practically jumped out of his chest and he too couldn't help looking back just in time to look straight into Kane's glittering dark eyes. He walked into class, his thumb lightly pressed again his tingling index finger. Aiden sat down and automatically took a notebook and jotted down a note then ripped it out and shoved it in his pocket. He needed to get a hold of that boy as soon as possible, he wasn't sure how much longer he could take just the small but agonizing touches.
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Tani sat on the left of Aiden he cleared his throat in hopes of getting the boys attention, but he seemed very distracted. "Pstt..." still he hadn't been successful in getting the other to notice him. Tani sighed to himself and kicked Aiden in the side of the leg. "Hey, what the heck?" He said with an aggressive whisper so the teacher up front wouldn't hear him. "Let's go on a double date with that girl tonight." Tani was relentless. He wasn't giving up on this whole hot girl thing and it was beginning to put Aiden in a bad situation.
"Ow, you asshole," he whispered angrily, touching the sore spot on his leg. "We're not going on a double date tonight. My dad is having a business partner come over and he wants us to look like the perfect American family." Despite the fact that it was a lie, Aiden still snorted a laugh. His family was far from perfect. "Besides, who the hell would go on a date with you?"
Tani glared, scowling at Aiden. "There are plenty of people wise ass." He shrugged "oh well I've got soccer practice anyway." Tani went back to doodling on the side of his history textbook. Just then Aiden remembered Kane mentioning something this morning about soccer. As it turns out Kane and Tani happened to be on the school team, but not knowing Kane before the party Aiden hadn't thought anything about it.
Aiden was listening, but staring off at the ground. Now remembering that there was soccer practice, Aiden's plans for maybe hanging with Kane after school were ruined unless he could figure something out. "Ok well to keep me from my parents for as long as possible can I watch the practice?" He crossed his fingers under the desk that Tani would say yes. It would be weird just showing up at the practice uninvited.
Tani raised his eyebrows, "Why the hell should I help you out?" he smirked. The teacher looked back from the board and shushed the two boys. Tani looked down at his desk and chuckled. The teacher rolled her eyes and turned again to the board. Tani looked over at Aiden. "Fine" he whispered. "It starts at three forty five."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Tani you're a lifesaver, thank you," he said, slapping his friend's shoulder. He sat back, feeling at ease with how his day was turning out. For the rest of the class he stared at the white board, pretending to listen. He was actually thinking about Kane, imagining the two of them being together and it made him smile without realizing it.
The bell rang. Tani noticed Aiden still sitting there staring blankly at the white board with a smile on his face. Tani stood with his books in one hand he snapped his fingers in front of Aidens face. "Snap out of it class is over fool." Tani laughed while shaking his head as he exited the class.


Kane was unaware that Aiden would show up at soccer practice so this would be quite a surprise to say the least. Kane was still in the locker room changing into his schools soccer uniform. He'd seen Tani on the field before and on occasion spoke to him, but he never knew Aiden and Tani were friends. Kane grabbed a water bottle from his locker and a towel. He threw the towel around his neck and walked out of the locker room onto the field outside. He hadn't even thought to look over at the bleachers where Aiden was, as he was never even expecting him to show up. Although Aiden had been on his mind all day. He had no idea how he would get through practice today. His mind was focused on something else.
Aiden's eyes seemed to lock on Kane the moment he stepped on the field, but Kane's didn't do the same. His first instinct was to wave or do something to get his attention, but upon thinking it through more, he decided it probably wasn't the wisest idea. So he kept watching the soccer player with his elbows on his knees and his hands in front of his mouth to hide his smile.

Aiden had never really liked sports, let alone soccer, but if anyone had looked at him right now they would have thought he was a huge lover of soccer, he was so engrossed in the practice. That wasn't the case however, Aiden was actually a huge lover of a soccer player.
Kane, Tani, and the rest of the team ran up and down the field practicing new moves and maneuvers not yet tried. Hoping this would aid them in winning the big tournament against their rival school in the next town over. Kane could feel a few drops of sweat slide down his forehead as he jogged down the field. It was break time, Kane was on the sideline taking a sip of water from his bottle when his eyes scanned the bleachers. First his eyes passed right over Aiden, but he paused for a moment and looked back. This double take had allowed him to in fact see what he thought was just a figment of his imagination. He almost choked on his water. Bringing the bottle away from his lips he smiled. 'What the heck are you doing here' he thought to himself.
Aiden grinned at Kane's reaction upon seeing him and he took a second to look around for Tani to make sure he wasn't in ear shot before answering innocently, "I lied to Tani so I could watch the practice. I was planning on inconspicuously hanging out with you during lunch, but I couldn't find you anywhere." Aiden shrugged and made a 'what can you do' face.
He laughed a bit shaking his head. "How can I focus on the game now?" he teased in a low tone so no one would be able to hear. "Meet me at the gate afterschool." he said talking about the large black iron gates that you had to enter at the entrance of the school. Kane desperately wanted to stay right there with Aiden, but instead he forced himself back onto the field.


It was after practice and Tani finished changing in the locker room and went back out toward the bleachers, but to his surprise Aiden had already left. "Huh,..." Tani rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

Kane leaned against the gate with his hands in his pockets, tapping his feet impatiently as he waited for Aiden.
Aiden practically skipped to the gate and when he saw Kane it was all he could do to not speed up. It felt so great to see him again, it made his finger tips twitched to touch him. "Hi," he greeted Kane, taking a second to look behind him. He was so paranoid that Tani would see him, he needed to leave before he did.
Smiling over at the other he asked "you hungry?" Kane held the straps of his pastel yellow backpack tapping two of his fingers while waiting for a response. Aiden agreed and the two walked together toward a convenience store near the school. "Why are you looking around so much?" he laughed. "It's not like anyone will suspect anything more than us just being friends." Kane had a point and besides at this point that's all they were.
Aiden nodded while Kane talked, mulling it over. "If Tani saw us he'd ask why I left with you and not him," he explaining, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. "But whatever I'll stop being paranoid. How was your day?" Surprisingly enough, he was genuinely curious to hear the response of the boy.
Kane furrowed his brows. His expression was perplexed "Tani? You mean goofy Tani from the soccer team. That Tani?" Kane laughed. "How do you know that kid" he asked. He smirked "yeah stop being paranoid" he teased and patted Aiden on the cheek. Little touches here and there. Any sort of contact was nice. Kane couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself.

The question caught him off guard. Noone asked him about how his day had gone with any real sincerity in quite a while. In fact he couldn't remember when the last time someone asked him that was. "It was fine, the usual." He looked over at Aiden "How about yours?" All of that was a lie. Today was stark opposite from every other day. All he could thing about throughout the entire day was last night and when he'd get to speak to Aiden again.
Aiden laughed at Kane's description of Tani. "Yes, goofy Tani from the soccer team. He's my best friend, has been since ninth grade." When Kane touched his cheek Aiden smiled even more and his cheek felt like it was heating up. He couldn't wait until they were really together and could add on to the occasional touches.

"My day was fine, I couldn't concentrate much though," he said slowly, grinning up at Kane. "I wonder why that would be."
Kane began to laugh along with him, shaking his head a bit. "Well he seems like a cool enough guy, but I can't say I envy you he's quite a talker huh." With a smile he looked into Aidens eyes. "Aw, really you thought of me?" he asked teasingly "that's funny I haven't thought anything about you until you showed up trying to ruin my practice." Of course that was a lie, but Kane couldn't resist poking fun at the dark haired cutie.

The two walked into the convenience store. Kane picked out a back of spicy chips, a bowl of dry instant shrimp noodles, an energy drink and a pack of cigarettes. He looked over at Aiden. "Go on and get something I'll pay. We'll eat at my place it isn't far."
They were in an aisle out of anyone's sight so, unable to resist, Aiden quickly grabbed Kane's hand at the same time he picked out a bag of plain chips and a chocolate bar with the other hand. They walked towards that counter and before they left the aisle he gave Kane's hand a small squeeze and then let go.

Aiden definitely planned on going further with Kane today, if not the waiting would drive him insane. Why they were waiting he didn't know, but as far as he could tell it was Kane who didn't want to go too fast.
Kane felt butterflies flutter up and down his stomach. What was this peculiar feeling that he'd never experienced before. He didn't want Aiden to let go, who cares if the front desk clerk saw them, it's not like they'd be seeing him again. Still though Kane didn't want Aiden to know exactly how he was feeling seeing as he couldn't quite explain it himself.

They approached the register and purchased their snacks then exited the store. "So" he asked glancing over at Aiden and opening his bag of chips, popping one in his mouth. "Why were you thinking about me all day?"
This was a difficult question, and while Aiden tried to form an answer, he realized he almost felt embarrassed to answer it. It wasn't until meeting this boy that he had ever had trouble expressing himself.

There was nothing to lose if he answered honestly, so he took a big breath as silently as he could and replied, "I was thinking about when I'd see you again cause I really.... really like being around you."
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