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  1. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - OOC

    Groups are good for me as well
  2. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - OOC

    No preference really, just throw him somewhere
  3. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - OOC

    That took waaay longer than it should have and I blame myself for being lazy. But I now have a character.
  4. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - Characters

    -Name: Lefu -Gender & Pronouns: Male, He/him -Age: 17 -Species: Human -Occupation: Student, working a summer job for Death itself -Homeland: otherwise normal modern world where every concept you can think of has a physical manifestation that might or might not want to interact with humans...
  5. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - OOC

    Thank you! This seems like a lot of fun from what I've skimmed through. I'll have to do everything tomorrow though as it's getting kinda late here. Do have some ideas already but writing them down now would probably result in gibberish.
  6. Vilukissa

    Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine (Backrooms inspired, varied OCS)

    I'm very interested
  7. Vilukissa

    Introduce Yourself!

    I'm not very good at introductions nor formatting forum posts but I'll do this anyways. Hey, I'm Vilu. Just another fellow that picked up writing at some point, one thing leads to another and now I'm on a rp site. Those things mostly boiling down to one, that I've had a lot of great experiences...