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Fantasy Chaotic, Labyrinthine - Characters

Name: Austin Avramescu
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender male, he/him
Age: 19
Species: Vampire, newly turned
Occupation: All-mart greeter
Homeland: The USA from a slightly different version of our world, one in which vampires and sorcerers hide for fear of those who hunt them
Outfit: Dark bluejeans; a blank, pine-green tee shirt; An unbuttoned buffalo check shirt; Black and white Keds; and his All-Mart uniform vest
Personal Items: A pack of sticky notes, a blue ballpoint pen, a highlighter
Voice: Low, nasal, with a standard US accent
Appearance: Skinny and tall, with broad shoulders, light skin, and black, curly hair. An oval face with a straight nose and low, thin eyebrows. May shapeshift into a black wolf.

Name: He hasn't got a proper name, but answers to "Skelly", much like others of his kind
Gender & Pronouns: Has a masculine frame and uses he/him pronouns, but is divorced from his sense of gender
Age: Unknown
Species: Animated Skeleton
Occupation: Soldier, thrall
Homeland: Norepson, a medieval-ish land in which necromancy was once considered to be impossible, but an upstart warlock has recently raised a small army of the deceased.
Outfit: A pale green, Perizoma-style loincloth
Personal Items: A bronze poleaxe
Voice: Soft yet hoarse, with a high pitch
Appearance: A skeleton which seems to have once belonged to a human, tall with a narrow pelvis and broad clavicles. Forward-projecting cheekbones, a broad forehead, and crooked teeth are noticeable facial features, as well as small, glowing orbs in the eye socket which move and change color based on emotion and focus.

Name: Clover Swiftwind
Gender & Pronouns: Transgender male, he/him/etc
Age: 24
Species: Unicorn
Occupation: Courier
Homeland: Topiar, a Regency-esque world where humans and a few mythical creatures are the dominant species.
Outfit: Brown, canvas saddlebags embroidered with a symmetrical image of wheat and clover.
Personal Items: A hoof pick, a hammer, and three handkercheifs
Voice: His voice is similar to that of Schmendrick the Magician's in the English dub of The Last Unicorn.
Appearance: A lithe creature about the size of a whitetail deer, composed of diverse yet harmonious parts- A pale,dapple gray coat; a head, neck, and torso like an Arabian horse; Cloven hooves and legs in the shape of an impala's; A long tail with a tuft at the end; a short, wispy mane; and a singular, spiraling horn growing from his forehead, dark gray in color when at rest, but glowing a nacreous white when using magic. His eyes are lilac in color, with squarish pupils.

Name: Mildred Krawiec
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender female, she/her
Age: 82
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Retired assembly line worker
Homeland: A version of modern USA in which werewolves exist and are common knowledge.
Outfit: A light green dress with a red cardigan over it, penny loafer shoes, and a yellow and pink polka dotted babushka scarf
Personal Items: A bottle of antihistamine pills, an axe, and a small sewing kit.
Voice: Medium pitched, slightly hoarse
Appearance: She is stuck between wolf and human form for as long as she's in the labyrinth, with silvery fur covering most of her body, a lupine head and tail, upright posture, digitigrade feet, and clawed hands.
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Name: Charon
Gender & Pronouns: Views self as male, he/him
Age: Roughly 50 years since activation
Species: Reaper-class android

Occupation: Barber, formerly a mercenary that fought in a number of different realities and excelled at destroying ghostly entities (and still occasionally engages in such activities)

Homeland: Lives on the Hell's Heaven inter-dimensional space station and owns a barber shop there

Outfit: Normally doesn't use clothes unless he's using his Skin Camo magi-tech system to pose as an organic being.

Personal Items: Is not carrying any external items. Does have an ancient artifact partisan of unknown origin that stores itself inside his body as energy when not in use.

Voice: I have no details for Charon's voice, but Juju Juju imagines him having a happy and chipper voice regardless of the situation and whatever violence/chaos he may be wreaking upon others.

Appearance: 8 feet tall with human proportions and mostly grey armor plating, blazing yellow eyes
Image property of SEGA

Ability Overview
Android Body: Charon's artificial body boasts numerous physical advantages over most organics. Likely the most unique is that he has a prototype artificial muscle system that is capable of transmitting data in a way that somewhat resembles how a brain works. As in, the muscles have multiple 'brain centers' that act as a replacement for a CPU. Thus while he can't be hacked, this does mean mental attacks CAN work on Charon to some degree, usually resulting in disruption of motor functions (though more is possible). Is capable of self repair via nano-tech, though significant damage would require a lengthy amount of time to restore. Systems can self modify in response to repeated external stimuli of the same kind, but such modifications are not always an upgrade and Charon does not always have control over it which can be a problem as the process sometimes leaves him offline until complete.

Ghost Hunter: Charon can cover his limbs with what is referred to as Red Energy which allows him to interact with ghostly entities as if they had physical bodies. In addition, his Soul Eater core allows him to devour weakened ghosts, and souls of the recently dead in general, for a short lived and usually mild power boost. Has magi-tech sensors that specialize in detecting incorporeal entities and souls and many details about them, but the sensors can be fooled. Does have one additional Red Energy ability, Red Cage, but he rarely uses it.

Has downloaded the vast majority of YouTube, giving him a wealth of options for auditory and psychological warfare.

Can provide more detailed information as requested/needed.
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Name: Azumi Zaima
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 18
Species: Human
Height: 5'5ft
Occupation: None

Origin: Tokyo, Japan 1980s

Azumi wears the standard blue Japanese sailor-style uniform, complete with a red neckerchief. Skirt lenghts down 2 inches below the knees. Shiny black schoolgirl shoes and halfway shin-length white socks.

Personal Items:

  • Broomstick
  • Eyeglasses
  • A handkerchief with her first name on it
Appearance: A girl with pale white skin, midnight black hair, and small ocean-blue eyes. Azumi has an ever-blank stare, followed a stiff small yet pillowy lips and a small round nose. Her hair droops down wavy halfway down her back. Appears to be petite and almost malnourished, observed to have lots of faded bruises and a recently recovering black eye.

Name: Arlund
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 25
Species: Living wax doll
Height: 5'5ft
Occupation: Bank Manager

Homeland/world: A Small Glass ball universe with only one Earth-like planet, moon, and sun. Lives in a town called Major Ursa.

Dressed sharply in the typical black suit and blue/white striped tie. White button-up shirt and black pants to pair the suit. Nothing too special at all but with a small gold badge of the left chest pinned on the suit with a heater shield design and a winged guard sword engraved inside of the shield. Black shoes to finish the look.

Personal Items:

  • Has $455 worth of paper bills called "Argalants"
  • A suitcase filled with mentioned items
  • An expensive fountain pen
  • Magnifying glass
  • A folder full of blank A4 papers
Voice: Certainly on the Soprano side of his young voice. Sounds higher for his irritatingly jovial language.

Arlund is a blonde, thin wiry frame of a young man. Often mistaken as a child for his baby-face facial features. Purple beady eyes and a thin-lipped smile. His hair blonde so lights it deflects sunrays. Always wearing a smile.

Name: Alfred Carmen
Gender & Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Species: Giant Human
Height: 10'2ft
Occupation: Farmer

Homeland: Steampunk Spain 1883

Donning a dirty white button-up shirt that fits the farmer's physique. Brown corduroy pants with dark mahogany leather boots to protect against the dirt of the soil. His other leg was replaced with a bronze alloy leg prosthetic, resembling the basic bone structure of his left shin and foot.

Personal Items:

  • Gold wedding ring
  • Giant drinking flask
  • Moon style Sickle
  • Gold Pocketwatch (goes from 1-17 numbers)
  • Small iron trowel
Voice: Gentle but authoritative tone, flavored with sass.
Appearance: Well-stocked and muscular. Having little to no morphed proportions in his body, other than his sheer size, able to reach almost any normal ceiling height. Tanned skin and gorgeous jet black hair, cut ending to his neck. One eye is covered in voluminous amounts of hair. Hinding under this eye is a glass one with a bit of gold tinge, offers no advantage other than to just fill his eye socket.
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Name: Yofie
Gender & Pronouns: she/her
Age: 122
Species: Angel
Occupation: Messenger Angel (low rank). Currently in charge of babysitting a baby Cherub
Homeland: Amaranthine Heavens
Outfit: A simple combination of white shirt and shorts, gilded with a gold-like metal that is strangely flexible. Wings made of light hover behind her, and a halo floats above her head at all times. Both emit a soft light.
Personal Items:
  • Messenger's halo
  • Messenger's Wings (unlike high ranking angels that are blessed with true wings, the low ranked angels are given wings of light. These are not used for flight, but can slow someone's fall and glide)
  • Heavenly Messenger's Scroll: a blessed scroll that gives Yofie her orders and the messages in need of delivery. When she has orders, she can use this scroll to travel to the universe that will receive the delivery, and cannot be used without an order.
  • Celestial Pouch: a pocket dimension that allows for Yophie to store her deliveries and 'mysteriously' produce items to mortals that are receiving the MOTHER's boons. It is also a good place to store snacks for Chubbi.
Voice: tired and airy, lacking energy yet friendly. Sounds overworked and underpaid.

Ability overview:
  • Heavenly Blessing: a minor spell used by all angels, even by low ranking angels such as Yofie. A soft light is emitted by Yofie's hands which can soothe aches and slowly recover non-fatal wounds. It can help to cure poison and illness, but must be used in several 'doses' to permanently cure the ailment. Must touch the person to grant them this blessing.
  • Join the Choir: As a member of the lowest chorus, Yophie can emit a disembodied sound of faint angelic singing. It seems to come from no particular direction and fills a room she is in. This is used whenever she is delivering messages so that mortals are too awestruck to interrupt her message. When using this ability, faint sparkles of light will drift through the air and she will emit a glow from her wings and halo.


Name: "Chubbi"
Gender/pronouns: He/they/it
Species: Cherubim
Occupation: Baby guardian
Ability Overview:
  • Holy Holy Holy: Even as a fledgling guardian, Chubbi's power is still potent enough to cause harm. He can charge up holy energy that is released in a small blast around himself. This is Yophie's only source of defense, and she will often toss the critter at danger to 'neutralize' them with a blast of holy light. Evil creatures are especially weak to this.
  • Limited flight: Like a chicken, Chubbi's little wings are not very useful for flight yet. Still, he can flutter between things and glide down from heights. Makes him easier to toss.
  • Glowing: When excited Chubbi will emit a large amount of light, making him an effective torch in dark areas.
  • Divine protection: Chubbi's celesial origins means he does not seem to get easily hurt by anything mortal, which is why Yophie tosses him at the enemy without worry for his safety. The little creature actually seems to greatly enjoy being flung into the air, as he gets to 'fly' for short periods of time.
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Neil_Front.pngName: Neil Blues
Gender & Pronouns:
Male, He/Him
Age: 24
Species: Magicborn Human
Height: 6ft
Occupation: Magi-tech Engineer
Homeland: An alternate Earth where magic and mythical creatures are common.
Personal Items:
  • A pair of magi-tech gauntlets. Neil can channel his internal magic to achieve minor magical effects (think DnD's Prestidigitation spell).
  • Tinted glasses. They can be used to identify targets or see in the dark.
  • Purse filled with tools and miscellaneous items. Seems larger on the inside...
  • Traveling cloak. Surprisingly resilient.
Voice: A calm voice blending monotone and sass. Has a subtle Canadian accent.
  • As a magicborn, Neil possesses an innate magic sense, allowing him to sense and identify close-by magical effects.
  • He possesses quite a large amount of magical energy himself but has difficulty using it without using his gauntlets as channels.
  • Can potentially craft useful or even magical items depending on what is found.

Mika_Front.pngName: Mika Abyass
Gender & Pronouns:
Female, She/Her
Age: 22
Species: Demon/Vampire hybrid
Height: 4’10ft
Occupation: Occult Student
Homeland: Netherworld, the homeland of beings like demons and similar creatures.
Personal Items:
  • Parchment sheets
  • Pen
  • Chalk and similar ritual components
  • Spare blood bags.
Voice: Somewhat high-pitched and energetic.
  • Mika possesses a weak hypnotic gaze (only powerful enough to pacify victims).
  • Wounds slowly close themselves over time thanks to Mika's vampiric healing factor.
  • Has the knowledge of demonic magic but usually despises doing any magic.
  • As a hybrid between a demon and a vampire, she gets greatly weakened when in contact with anything holy.
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  • Aurelius
    the kitsune
    • i
      full name
      Aurelius Gairil
      Male | He/Him
    coded by natasha.

Name : Flame
Height : 5’ 6”

- Gender & Pronouns -

Mildly flamboyant queer male | he/him

- Age -

Mental : 26 | Physical : Around mid thirties

- Species -

A highly magical winged race of human appearing people whose skin is akin to glass.

- Occupation -

Flame typically worked as a singer or entertainer at bars with his two friends/bandmates, but was also previously signed on as a performer at a very well known theater in his world

- Homeland -

An isolated town populated only by porcilavians, the town is part of a magical fantasy world where many nonhuman/part human races exist along with various types and levels of magic

- Outfit -

A slightly torn and beat up crimson tailcoat worn over a black knitted turtleneck, both have been altered to accommodate his wings, accompanied by stretchy coal black jeans that are his favorite pants to wear, and a near black fedora.

- Personal Items -

• Walkman & Headphones
His hometown and the areas surrounding were severely stunted in their technological development due to the focus towards magic, friends from a farther along city gifted Flame this pair of items along with a box of both empty and recorded on tapes.

• Box of tapes
Also a gift, some of the tapes hold various songs from genres of not well known music artists from his homeworld. Some genres that would sound alike to the music being; swing, ragtime, hip-hop, soft acoustic, blues, jazz, folk, odd experimental indie music and other simalar genres. Quite a few of the tapes hold recordings of him and two others either practicing their songs, rambling/thinking aloud about lyrics/lyric ideas, or simply talking and having fun.

• Photos
Photo #1 is a worn, old looking, photo of him and his brothers. He appears close to being a teenager in the photo. often kept in a pocket close to his chest.

Photo #2 is a color photo of him, a wolffolk holding a banjo, and a small impish looking person with a trumpet playing together, often kept in the box of tapes.

Photo #3 is a scribbled on color photo of a younger him standing excited in front of a theater seen to be named “Ritzlock theater”, there also appears to have been someone with dragon traits standing very close to him with an arm over Flames shoulders possesively. The person is bloted out with the worst of the scribbles. This photo was discarded half-hazardously and forgotten in the backpack

• Feather comb
A metal comb shaped and designed solely for preening feathered wings

• Small Backpack
A brown backpack repaired with a few hot pink patches, it holds the other items above.

- Voice -

- Appearance -
Note: I did not make the background of the second


- Magic/Ability details -

Fire magic
He can create fire and manipulate every aspect of it. I.e. the temperature, size, color, and movement of flames. He can also feel the general location of a flame.

Shapeshifting magic
He is unaware of his ability for this magic type, but his body passively uses magic and shifts subtly to match how he views himself. This passive use of magic was a defense mechanism his body had, and was triggered through experiencing long periods of magic disuse, which can make the porcilavian experiencing it very ill.

Sensitive Hearing
He can pickup on more sounds/range of sounds than the average human due to his species. He can also pick apart a tune easily.

- Magic/Ability Drawbacks -

Using magic takes energy, and can lead to Flame passing out from exhaustion.
Loud sudden sounds are painful, distressing, and exhausting.
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name: Níþimion Holimion
common tongue name: Niph
gender: male presenting
pronouns: he/they
age: 170

species: hröa randir (roughly translates to spirit or soul wander in the common tongue)
*a once proud race that defended the land from demons, spirits, and other evils. Many millennia ago, hröa randir sacrificed themself to seal up the evil from the realm. However, as years went on, their deeds were forgotten and seen as myths. Soon the sect saw the hröa randir as threats to their religion, and with the support of the crown, they were hunted down in an attempt to eradicate them. As the genocide continued, maintenance of the barrier to evil was not able to continue as the people fled into hiding for their lives. As a result, the horrors broke free and wreaked havoc on the world. Without means to protect themself, the kingdoms turned to enslave the few hröa randir that remained. Hröa randir became a treasured member of every royal court that was to be used as a source of magic for the kingdom in the war.
occupation: royal wanderer
homeland: The Royal land of Ophea
outfit: the garments given to the appointed royal wander as seen in image

personal items:
*pouch of cleansed crystals
*a few different herbs(a pouch of medical herbs meant to numb and kill pain|a pouch of herbs used in cleansing rituals|a pouch of a herb mixture that harms evil creatures on touch|a pouch of herbs used in offerings to ancestors for certain rituals and meditations)
*cerimonal wand(a white branch that still buds and flowers despite not having any roots. A sacred item for the hröa randir that is used in rituals and meditation)

voice: a gentle tone that is similar to chimes that echo to one's ears(gentle, not deep sounding, might mistake it for a female's voice| generally is held in a laid back or chipper tone)
appearance: standing at the height of 6'1 and weighing 123 pounds is Niph. His pale skin is adorned with tendrils of scars that cover his arms that he hides with a long pair of gloves. His large and fluffy wings are each nearly the size of him when stretched out and are both the colour of the night, tinted with a dark blue. His wavy black hair is coloured a lightening blue at its tips, a natural colour for him. Niph also supports a pair of dark-colored eyes that is a blue that is closer to black.

ability overview:
*magic creature: the ability to see the magic that would be invisible to unskilled eyes, along with being able to sense magic and evil forces near by him.
* astral form: the ability to disconnect the soul from the body via meditation to roam the spirit world. This form makes communication and contact with spirits, souls, and the like possible. This form is treated the same as other ghosts and can be destroyed/harmed the same way as the likes. This form can go through structures that do not block spirits but can not interact with the physical world.
*spectral cage: the ability to trap evil creatures inside the user. These creatures are then bound to his body as if it were a prison. This corrupts his body, leaving tendrils of dark matter that injure his body along the entry point. Cleansed crystals can be used to cleanse this corruption to stave off the poison that it is, but it still leaves deep scars on the body. While having souls inside him, the corruption will slowly spread even if he does not intake a soul and must be cleansed the same way, or his body will begin to decline.
*ethrel force: using the souls trapped inside him, Niph can use their essence to form masses of dark energy that damages things in contact with it by eating away its essence. Prolonged exposure to its effects consumes the souls of the target, starting with the body, until there is nothing left. Extensive use of this will cause the souls inside Niph to corrode and fade into nothing, eventually leaving him without souls if not restocked.
*ethrel weapon: using the essence of souls inside him, Niph can form a sword made from the energy to use in battle. This sword is little different than a normal blade other than the fact that wounds created by it will corrode the flesh with necrosis.

  • FJAy43Z.png

    Name: Tricia Bourque

    Gender & Pronouns: Female, she/her. Straight.

    Age: Physical – 26. Chronological - 165

    Species: Elf

    Occupation: Musician

    Homeland: A modern alternate earth where humans and non-humans live in relative peace. She is from “sunny” Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    Outfit: Purple leather vest with lots of metal accents, black leather pants and thick soled black leather boots with purple flames.
    Personal Items: Electric guitar, several rings, her cell phone, wallet, credit card and ID

    Voice: Sultry alto, with a west coast Canadian accent. Imagine if Diana Krall did punk instead of jazz.

    Appearance: Tricia is 5’9”, which is short for an elf of her world, and slender, roughly 121 lbs. Her hair is platinum with streaks of purple dyed into it and styled in an orderly chaotic mess of spikes. Tattoos cover her from neck to toe, and she puts them proudly on display. Her eyes are green.

    Little Bit of History: Tricia naturally has magic, but no interest in learning about it, or pursuing a career in it, as many elves do. She was enrolled in school to learn how to control her magic, and dropped out after one and half years to study music and start a band, the Vicious McMuffins, an all girl, all elf punk metal band, which has met with moderate success.
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Name: Fledge Founder
Gender & Pronouns: Nonbinary, assigned female at birth, they/them
Age: 15
Species: Human
Occupation: Student
Homeland: Modern, magic-less San Francisco
Outfit: An Edwardian-ish styled outfit- black cycling breeches, a black shawl-lapel waistcoat, a white pin-tucked blouse, black knee-length boots, a black newsboy hat, and an emerald green face mask which ties in the back. Also wearing a pin with transgender flag which declares their pronouns.
Personal Items: A flashlight, a $20 bill (US currency), A tube of unscented lotion, A small pump bottle of hand sanitizer, a glass marble, and her cell phone, as well as a small bag of groceries- A head of garlic, some Honeycrisp apples, a bag of celery, and a bag of baby carrots.
Voice: Youthful, tries to sound androgynous but sometimes fails
Appearance: Tall, with a boxy build and medium skin with a rosy undertone. Black hair in an updo, a broad nose, hooded eyes, and a short face.
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Name: Truffle
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender Female, she/her
Age: Young Adult
Species: Domestic Pig
Occupation: Aristocrat
Homeland: Animal Farm
Outfit: A simple, blue dress and a pearl necklace
Personal Items: N/A
Voice: Contralto, with a posh English accent
Appearance: A typical specimen of the Berkshire breed, but with the pink-white stripe on her snout extending to above her eyes. May walk on two legs or four legs, depending on who's around.
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-Name: Lefu
-Gender & Pronouns: Male, He/him
-Age: 17
-Species: Human
-Occupation: Student, working a summer job for Death itself
-Homeland: otherwise normal modern world where every concept you can think of has a physical manifestation that might or might not want to interact with humans.
-Outfit: Slightly too large black robe with white details of various leaves falling and numerous signs of wear, a separate black hood with white details matching various leafless trees, a black winter cloak, durable black wellingtons that have been tested by time.
-Personal Items: A picture of his family, a black lantern with white details of various lush trees, a box of matches with five remaining, three white candles suited to fit the lantern
-Voice: Can only be described as comfortingly warm by all who hear it in person, but sounds monotone in all recordings. Side effect of working with Death.
-Appearance: Built like a noodle, slim, tall, pale skinned, long white hair. Brown eyes.
Name: Dana Landale
Gender & Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Age: 30
Species: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Palman Esper
Appearance: Image attached. Will have to click link to view it, have not been able to figure out why RPN insists on handling just this image in this manner despite using the Insert Image function.
View attachment Dana_Final.jpg
Image done by HiyaKare (you can find her on Twitter), commissioned by me
Outfit: In addition to what is displayed in the image, the belt has several pouches and a scabbard for the sword.
Occupation: Princess of Neilgo, warrior for Neilgo-FA Alliance military force
Homeland: The planet Neilgo

Personality: As she's not had the tough times and deadly challenges her parents had by the time they were her age, Dana remains a rather cheerful woman who tends to hope for the best from people that haven't given her reason to think otherwise. However, while she's not as bad as her mother, Dana does have a bit of a temper whenever anyone she cares about is threatened or slandered. Is excited to finally to be able to go out and do stuff on her own.

Dana was born to Sarah Christin-Landale and Siegfried Landale, members of the Neilgo royal family. The people of Neilgo are descendants of refugees from the Algo star system who were forced to flee before it was destroyed. Her mother however is not a native of Neilgo, she instead was born on a space station, the daughter of people from two different versions of the Ys universe. However, due to her medical issue that caused physical difficulties and inability to control her abilities, Dana's chances to travel away from Neilgo were few and far between when she was younger. Despite her difficulties however, it was a requirement of her parents that she learn how to fight, just in case Neilgo and its ally, an inter-dimensional military organization called the Freedom Army, ever again faced the kind of threat they did during the Ecnal War.

To that end a custom Assault Armor, essentially a small mecha, was built for her. Thanks to the Freedom Army's brainwave control technology, she was able to direct the machine with just her mind once she was inside of it and the various magitech devices built into it allowed her to safely use at least some of her powers. This meant that she could at times assist units of the combined Neilgo-FA Alliance military force in different missions, a task that she was happy to volunteer for as it enabled her to help her people despite her condition. Perhaps the most important battle she took part in was not even for the Alliance, at least not officially. She was one of the allies a small team of people had recruited for the fight against a telepathic entity called the Seeker, and she took part in the assault on the villian's main base, helping to clear the way for the team to reach the Seeker and destroy him.

Shortly after that battle a family friend who had been helping them look for a treatment for her condition, a doctor by the name of Eron Talyn, proposed an experimental solution. A crystalline substance in Sarah's body called Emelas was granting her improved health and physical abilities, including a longer lifespan. If they transplanted it to Dana, it was theorized that it might solve her physical issues and thus allow them to effectively treat the problems with her powers. He warned that he didn't know if it would work and that he didn't feel entirely comfortable with it because of that, but he knew at the same time that Sarah would eventually have the idea herself and insist on it being done anyway.

The procedure was thankfully a success and Dana was finally able to move around without the need of assistance and be able to use her abilities naturally. This meant a fresh round of training with her parents and other instructors was needed as she needed to relearn almost everything from scratch as fighting on foot was a vastly different experience then fighting from within an Assault Armor. Once the training was completed Dana decided that she wanted to have a bit of an adventure by traveling somewhere on her own like her parents still sometimes did. After searching for a while, she picked out a world that some would consider to be a fairly generic fantasy world. But that suited her just fine as she wasn't looking for anything unique or exciting, just someplace where she could get some practical experience with her abilities and skills.

Personal Items: As Dana was on a training trip on what some would call a generic fantasy world, she currently has gear that would largely would blend in with the natives instead of what she would normally be entitled to.
Laconian Sword: A powerful sword forged from a silver colored metal native to the Algo star system and later recreated on Neilgo. The weapon is is extremely sharp and durable and the unique properties of Laconia grant it a damage bonus against entities of an 'evil' or 'unholy' nature.

Laconian Shield: A durable shield capable of warding off most attacks. It is especially effective against ones from an 'evil' or 'unholy' source. The straps that would keep the shield bound to Dana's arm are part of a magitech mechanism, with a thought she can have the straps release and the shield will fly to her back where the straps will wrap around her shoulders. This allows her to easily swap between sword styles in battle as well as granting additional protection against attacks from behind when needed.

Laconian Chainshirt: A fairly lightweight piece of defensive equipment, but the Laconia used in its construction gives it a surprising amount of toughness. Easily worn under regular clothing. Like the shield it is extra effective against 'evil' and 'unholy' attacks.

Travel Boots: These boots appear to be regular leather boots, but between two layers of leather there is a thin mesh of the Freedom Army made metal Synth-Acrux that provides excellent protection against physical and heat based attacks. While a physical attack on par of advanced Gauss weaponry would be needed to damage the mesh, impacts from weaker attacks can still cause bruising and potentially break bones in the otherwise protected area. Due to its properties, traditional smiting methods can't be used to repair the mesh, only nano-tech or magical means can do the job.

Exploration Clothing: Rugged and simple clothes meant for regular exploration and travel. Had a mild enchantment to ensure they stay clean and in good repair, but otherwise functions like normal clothing.

Protection Circlet: A mandatory piece of equipment for members of the Neilgo royal family. This silver colored band provides protection against mind control, mind reading, poison, and disease.

Royal Bracers: This quartet of Laconian bracers are a product of Neilgo's magitech development. Normally as a member of the royal family Dana would be entitled to the best possible version of this technology, but as she's undergoing training to get used to her newly healed body and powers, she's using a weaker model to help prevent herself from being too reliant on it. These bracers grant Dana a 10% boost to physical and spiritual abilities. Additionally they allow her to reduce or increase gravity's hold upon her by 10% with a thought. Reducing her weight allows for greater speed as well as increased jump height and distance, plus it can be helpful when dealing with things like quicksand and marshes to avoid or reduce how much she sinks, finally wall running and other fancy acrobatics becomes more feasible. Increasing gravity's hold offers increased stability and allows her to better resist effects that would push her around as well as increasing the force behind her downward sword strikes. These particular ones are sized to be able to fit under Dana's clothing and have interior padding to aid in them being comfortably worn against the skin.

Communications unit : A two piece device, an earpiece and the remote that is used to control the settings. Can be used for conventional communications such as radio but is primarily meant for calling in Dana's shuttle for pickup and inter-dimensional communication between realities. However, it was designed to deal with abnormal dimensions that may have properties that interfere with ID communication.

Escapepipe: Magitech device from Neilgo that transports the user to a pre-determined safe location, even if it means teleporting between universes or even multiverses. Is designed for escaping even from places that might normally interfere with inter-dimensional travel, but can only transport Dana. Thus if there are people she's trying to protect, this does not solve the problem.

3x Trimate: Liquid medicine originating from Algo but still in use on Neilgo. Works akin to a powerful healing potion found in many realities.

Sword Skills
: Abilities that rely on Dana wielding a sword to function. Many of these rely on spiritual energy that Dana's body produces. Below are the ones she's currently able to handle but she knows others that she'll be able to use later on.
Crosscut: A simple sword skill where the user strikes twice in rapid succession, cutting a 'plus' or 'cross' shape into the targets body if performed correctly. Requires no special energy to perform as it is simple the result of training and being physically able to execute the attack. Requires Dana to be standing still to do correctly, essentially trading some evasion ability for increased damage.

Airslash: A swing her sword releases a blade of wind capable of cutting into a group of enemies a medium distance away. It is possible to imbue this attack with elemental energy to change its damage type, but Dana can not currently do this on her own. Any elemental enchantments placed upon her sword will have this effect however.

Ocean Slash: A defensive sword move that allows the user to utilize innate spiritual energy to split incoming energy attacks in half, keeping them safe from harm. The user has to be able to react quickly enough for the Ocean Slash to be of use, and dividing a sustained beam attack causes a constant drain on the user’s energy.

Spiritual Powers: Like the sword skills, these abilities rely on Dana's innate spiritual energy. However, she's not currently able to use any of them.

Magic: Dana can draw in mana from the environment around her for a variety of magical spells. She can currently only use a limited variety of her known spells safely.
Wind Dash: A basic movement spell from her mother's side of the family. Propels the user a short distance forward at incredible speed. While Sarah was forced to use an enchanted item to allow her to use the spell to go in any horizontal direction, Dana hopes to one day be able to do that on her own with enough experience.

Flaeli: Single target fire spell, power scales to Dana’s experience and power level.

Blinding Light Sphere: A spell taught to her by her mother, Sarah. It is a simple orb of light magic that explodes outwards away from Dana, possibly blinding enemies who were looking in its direction for a few moments.

Psionic Techniques: The mental energy produced by Dana's mind is sufficient to use a number of Techniques originally created by her Algolian ancestors and later improved by the people of Neilgo. Much like with her magic she can only handle a limited variety at this time.

Res series: Single target healing ability. Currently can use standard Res and the more powerful GiRes. NaRes and RaRes are beyond her at the moment.

Rep series: The Technique Rep is a newer one designed to repair androids and other mechanical lifeforms akin to what Res does for organics. Can currently only use the base version of the ability.

Wat series: Single target ice based attacks. Can cast Wat and GiWat.

Emergency Trump Card
Megid: This incredibly powerful Technique is something innate to her father's side of the family. It is an AoE attack that breaks down the molecular bonds in the target area, typically visually represent by red-orange explosions. Anger empowers the ability. While Dana is able to cast the Tech, it is incredibly risky as she currently lacks the control needed to keep it from harming allies in the area. Furthermore casting it in her current state will drain all of the mental energy she needs to cast Techniques until she rests and it will inflict incredible harm onto her body, enough to immediately remove her from battle until she receives either medical aid or enough rest to regain consciousness again. Eventually she will learn how to cast this normally, but for now it is for only the most desperate of situations. ((Not planning on using in this state, only currently included just in case something like this could be useful in a story scene))

Landale Bloodline: As protectors of a powerful seal originally created by the Great Light, Palmans already boasted improved physical abilities compared to humans. The Landale bloodline is even more powerful, both physically and in regards to psionic Techniques and magical abilities. This also grants Dana access to the incredibly powerful ability, Megid, however it is currently impossible for her to use without endangering herself and everyone else around her. In addition, this bloodline has been mixed with that of the Espers, granting access to their unique magics.

Fact Bloodline: The genetic heritage from Sarah holds unique and powerful magical abilities, however Dana isn't able to fully tap into these abilities at the moment as the Landale part of her heritage is overpowering this one. It is hoped with the recent treatment that things will balance themselves out and she'll be able to use more of these abilities as well.

Emelas Enhancements: As part of a hypothetical treatment for Dana's genetic disability when nothing else was working, this crystalline looking material that had been in her mother's body had been removed and placed within Dana instead. It was hoped that the properties of the substance that had granted Sarah improved physical abilities, health, and a longer lifespan would help Dana with her disability. The treatment was more successful than expected, completely suppressing her physical handicap and allowing for a treatment that would restore control of her powers. This has allowed her to finally start learning how to defend herself without relying on magitech in addition to making life in general a bit easier for her. She also benefits from a minor increase to physical abilities.

Spiritual Sense: Like her parents Dana is capable of sensing the spiritual auras of those around her. However, as she was reliant on magitech to fight until recently, she typically just used the sensors of her Assault Armor to detect nearby enemies and to gather information on them. As such this ability is largely untrained, making her almost as bad with it as her mother is.

Child of Infinity: Born of those who fought in the final battle with the Supreme Darkness, the core of this individual is formed of a myriad of cosmic essences. This grants them an unique ability to adapt to other realities, a quality that even supposedly omnipotent beings lack. The child adapts immediately to the laws of reality governing new environments skipping the often slow and dangerous transition altogether. This quality has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. As both of Dana's parents are Children of Infinity she has inherited this trait from them. ((What effects, if any, this has is up to GM discretion. Can provide examples from other RPs if needed))

Medical Knowledge: Dana had picked up an interest in the various tests and treatments that were being used to try to help with her condition and over time she ended up learning a number of first aid skills that can be helpful on a variety of humanoid species.

Knowledge about other universes: Dana is most familiar with the Ys and Phantasy Star universes due to her heritage, however she has studied up on several others that her family has interacted with to one degree or another or are especially of interest to the Alliance. While she had access to a large portion of the Alliance database that contained information on even more universes and multiple multiverses, she had no reason to read up on most of them and remains uninformed about them.
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Name: Nicholas B Nightingale
Gender & Pronouns: male he him
Species: Human?
Occupation: monster exterminator
Homeland: america
Personal Items: two swords and a crowbar plus a flashlight
Voice: sans undertale voice
Appearance: mask is red thoughdownload (1).jpeg
Backstory: will be revealed to any charachter who asks.
special notes: has a crush on blanche
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