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  1. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "It's a... project. Of sorts." He picked up his notebook and hugged it to his chest, avoiding Cady's eyes.
  4. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "Well it's nice to meet you, Cady." Joshua made his way back to his seat and closed his notebook, embarrassed by his work.
  5. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "Well it's nice to meet you, Cady." Joshua
  6. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    Joshua was surprised at the girl's offer. "Oh... actually, yeah, that'd be great!" He smiled at her nervously. "I'm Joshua, by the way."
  7. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    Joshua nodded. "I'm better at people, myself. I can't get the scale right with landscapes..."
  8. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "Ah." Joshua watched the girl paint for a moment, trying to figure out what she was making. However, after a few moments he gave up and just decided to ask. "So... what's that going to be?"
  9. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club [Inactive]

    Nova made her way through the day awkwardly. She didn't like school, it was too... serious for her tastes. The teachers didn't like to be interrupted, and interrupting was kind of her thing. At lunch, she sat in the corner of a hallway, talking and laughing to herself. After school she made...
  10. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club

    Okay, beginning now
  11. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "I hope he's okay..." Joshua looked at the girl, properly this time, and realized her breathing was uneven and she looked very nervous. "Er... are you okay? You look... scared. And you're stuttering..."
  12. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    "Oh..." Joshua looked down at his work, then back up at the girl. "You think we should go after him?" He glanced out the door, not sure if he wanted to follow the other boy. Then again, what had made him run out of the room? Joshua looked around nervously.
  13. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    Joshua looked up, surprised, when the other boy ran out of the room. When he did, he noticed the girl. "What was that all about?" He asked her.
  14. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club

    I mean, it doesn't matter that my internet's out cause I have my phone, but I'll probably be slow lol
  15. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club

    Well if no one else joins, I suppose we can start... tomorrow? My internet's out right now, though, so all I've got is my phone...
  16. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    Joshua watched as the boy got a new canvas and began painting. Not sure what to do, he walked over to one of the walls and looked at some of the paintings and drawings on it. He found his attention captured by one, a drawing of a woman with abnormally long arms, a hook at the end of one and a...
  17. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club

    That would be awesome, thank you :)
  18. itsapig

    The Mental Health Club

    Character Sheet <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/billie_piper_3-1024x768.jpg.96a28dbcb8c7be4a0c51f042427d1ff9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12280"...
  19. itsapig

    Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

    Joshua looked from the painting to the boy, confused by his choice of words. "Oh, that's..." Joshua contemplated for a moment what to say. "Interesting." He smiled at the boy, feeling just as awkward and nervous as the other boy looked. "Aren't you hot? I mean, you're wearing so many...
  20. itsapig

    Jjang, A Highschool Romance [Inactive]

    Saito Takumi 0200-0830 hours September 1st Takumi woke with a start from one of his frequent nightmares; finding himself entangled in sheets, he rolled around for a few minutes trying to get free. When he managed it, he glanced at his bedside clock. 02:00, it read. That made every...